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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Thursday, March 19 @ 10:35:00 AM
i am so damn pissed, yeah im pissed nearly everyday.

holidays are NOT for me. you know my mum put my baby-g watch inside a cup without knowing that there's water inside ? i mean COME ON. its not like as if you can get a watch for a few bucks. WTH lah. and my maid still laughed at it. you know once she asked if i could give her my baby-g watch. like WTH. seriously, you ask me for everything. and she asked me if i could give her my other handphone, which is my last time phone which i keep for emergency purposes. when i told my sister about it she also disagreed to it and why the hell would i give it to her. -.-
she TOOK my adidas bag when i told her i still want it. cos i was finding a bag to bring to the library when i cant find my adidas bag. so i asked her and she said that she brought it back home cos "fatin kan kata boleh bawak balik." hmm and WHEN DID I SAY THAT ?! and my mum was like "alah, tak pe lah." but i was thinking "it wasnt even my parents money, it was a gift from my siblings, and it was my FIRST adidas bag on my own." like WTH LAH.
i would rather go to school. like what my mum and maid always says.
"kalau fatin kat sekolah kan lagi bagus."
oh you want me to NOT BE IN THIS HOUSE?
and if i run away you will cry like shit.
you once wanted to call the police cos i came back at 6.
yeah and you not want me to be in this house.
yeah right.
get your words right.
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