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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Sunday, August 31 @ 9:00:00 AM
i'm posting this fast cus i scared my sis wake up. uhhh. later have tuition ! 11 - 1 .
i am currently online with no one to talk to.
okay, ytd me and huda had this long conversation AGAIN.
like th past two days one. she told me 4 SENTENCES that she regretted saying.
she went to me and said na'am, which is arab for yes.
and a few mins later she said, "No, i did not say na'am ! i can't believe. no i did not say that.!"
and we had this long long long conversation talking about nurulhannan. hahhs.
some new friend of ours.(:
ytd she was chatting with hannan on her psp while on th phone with me while eating chicken chop.
ooooo. tmr dh start puasa. ishhh.
ahhhh. my sister bought th iPhone 3G. then thing like so damn heavy uh.
and th screen was super BIG luhhs.
anyway, her old cybershot got lost at Australia. so she bought an iPhone 3G.
th thing is so BIG and HEAVY for a phone.
oh nevermind, i got to go.

bye byes . /

3 More Days, Huda. 3 More Days.
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Saturday, August 30 @ 3:28:00 PM
I'm in a great rush .
my sister say today no tuition. '
then my mum came and tell me that my sister heard wrongly and there is tuition today,
and my tuition is only at 4 - 4.30.
my sister keep on telling me that i have some hearing probs cus i can't hear properly or sometimes she said that i'm deaf.
and now she didn't hear properly . and she says i'm deaf.
hah. take that .
oh oh oh.
this is going to be a short post.
what's th use of going to tuition for 30 mins. ?
owh. nevermind.
gotta run.

byes ./

It's Called Revenge.
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Friday, August 29 @ 4:16:00 PM
bored bored bored.
just now had class party .!
and we only celebrated for ard 15 mins like that ?
then just now concert me and irna sat in front. as in at th projector there in front.
i didn't understand Mr. Zad and a girl's performance.
what are they trying to say ?
and it WAS his own voice.
th performances okay luhh; not bad.
but then th first performance, th dance thing Evolution or Revolution,
irna said that th girls are supposed to mcm step uh. tapi they smile spoil uhh.
irna's brother choreographed it.
just now i rang irna and she said she was spring cleaning.
who springcleans so fast ? not even puasa
what th.
at th playground i heard someone say, "Eyh, quick sabo her."
but not me luh. some girl playing down there.
just now boring uh. go back home at 9.30AM.
reach home 9.50AM.
reach so early.
and i fell asleep at 12PM,.
th only thing i could do just now is keep myself in th room.
i only go out if i need to go toilet or find for food or what.
so now, i'm here.
blogging cus my sister is not home.
just now farhan and ridzuan must dress up for their class.
ridzuan is an angel
and farhan is th devil.
and wow. they're friends.
and ridzuan carried a WAND.
and i suggested to elena that he should carry a harp instead.
i should go.

byes. /

Your Accusations Are Just Excuses.

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Wednesday, August 27 @ 1:32:00 PM

I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT. oh my gosh, luckily my mother never say anything . (:
okay. here are my results .

ENGLISH : 73.5/95
MATHS : 61/100
SCIENCE : 78/100
MALAY: 85/100
HIGHER MALAY : 67.5/100

english haven't get full one yet. i hate th higher malay also.
compo get 27 and a half eh/ . !
what kind of marker is this .!
just now cikgu liana announce th marks then she say my compo and she was like "What happened, sayang ?" and i was like lost for a while. everyone thought i cried seyh.
hah, ily, i not gembeng, okay. paiseh. everyone was looking at me and i was like "Huh ?" i didn't say that out loud of course. (:
but i REALLY pity IRNA .!
she get ehmm./ i don't think i could tell but she got lower than me. even though her compo is one mark higher than mine.
yesterday miss chin say i very fierce. hah.
for english paper i added 2 marks !
and higher malay i added 3 marks !
science add one and a half marks !
malay i add 2 marks.!
i only never add for maths.
wasted uh. never add marks for maths.
ohmygosh. th smoke smell is killing me.
ohmygosh. ayam masak merah my maid cook is DELICIOUS !
i bought a compass in th rain.
i went to th shop in th rain for a compass .
and now its not raining. effff. !
okay, now i'm listening to th Fall song.
Fall - Ina.
i should go.
typed too much.

bye byes. /

Fall Out Of My Hands.
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Monday, August 25 @ 1:54:00 PM
its th 33rd post.
only. hah.
my parents came back from batam and bought this bigbigbig pack of instant noodles.
aiyohhhhhhh. its so ADDICTING ♥.
just now higher malay paper was like, so damn EASY; !
seriously , it was. just now i was finding for ily's friendster. nama dia, fuyoh. JAUH .!
tk relevant seyh. tadi, ily tengok ridzuan mcm tk de orang nampak. ishhhhhh.
sorry for th malay language used. can't translate it to english. teehee .(:
just now get malay paper back. i got 79/90 .! (:
i wanted to post pics that i took wit my ELMO.
but i never upload th pics into th com. owh my. what a rip off.
i need to go.
meeting my cousins in HALF AN HOUR.

byes . /

Remember That When Its Your Birthday, You Are One Step Nearer To Your Kubur As You Are One Year Older. Remember That .

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Sunday, August 24 @ 8:00:00 AM
yay. i have a new rubik's cube. ! (:
i just bought it just now. hah. and its surprisingly smoother than th original one that i have.
sorry for not updating .! i'm doig this in th morning cos' if my sister and brother knows i'm on th com, they'll be like "aren't you supposed to study for PSLE ?".
and in my heart, i'll be saying "i need a life to go on." owh geez. enough about them. later MAYBE i'm going swimming . hah . hope so.
oh man. i'm stuck at my rubik's cube. no no no, not in it.
have th middle part. actually i have th formula.(comes together)
but i don't undersand what they're saying. its all chinese
well. i'll try.
this is maybe a short post.
i should go now.


promise me you'll never forget this.
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Wednesday, August 20 @ 1:27:00 PM
hellos. i'm in a super happy mood today. i found my Elmo plush toy .!
my mum bought it for me. haha. now i'm looking for cookie monster since i saw it in a shop that time.
and i have an elmo shirt .! (: my sister bought a new one in march and she had an old one so she gave me th old one.
actually have one sesame street shirt. owh my. i feel like going to Berjaya Times Square again. then can go to th Sesame Street shop to buy some more t-shirts. so wasted.
gah. i fell in love with sesame street.
okay, my mum just gave me a Big Bird plush ?
weird. nevermind. just accept it.
la la la la. la la la la. elmo's world.!
okay i'm turning crazy.
oh man, this post is becoming a Sesame Street post. hah.
just now english paper so easy uh.
th spelling/grammar error just now have one spelling 'tengiible' and i anyhow put 'tangible' and miss chin says its correct.
thats all for today i think.
i have nothing else.

byes ./

i want that Cookie Monster .!
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Tuesday, August 19 @ 2:52:00 PM
ishhh. just now maths prelim not so easy .!
but i am so looking forward to english; not that i like it but; well, that's th EASIEST PAPER. well, second to malay. (:
yesterday i studied for 3h 45mins. don't ask me why but th time just flew by. and for th next one hour or so me and irna talked over th phone about a prank. she pulled a prank on Mustansir and he was like, "ho,ho,ho. good one irna. ho ho ho." in his normal low voice. nk step cool jek. (:
english is like, a so no need to study subject, its common sense. (:
okay, i was speechless for a few minutes.
aiyohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. can someone like please get out of their study zone and concentrate on th computer for just a second. i mean come on, no one's online.
okay i'm feeling weird now. cos i just forced myself to tie my hair and i managed to.(: but nope, i'm not going to tie my hair to school.
okay, i should stop HERE.
so, byes.

byes. /

Something That No One Knows.
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Sunday, August 17 @ 9:13:00 AM
ishhhhhhh. tuesday have Maths Prelim .!
and i have tuition later (:
I don't know why i'm online and blogging so early in th morning.
eeeeee. no one online.
owh, i feel like going to th shop but i don't know what i want to buy.
shit i'm weird. (:
yeah .! my maid is making Lepat Banjar .
yay. there's something for me to eat.
FYI, lepat banjar is like nasi lemak (harder) wrapped in a banana leaf and is eaten with Abon or however you spell it. (:
th reason why i explain is because LOTS of people don't know that is. cos they have never heard of Banjar before. and i can't explain what Banjar is. too long and maybe you don't understand.
wth, i'm drinking Chocolate Milk ? ishhhhhhhh. class blog is dying. owh my.
i should end here.

byes. /

You Don't Want To Know.

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Friday, August 15 @ 11:42:00 AM
hello .!(:
just now had PSLE English oral. quite easy .
Audi said maybe she wants to come over to my house. but she's not sure.
should ask Huda to follow her.(:
just now i reached home at 11.00AM
Mr Razali release us at 10.30AM. supposed to be 9.15AM eyh.
yesterday me, Elena and Ridzuan chat together on Mission XXX. hah.
supposed to happen on Graduation Night 2008. TOP SECRET, bby .!(:
me and elena thought of th mission and told ridzuan after that. and he agreed. yay !
i should go.(:

byes. /

Kenangan Indah.
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Thursday, August 14 @ 4:20:00 PM
it has been ages since i posted.(:
i just came back from th Health Promotion Board.
at least this consultant UNDERSTOOD what my parents said; not like th nonsensical one last year.(:
my appointment was actually at 3.45PM but since we got there earlier; owh wells.
Just now had oral. aiyohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. th male teacher so scary seyh. he keeps on rolling his eyes when we are talking.):
i am so looking forward to tmr. (: at least i'm someone who is.
just now me and Huda talk about Ridzuan and ehemm.while waiting for our turn for oral.
owh man. 4.30PM. later have tuition at 6. and i'm leaving in an hour. ^_^
i should go. byes.

adios. /

Stop Complaining .
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Monday, August 11 @ 3:01:00 PM
i seriously need this post to be short and sweet.(:
my sis and bro are at home and i don't want them to know that i'm blogging.
owh my, its only 3:02PM.
i am like so not looking forward to school tmr. can't they like have another holiday or something. ?
owh my gosh; th silence is so DEAFENING.
only th click-clacking of th keyboard and my hiccups are all i hear.(:
i just realised that i'm th only my brother, sister, niece and me are th only ones awake.
th others are all in their own rooms sleeping.
i can't stand afternoon naps. they'll leave me fully awake at night.
And i hate that.
okay, th toilet doors just broke th silence. and i'm happy about it.(:
i should end here.(:


be abnormal.
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Sunday, August 10 @ 11:12:00 AM
Home Alone Day 3.
sian eyh. i'm watching th Beijing Olympics; Swimming.
i have nothing to watch so, owh wells. just watch uh.
later have Cider .(: since i missed it on Friday evening.
yesterday i spent th whole day at home.(:
and i never watch Calefare and First Class.
i have nothing to say; so might as well not waste my energy typing.
so, all i have to say is byes.! (:

adios. /

i would love to keep my sentences short and sweet; FULLSTOP.

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Saturday, August 9 @ 9:17:00 AM
hellos. oo. should post for volleyball match. we won. 17-15.
i'm watching th opening ceremony encore for th beijing olympics.(:
i tried buying th Ribena Sparkling just now. okay, not bad. 90 cents. offer uh.

home alone. since yesterday only me and my maid at home. until tomorrow afternoon. should talk about yesterday.

i reached home from school. sian. watch tv.

my family except for me get ready to go malacca for some cousin reunion thingy. aiyohhhhhh. i'm to lazy and busy to go.

they went off. i got ready to go to tanjong katong and bedok buy slipper. then i went off.

reach tanjong katong go th slipper shop. very nice eyh th slipper. but $16.90. so i went ti bedok instead.

reach bedok then go to th slipper shop again. then saw th same slipper but NICER .! (: then bought it at $10.90.(: then went back home.

reach home. then wanted to on th aircon in my room. then cannot on. ):

managed to fall asleep with th fan. (:

home alone day 1 is deliciously boring. i just went to th shop so i doubt i am going out.
huda told me to follow her go NDP. but i lazy to go out so, owh well.
i have nothing to say so allow me to end here, like now.

adios. / byes.(:

home so not alone.
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Wednesday, August 6 @ 3:19:00 PM
hey you. yeahhh you. yeah. can't wait till PE tmr. have VOLLEYBALL MATCH.
i love my team lehh. they play so darn well.

when huda plays, like so FUN. later she hit so hard then spike. then there was once th ball almost got stuck at th wall above th control room. then she was like "owh my gosh very scary lehh if th ball go up there."
taufiq's team like so CHEAT. they hit, spike then went out of my court. actually my team haven't even touch. then th point for them. owh, cheaterbugs.
winners. NOT. then they always spike kt bawah net seyh. like so bad aiming uhh.
but so unfair. we vs boys. th others girl vs girl. boys vs boys. aiyohh. like so whatthhell.
yeahhhh. can't wait.
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Tuesday, August 5 @ 4:06:00 PM
aiyohhhh. i was SLAPPED. no not by my parents. by KHAIRUL.
very irritating leyhh.
he slapped me thrice in th waiting room, and i slapped him outside th AVA room.
and he was like DIE DIE DIE. then he saw me at th telephone and i kicked his shin. then he kicked mine AGAIN
then i going to shop, then he go saw me sempat patah balik and try to slap me but barely reach th cheek. aiyohhhh. girls ARE stronger than boys.
then just now in th waiting room me irna and azizah were th only ones. then we were like "Jangan Pandang belakang ! " then one of us turn and make this funny face.
then it was azizah's turn. then only me and irna left. so fun. i wasn't even scared nor nervous. i was confident. x3 then me and irna were like talking about what crap. then i go out. then miss lim go and off th fan and lights.
then irna kt dalam alone in th darkness. / so scary. then we were like at th holding room telling each other how EASY it was. then th holding room was like so NOISY.
btw, th oral was GREAT. so easy. th two teachers very easy to talk lehh. no, actually it was because of my confidence. like so nice to talk
owh my.

should end here.
adios. /

you better not miss me; ♥
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Monday, August 4 @ 5:23:00 PM
aiyohhh. i am currently ranting at ben. for some reason.
okay; ben is so damn not honest. th conversation was like so damn long-ishhh.
and he suddenly went up and typed to me this:

Poise ♥ says:
yeah right
·'m¥ ñåmê 立' «·$#E81761ßêñ lïm»†™ says:
it's ture!
·'m¥ ñåmê 立' «·$#E81761ßêñ lïm»†™ says:
Poise ♥ says:
yeah right
·'m¥ ñåmê 立' «·$#E81761ßêñ lïm»†™ says:
chuby face
·'m¥ ñåmê 立' «·$#E81761ßêñ lïm»†™ says:
chubby face
·'m¥ ñåmê 立' «·$#E81761ßêñ lïm»†™ says:
chuby face
·'m¥ ñåmê 立' «·$#E81761ßêñ lïm»†™ says:
chubby face
Poise ♥ says:
what with th chubby face
·'m¥ ñåmê 立' «·$#E81761ßêñ lïm»†™ says:
ur pic
·'m¥ ñåmê 立' «·$#E81761ßêñ lïm»†™ says:
·'m¥ ñåmê 立' «·$#E81761ßêñ lïm»†™ says:
chuby face
·'m¥ ñåmê 立' «·$#E81761ßêñ lïm»†™ says:
big big eyes!!!!

like what an evil person.
aiyohhh. no mood to blog.
so bye person PEOPLE !
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Friday, August 1 @ 2:47:00 PM
like ishhhhh. tk leh tahan. somebody just betrayed me. not just me, but some others too, owhkay. owh my she's too much.

eewwwwwwwwwww. i can't stand it anymore. she is like too much luhr
i allow her to do what i do. but i can't do what she does.
little did i know that she was like that.
okay. only i realise that she betrayed 5 people. and she doesn't know that she betrayed us.
too much lohr.
and whoever she know that likes me, she will like that person too. as in a boyfriend stealer.
and th person who think its them, don't jump th gun. only two people know who that person is.
only Audi and Ben.
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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.