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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Friday, October 31 @ 8:02:00 AM
I was supposed to be in school,

hees, i was supposed to be in school, but then i have a twisted knee, thanks to th staircase at th Images of Singapore. ohh, ytd was so damn FUNFUNFUN,
at first we go hall. then we go to th bus at ard, 8.30AM? but then th bus left at 8.50AM. then our bus overtook 5 buses. then we were like, why never overtake honesty? then after a few minutes we overtake honesty!
ronnie was talking on his phone to someone from honesty. he was like "we overtake lah. humility win lah." ((:
then go fort siloso. got nothing, except th statues freak me out, esp, th indian soldier at th discussion room at th surrender chambers.
then we take bus go images of singapore. then git short break. then irna was like, eh snake. so she go take pics w th snake. then we get tickets. i told azizah, "eh. scary you know! alot of statues eh." then azizah was walking so close to me. when we entered, we were like, "right, this is it?" then have th four winds show. OMG, so cool.
then we go to th forest beggining of th wax statues. then azizah was like scared then she ran to th next side. then have th statues. some were scared so they ran. woots, they did th wrong thing.
infront, have th forest w th snakes and tiger's tail and monkey's tail. so we were like, right. some people still RAN while well, some still walk uhhs. they were screaming like as if they see ghost or what. then that stupid khairul keep on scaring people.
then me and huda were like, stop screaming uhhs, its a public place you know. i should skip th culture parts. too long. then we go to th Game Of Yester day. then have five stones. YIPEE. long time never play. mustanisir was like step tahu main jek.
then me and taufiq and irna was like, giving demos to him and he was like okay, but he took 2 stones in his hand. -.-'' then we were like take one stone then throw then take another one then catch. then he throw like so darn high.
then some of us were remembering how to do step five and all. and i managed to do it ! okay, so we were bored. then go shop. then we go out, ohhs. this is th fun part. we were like, "miss chin cn take sky tower ?" then she say okay lah cn. "then i told miss chin i wanna go up but then not enough money." then she lend me $10.
i go with jovina, ronnie, irna, azizah, taufiq and jingying. ((: then we went inside we kept joking ard. then th captain of th ship say that if you want this thing to go up, must give her something. then okay fine nvm. so we just went up. at first my hand and body was like shaking like what. then reach up, ehh so low. from th bottom was like so high uhhs.
then we go down some students were surprised that there are tkps students in it. so they took also. oh yeah, we took a picture before. but then pay $15. so ronnie took a pic of it and bluetoothed it to us. then go back.

woots, bubbyes.

OMG. That Was Fun Fun Fun..
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Tuesday, October 28 @ 5:59:00 PM
i dont really care bout th length of this post. sorry. cos im in a mad rush. my sister is like maybe back home soon so sorry for mistakes. hees, just now had captain's ball practice. -.-" and i FELL. yipee. teehees.
in total, my team played 5 matches and won neither of them. hees, actually cn win uhha but IRFAN go and throw outside th ring. and he did it 3 times. my group was like tired uhhs play w harmony cos i ran like WTF.
okay, my team had a damn long meeting. we were like kicking team members out. not kick them out on purpose but we had to cos must have more girls than guys, -.-"
WHOOPS, gtg.


Sorry For The Short Post.
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Sunday, October 26 @ 9:05:00 AM
ohh, bored.

hees, i am chatting w taufiq. i don't know why but i just ended up chatting w him. i mean come on, he was th one who started th conversation. (:
i was supposed to go out w my mum, go my cousin's house ytd but then my bro came and my father went to th mosque so, oh well. today need to take nasi briyani. aiyohh, i am so darn afraid to eat it cos that time, i eat nasi briyani and everything came out. (that is if you remember th post bout me being sick.)
ohh, its okay. still have mee soto. ((: yipee. aiyohh. this one cannot eat that one cannot eat. might as well dont eat anything right ? huhs, i need th shop ehh actually. but oh wells, lazy uh.
ohh, i've got th book Dear Yayah 4. yay. i borrowed from th library. ishh, my niece dh bangun.
woots, i think i gotta go.

teehees; bubbyes.

I Need The Toilet, And At This Point Of Time, I Am Serious.
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Friday, October 24 @ 2:02:00 PM
55th post, only ((:

hees, sorry for not blogging. just now went to science centre. ughh.okay luhhs. irna was quite curious, i was like normal and azizah was afraid of, well, i don't know what she was afraid of but she was scared, that's all i know.
at school, on th way to th hall, miss chin asked me, "did you see something fly by?" then me and irna was like, "no." then i whispered to irna, "ada pokok pisang kt belakang sekolah. kt garden baru." teehees. EVIL.
in th bus, i sat at th back. yipee. i sat at th right side. th last one. beside me is irna, then azizah, then nicholas, then khairul. okay, blabla. reach there, my class split up. walk by ourselves. we have like, 45 mins to walk ard ? cos we have to meet at mac at 10AM.
then go mac. we RAN. we is me, audi, irna, azizah and nurin.go mac miss chin say queue up, queue up. then in th end, since my class pre-ordered, they got a whole box of food that we ordered. i asked miss chin if only my class did it. YEP. kudos to miss chin.
just now miss chin put her phone and wallet and receipt into my bag. then we went to th omni-theatre. ohh, it gave me a headache. teehees.
th show was about th grand canyon. then have th whitewater rafting thing. wth,, th part where we were in th raft was like so headache-ish.
then aft that go back school. boring !
so now i'm here blogging. hees.

ohh, bubbyes.

Mirror Mirror.
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Tuesday, October 21 @ 8:18:00 AM
I'm waiting for huda to go online. ((:

ohh, i could fit into my sister's last year's prom dress! cool, now i have alot of choices.((: great news uhhs. but oh wells. everything i buy is either black or white. i think my colour this year is black AND white.
hees, now my maid is weird. she told me to go to this fashion to buy clothes if i want. i was like, ummm. fine. i reserve $138 from my hari raya money! whatever th amount is for hari raya, i am so going to bank in $400 only. unless it reaches $600 then see how. now th amount is $538.
hees, i'm watching drumline. ohh, nice show. wth, th instructor so garang like DUH. OMG,. th guy just outsmarted th instructor and th other instructor was like, "instead of making shaun look bad, you're making yourself look like a jackass." wth..
hees, enough bout that.
i'm bored. update later.


Talkin Bout "Girl, I Love You, You're Th One"
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Monday, October 20 @ 5:33:00 PM
i went to this fashion twice in a day.

hees, huda went back at ard 4. i waited for her at th mrt station. i went out of th house at ard 12.10PM. then i walked to th mrt station. reach at ard, 12.18PM ? then i wait wait wait. then huda havent come. so i bought milo w pearl at sweetalk.
then i went to this fashion first. since huda havent come i take a look ard. then i keep on walking in and out. then i see, eh, 854 and 25 come. then i see. i thought huda not there so i just stood there. then suddenly i saw huda.
okay, fine. then we went there. we spent like, half an hour in there ? then my maid called and asked me where i am then i say on my way back home, i mean come on we were. then huda went to buy her milo and i bought old cheng kee.
reach home. then we on th com, huda play w my niece for awhile. huda tried to carry her. and she said my niece was heavy. like DUH she is. so we on th com and did some research on japan.
so we translate english to japanese and all those kind of stuff. and i fell in love with one of th phrases. í'm not going to show it in class, like DUH.
then we went to th playground. okay, skip that part. went to th fitness thingy at th shop there. so we were like, dont waste time go this fashion again. so we went back home and i carried huda's bag for her.
we went to th shop. she bought ice peach tea and i bought ice apple tea. come on $1 only. how could we resist?
so huda fell in love with a fitness thingy that was under a block. so we went this fashion aft that.
at this fashion a woman said that she saw us at ard lunch time just now. so we were like thinking,"kata org pandai tau. dia pun gi this fashion lagi pe." okay forget bout that.
i bought two more dresses. actually at first i bought a t-shirt and an overcoat and a $1 necklace. so i go again and then i bought a pink mini dress and a white mini dress and another $1 necklace. uhh, so many choices for grad night.
then i headed home first. so here i am blogging.
hees, ohh.
i think i'll go now.


onna ni futamata o kakemasu.
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@ 8:47:00 AM
My hand sakit gila.

hees, my hand so pain. my whatever nerve or vein or whatever hit th chair then my whole hand red. heh, later huda coming. yay, going this fashion w her.
i hope my sister that huda has never seen before is going to work. cos she just said that she is going to work later ytd. hees.
huh, i'm bored like what. uhhh. ytd i can't talk to huda on th phone. cn luhhs but very short. hees, so today i talking to her bout yellow, another pissed off conversation.
oh my, this is a short post.


Why Can't You Stop ?
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Sunday, October 19 @ 8:48:00 AM
ohh, i can't stand her anymore.

oh come on, accuse ppl only. hees, today woke up a lil bit later. at 8.45AM. normally 7AM.
teehees, huda is coming over tmr, at last. since i can't go out, she come here. and we'll have a pissed off conversation at th playground.
uhh, oh come on. do you know how pissed off i am ? VERY.
if i could reveal th whole story to you, i would right now. but i odn't think anyone should know.
oh well, only huda, me, nisa and ben knows. its okay. yellow, oh yellow. kau betul-betul bodoh yellow.
whatever you tell nisa will always end up in my mind. cos whatever you say, nisa will tell me.
ohh. ytd me, huda and nisa were talking. as in nisa called my handphone while i was talking to huda on th home phone. so i repeat whatever nisa tells me. and huda will tell me what to say to nisa.
and normally, i would say to nisa, "eh, my mum tell me to put down th phone. bye." and i'll hang up nisa's and continue on huda's. then a few mins later, nisa will call again. and we did th same thing.
total, nisa called 3 times that i answered. if not i won't answer. like ard 5 times she rang ? th other 2 i never ans cos my sis was in front of me and i had to ask huda about th NE project loudly.
like, "so how's Japan coming along? have you done th paper cranes? so have you learnt japanese?" teehees.
like, wth. i always change th topic to school when my sis come in. if i talking to ben, i will slam th phone on th bed.
like DUH. come on, he's so blur in this kind of things. hees,
ohh, i think i should go.


That Small, Short, Fat Liar.
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Saturday, October 18 @ 3:21:00 PM
Huda badly want me to update my blog.

ohh, ytd went to bedok library. do th F.I.T.T project. teehees.
then we were like so darn bored so we went to parkway;s arcade AGAIN.
oh damn, th guys owe me and huda so much. cos they used up OUR powercards.
then dorang tk beli powercard. wth. should be th opposite. guys should belanja gurls, kay.
ytd ben BADLY wanted to squeeze my nose. and he keep on squeezing my cheek. wth.
then ytd they all like so sabo luhhs, made me and khairul go together. on th rollercoaster thingy.
he like want to hold my hand then i quickly crossed both my arms together.
ben go and say, "HAPPY HOUR!"
wth. ben was like so darn irritating luhhs ytd. and then we went to BK.
huda belanja. i used my own money. teehee. then after i got my cheeseburger, i went back home.
then i was like almost lost cos first time from parkway take bus home. takut hilang jek.
then i went back home. i finished my burger and then huda rang. WOOTS. just nice.
then we conference again ytd. then i told huda something and nisa was given a damn great lecture or speech from huda. teehee. nice for th ears, bby.
so, TODAY.
i woke up to get ready for madrasah.
okay, skip madrasah part.
then merepek uhhs, nisa kept on bugging me. so i told huda and ben to help me.
when i told huda, she was like "Tell me her number now."
i told ben and he straight away called nisa and she just said a sentence and hung up.
woah, my uncle called and he talked to me alot. th last time i talked to him like that was last year, at indonesia.
ohh, i gtg.
my sister;s friends come.


I've Got A Darn Idiotic Ex.
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Friday, October 17 @ 8:07:00 AM
I feel so disgusted.

eeeeee, i am like so disgusted. see if you believe this sentence.


she made my ex break up w me. oh great, she deserves him, after she KISSED HIM. not at th cheeks, at th lips.


well, its either you believe it or not.. a yes or no question.
only huda, ben and me knows th ans.
what th hell, like got nothing to write all that.
hah, i want to tell you all something but i seriously can't.
oh yeah, i wanna go out w huda later. but i dont know if i am or not.
hees, lets talk about ytd.
yesterday me, huda, irna, haziq and khairul go jln raya.
then last house was irna's house. then irna ajak me go parkway.
to go arcade. and i was like, weird in baju raya. teehee.
then we played th mad wave theatre. th roller coaster that one.
then at ard 5.50PM her mom called. tell us go watson.
then we went to watsons. then we see, eh where are they?then she called again. they say they at famous amos.
then we went to chamelon. then we went to diva. woots/
actually we wanna buy necklace. or rings. she asked her mum but her mum say not nice.
so darn it. we didnt get it.
then irna's grandmother called. say that they at th taxi stand.
then went back home.
khairul ajak me go parkway or tm. but then i wannago parkway.
i wanna buy that necklace. $13. its either that or i but th rings. $9
or we buy matching rings at chamelon. i dunno luhhs.
but i dunno if i could or not.
i hope i could.
well, gtg.


We Just Found Out Th Deepest, Darkest Secret That You Kept From Us.
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Wednesday, October 15 @ 2:48:00 PM
back to school, bby. ((:

just now in sch th girls and some guys did origami. since our class get japan, miss chin say must string together paper cranes. so we learnt from miss chin.
hees, quite fun to do it. and i went home and bought origami paper. $3.50. hees, actually have another one. then i see $6. siao uhhs. then i ask th auntie there, how much is this? "$6 lorh." wth. so ex like, what.
ooooh, can't type longlong, my bro at home.
so i think i need to go, even though he is watching ironman.


It Is A Short Post.
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Tuesday, October 14 @ 11:47:00 AM

that was so darn funny. her efforts to make me jealous made me laugh like crazy. okay, it seriously cured my cough and cold and fever. omg, that was serious laughing. that cracked me up.
ishhh, i wish i could tell you but i can't. its too secretive.
only two people know. well, i don't know if th other person knows or not luhhs, but i know it. it was sent yesterday.
okay, this is like so darn funny. i'll tell you a part of it.
lets say th guy is, ummmm, A.
th girl is B.
A asked B, "cn i kiss you?" its a joke, like DUH.
and B said, "okay uhh." its obvious she took it seriously. FYI, she's crazy bout him.
and th next part, i dont think i could tell you this. if i could tell you this, i told you like, in th previous paragraph. but i dont think i could tell you.
wow. great laugh. B, you did a great job in cracking me up. OMG. i still cant believe it.
so PERASAN, luhhs cn ? just because of th kissing joke, she asked that stupid question.
hahahhhahahahahah. if ben finds out, he's going to laugh like hell. he'll be like looking at A and laughing like sp darn crazy.


woots, i think i had enough.
i'll continue laughing. and stop typing.



Woah, You Cracked Me Up.
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@ 8:37:00 AM
i changed th blogskin ytd. hees; i love it.
eww, th bubur tk sedap, cos its not udang.
hah, now must blog in bright colours. last time must blog in dark colours.
ohh, i need th shop. you know how much i miss it? ytd i go shop w my maid and niece tk fun. i'm not alone.
i miss th shop so much luhhs, cn ? ee, this colour too bright, i cant see. sorry if i made any mistakes, thanks to th black blogskin background. its okay, at least its nice.
i added a song, Disturbia - Rihanna . hees; no other song to put. heh, at least this colour is nice. boring. bored.
okay, i hate having two days MC, especially when its after PSLE, where you could do useful stuff, etc. play stress w friends, watch movies, talk to miss chin. at home, my niece cant play stress. watch movies on th com tk best, on th tv there are no great movies.
and th most i could talk to miss chin is by sms. and that is NOT for free too. huda, thursday jln raya ? hohoho, exciting. first time jln raya w them. teehee. oh yeah, at least at home th com is free for use. at least i cn blog all th time, other than forgetting to.
hees. later i continue blogging. i feel like reading others one, not typing mine.
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Monday, October 13 @ 12:41:00 PM
Back. ((:

from doctor. teehees. i just ate my medicine. hees.
hmmph, i'm thinking of changing my blogskin.
i just watched a vid "A Message To All Haters".
hees, remember this, Elena ?
"If you don't think this is open to you, then you better open your eyes." OMG, that was like, FUNNY.
aiyohh, there's nothing for me to eat. after i recover from my sickness, i cn continue to eat oily stuff, milk.
ishhhh, i have nothing to write. i'm wasting energy by typing crap.
i should go.


onehundredandtwentyonethousand, andeight
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@ 8:22:00 AM
hees, i'm sick. i vomitted 3 times in a night.
and everything that comes out was guess what; NASI BRIYANI.
OMG, ewwwww. so later i'll go to th doctor.
ishhhh, can't continue watching SCARY MOVIE 4. and can't watch th HARI RAYA CONCERT.

heyy, my niece woke up.
hah, boring uhs. i thought of sms-ing ms chin, telling her that i'm sick. oh well, i shouldn't.
aiyohh, my niece wanna go to th shop.
bored, like hell.
i'll continue later, go shop.
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Sunday, October 12 @ 8:07:00 AM
hees, i'm using my sister's phone to blog. can't type too long, unless she wakes up and sees me.
hees, sorry yesterday never post. i was at my bro's house kt Punggol. i went out at 2+. then i went to my cousin's house. then go my bro's house from 5-11.
hah, i wake up so early. actually i've got a reason to wake up. so, i'll be waiting.
ishhh, my maid trying to force me to eat, can't she understand that there are 2 ulcers in my mouth that are getting bigger and bigger?
what, stupid ulcers. they make me lose my appetite. hees. and both is at a position where i hate th most, th lower lips and th gums. when i talk it hurts, when i smile it hurts, when i brush my teeth it hurts, when i spit out th colgate it hurts. might as well close my mouth forever.
I need to go, sis spotted me.


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Friday, October 10 @ 4:12:00 PM
It Was Movie Dayy.(:(:

miss chin bought SCARY MOVIE 4. i watched it like, three times. so this was th fourth.((:
just now alot of my classmates JAKUN. tk pernah tgk SCARY MOVIE. stakat gitu jek.
aiyohhh. tadi have HMT. hmmphs. but end up tgk KECOH-KECOH NAK RAYA. cos Mr Wong tk de kt sekolah so tk leh appeal untuk cancel HMT class. hah. waste time je.
ehhhhhh, merepek nye. tadi sekolah gi buat spot check. stakat first FREE day after PSLE, teachers nk spotcheck. apa seyh. lepas PSLE pun nk mcm gitu. SUDAH TERLEBIH TAU;
ishhh. we spent like, 2H at th school hall on a briefing for POST PSLE ACTIVITIES.
fun gilerr seyh activities.(: tapi ade yg tk suka.
HAH. elena saw a spider on her com wire.
and she sprayed BAYGON. and i was like, "you can't kill a spider with Baygon. well, you did. so did it die ?"
i am currently chatting w elena and she says she's freaking out. cos of THE SPIDER.
that darn spider.

okay seriously, i thought after PSLE is supposed to be fun. but well, quite BORING.
hees. on Monday, i am going JLN RAYA with friends.
Huda, Me, Nisa, Hannan, Hazirah.
and and on THURSDAY, a quarter of my class going out together.(:
EWWW. elena dropped her oreo on th ground; where th spider is supposedly is.
huh; i need th shop. i need POTATO CHIPS. do you know that i've been craving for them,
gee, i typed too much but ohh well. FUN IS FUN.
my niece just entered my call. as in i was talking to my cousin and suddenly my niece's voice came in.
she used my mum's room phone.(:
that SMART ALECK, if she really is one.
you know what ? ishould stop,
so CHOW.


Shit Contains Mineral Salts, According To The PSLE Science Paper.

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Thursday, October 9 @ 12:50:00 PM
PSLE's over people.

yep, dh habis! higher malay paper just now was so SUPER DUPER EASY but some of them is difficult.
oh yeah, thanks to me, i could use th com. cos i fixed it. HAHA. weird
tell my sister that and she'll be like, HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS KIND OF STUFF?
teehee. long time never type.
yepYEPyep. i'm looking forward to th NE project; th one about th countries and all.
but i look forward to going out with HUDA. go E!Hub with some other people.
he/she said that "you,you,you,you,you,you,you and you. stayback for awhile. because of improper attire. others you cn go."
after all of them left, that person said, "Do you realise how short your socks are!" and i was like, ummm?
and that person pointed to khairul. "you, i could see your ankle from th back!"
then huda. "you too, girl."
and i was like, huh? i looked at khairul's one and i was thinking, "where is his ankle that *th teacher* spotted?"
okay fine, th people are : haziq, khairul, hykel, huda, irna, me, azizah and russell.


there should be a rule for this kinda things.
a rule saying that this kind of behaviour for teachers are against th law.
ooh. gotta go. my mum ajak me go JALAN RAYA.
continue seyh.

byes. /

It's Called Freedom.

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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.