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my love
you want my heart
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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Thursday, November 27 @ 11:26:00 AM
hah, i went out ytd. ((: yipee.

i watched madagascar 2 and thn go swimming at tamp. haha. tmr going out again, today its another boring day. hmmphs. i WISH i could go out but i have no one to go out with. tsk. in th first place i can't even go out. WTF.
ohh man, i must make my choice by today. my brother ask me what i want. he suggested mp3, mp4 or psp or whatever. i want an mp3. hehs. i should get an mp3. but i want a handphone okay, but nvm. i think next year. cos my brother wanna buy new phone thn maybe i get his phone or a phone i dont know. whatever as long as i get a phone. ((:
AND ; i want a hoodie. omgg, i like th white one w different patterns. or whatever. nvm, next year i buy using my own money. haha, my monthly allowance next year is $100. ((: omg, so much money. sec sch a little bit diff to control. hah, food so ex. and i thought OUR PRIMARY SCHOOL FOOD was ex. hey, it was. sort of.
eeyo, i really have no idea which school i'll go to. tanjong katong or tanjong katong girls'. i HOPE tanjong katong sec. oh come on, i think i'm th only one going thr. hmmphs. i HOPE huda goes thr. HUDA i need you thr okay. no FRIENDS. if i go tanjong katong girls even worse. i dont even know who wants to go thr.
i'm currently eating mee soto w lots and lots of bawang goreng and cili padi. haha. i eat alot okay. but i use up my energy faster. haha. tht's what mr phil said. he said tht alot of ppl want my metabolism rate ? huhs, whatever.
i should continue eating. teehees.

bubbyes. ((:

Live The Free Life.
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Wednesday, November 26 @ 10:49:00 AM
Changed Blogskin. ((:

must start posting w dark colours ald. hmmphs. omg, i seriously LOVE th blogskin. bored. my sister and brother are at home. and i seriously NEED to go out cos staying at home is like, WTF much. BORING.
ytd i stayed up late to watch The Game Plan for the second time this week. i didnt watch th first and th ending so, theres a reason for me to watch it again. omg, this year i made th most cinema trips w th same ppl. and its either today or friday i'm going to watch Madagascar 2. i think friday.
its 10.53AM and omg, i feel bored to th core ald. -.-''. my niece is not awake, YAY, because if she is she will hog th com all day long. WTF much. do you know how irritating tht is. and i have 7 mosquito bites. and they feel like pimples but neh, they're not.
hohoho, 3 more weeks til my BIRTHDAY. yipee. at last i'm turning 12. omg, i think i'm th only one going to Tanjong Katong Sec from my class. i seriously hope huda is. cos if not, oh damn it, i'm going to be th only one to go there.
but if i get Tanjong Katong Girls even worse. i dont even know who will go there. okay luh, quite good but still. my sister in australia thinks tht Tanjong Katong Girls is like, so suckish. thn i said "if i go TKG thn she'll call me a sucker? omg." haha.
huhs, i'm bored.
should watch TV.


This Is Intriguing My Human Rights.
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Monday, November 24 @ 3:21:00 PM
omg, i am seriously very bored.

i feel like as if i am cooped up at home, ohyeahs, i am. omg, how boring is this. ppl go online and offline over and over again. wtf. i seriously wish i could go out with friends. but oh wells, huda is going to AUSTRALIA this thurs.
wtf, now i dont talk on th phone anymore. well, other thn family members, friends, a complete NO. i've been calling Spongebob. no. not th real spongebob or tht crappy marathon thing where you get prizes. haha, my cousin. he's always wearing yellow and he is a damn spongebob lover. and guess what, he's 15. HE'S 15 FOR GOODNESS SAKE. okay, going off topic.
omgg, ppl. tagg my blog okay.
i should go before you people fall asleep reading my blog.

bubbyes. ((:

Its Good Enough I Even Posted. Photobucket

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Sunday, November 23 @ 10:22:00 AM
hey, photocopy machine.

ohh, tht photocopier. i HATE tht person. tht person will look at what and how i type and tht person will follow what i type. either in MSN or whatever, tht person will mati-mati use tht phrase/way i type. huhs, photocopier.
and tht person will be using my own made-up phrase and use it during th conversation. how irritating is tht. and he/she claims tht she is special.why ? cos he/she doesnt follow anyone else. i wouldn't want to say th word out. WTF much.
if you think you're so great, just because your parents are high-paid and you're damn RICH, thn what happen to your PSLE results uh ? luck is not on your side ? what crap is tht.
this is so crappy. why am i ranting on tht person ?


No Mood.
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Saturday, November 22 @ 7:17:00 PM
bored to th core.

omg, holidays are such a bore if you have nothing to do. i'm reading baby blues while watching spongebob squarepants marathon. haha, i know its lame but come on, i was forced to. huhs, how boring cn it get. i sent th school posting thingy ald. these are th 6 choices.

1st choice - Tanjong Katong Sec
2nd Choice - Tanjong Katong Girls'
3rd Choice - Dunman Sec
4th choice - Temasek Sec
5th Choice - Ngee Ann Sec
6th Choice - Hai Sing Catholic

ytd i talked to ms chin on th phone, since i asked her in an sms, wht sch should i choose for 6th choice. thn she called and she said tht she also dont know wht school to put as 6th choice.
how boring is this. i seriously have nothing to talk about. hopefully i go out tmr. staying at home is such a bore.


Oh, What A Bitch.
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Thursday, November 20 @ 1:42:00 PM
i'm happy w my score but tk puas. )):

yes! i'm so happy, but i still tk puas hati. to me, its low. but thn to my family its GOOD. okay fine, its good but i still want a higher score. hmmphs, i'm not greedy or anything luhs but cos i need ONE MORE POINT to go into tanjong katong sec.
yay, 4 A's and a merit. woah, its great tht i cn get an A for maths, WTF. i told my mum "surely maths get B." hhas. huda's th HIGHEST in class. omg, i just need 4 points to get th same aggregate as her. and i also want to get 4 points so tht i cn beat my sister. my sister is 236 or 237. if 236 i same as her. if 237 one more point.
my sister was shocked cos she was expecting nt much frm me, hahas, cos she see me study also its so obvious nothing goes in my head. tsk.
i have nothing to say.


Tk Puas Hati.
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Tuesday, November 18 @ 9:36:00 AM
wah efff.

i badly wanna blog. heees. ytd i nvr blog cos i went out. first we went to eunos, go my niece's school, thn th school was closed. thn we ate at th hawker centre first and took an mrt to bedok and took a bus to chai chee, to see a doctor.
thn after we see a doctor, we took 222 to bedok. and went to th library. thn we go some hardware shop. aft tht, we went to cut hair. my niece wanted a princess shoe, i dont know what it is, so thy went to th shoe shop. and thn when cutting my hair, my niece tried to show me her shoe. like WTH.
thn i saw th shoe and its th same as mine. only mine's bronze but hers is pink and gold. hees.
thn we go supermarket, thn go out and buy durians. woah, i need th toilet badly.

see you soon.

I Miss You.
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Sunday, November 16 @ 3:57:00 PM
i miss you all.

well, let's blog abt today. well nothing happened but at least i blogged okay.
at ard 8.45AM like tht i woke up. thn i on com. thn i use com for awhile thn i off and go bathe. aft bathing, i gt ready and i go out of hse. i was SUPPOSEDLY going to th mrt to buy old chang kee thn go shop to buy th popiah wrap thingy.
i go out of hse and i waited for th bus. WTF, i was all alone. no, me and th driver. thn have ppl. nasib uhs. thn everyone dropped at th MRT station. thn i took a bus to bedok. HAHA. thn i reach thr i go accesory shop buy bracelet. hhas. thn go home. tsk. waste time uhs. thn i take MRT home and i was relieved tht i at kembangan ald.
thn go old chang kee and buy sardine'o and fish filet on stick. OMG, i just sneezed and coughed at th same time. thn on th way home i go to th shop and there's no popiah wrap thing. hhas. i dont know th name of it. thn i go back home.
boring. obviously. its th holidays. )): i hate holidays except th slacking and going out part. hhas. woots. boring. wells, i should go now.

bubbyes See you again soon.

I Hate Goodbyes.
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Saturday, November 15 @ 1:02:00 PM

ytd was graduation night. whoa, i didn't cry. cos of th parents at th side of th hall. SIBUK JE. no mood luhs, th parents DESTROYED th ambience okay. let me give you all th full story.

Graduation Night; 14.11.08
at 4.45PM, i stepped out of th house. thn met irna at bus stop thn go her hse. reach her hse thn her mum use makeup for us. right. thn, irna was retro like WTF. hhas. thn we walked to sch at 6.20PM. thn we register and sat. then we were looking at th food thn dinner began. thn we take nasi ayam. eeww, tk sedap.
thn we wanted to take drink thn no drink. thn mei ting ran down and bought mango tea. thn i cant tahan thn i asked meiting if i cn have a little. thn had table game. best singer. its like "Don't Forget The Lyrics" hhas. ((: then shahirah sang no one. woots. thn had mr and ms olympian. huda go and change to tennis clothes. thn she did th tennis thing and at th end they jumped. thn its th guys.
thn had ms da vinci. okay, skipskipskip. thn have TKPS got talent. MRT won. hhas. "those who believe tht th MRT is real, is like believing i gt 301 for my PSLE." thn 2nd table game. best dressed creatively. i was being dressed up. thn went down th stage. thn SOMEBODY said "ruins your image eh." if i known earlier, i dress her up uhs.
thn had singing. thn start cry uhs. hhas. only 2 ppl hug me. tiff ng and nadiah. owh, i miss all of you ald.


Take My Hand.
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Friday, November 14 @ 1:49:00 PM
eff luhhs.

eeyo, my mum and maid say i can't go irna's hse cos waste time and what other effing stuff, my maid extra go and say "eh, kalau nk gi rumah kwn, tkyah gi sekolah." then that time i was so pissed off luhs. who is she to say i cant go to MY LAST NIGHT W FRIENDS?
efff luhs. then i sat in front of th com and like, almost cried. my mum go and say what, maybe do not nice luhs what crap i dont know. hey, at least someone help me, not do myself. if i do myself mcm clown tau, then my maid say that if someone else do, maybe that person do like burung hantu or what. that is like insulting ehh.
she think she do so nice uhhs ? wtfff, she always like that eh. talk about org lain yg tk baik. dia sendiri baik luhhs. yeahRIGHT. crapcrapcrap. now i'm stuck in a prob. audi wanna ask me go her hse. but irna also want me go her hse. nice((:.
omg, i'm so pissed. tmr i give you all full story bout today, okay.


Its Gonna Be A Night To Remember.
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Wednesday, November 12 @ 1:55:00 PM

eeyo, my niece crying like WTF. its so irritating "wahk. wahk. wahk. i nak ikut mak. wahk wahk wahk." imagine hearing this everyday. eeeee. irritating. -.-'''
i will blog about ytd. okay, ytd went to th zoo. hees. then we had th LRD thingy. it was so idiotic. first prize is our school team 3. then th first prize go to another school. effff. its a lucky draw. they say a special prize will be given. what, a PSP ? hhas. kalau btol-btol dpt. dont know what to say. -.-'''
then reach sch ard 1.30 like that. then me and elena go change. then went to bugis to find elena's shoe. bought a $5 white watch at bugis street . found it at last. then we walkwalkwalk then found th little miss tee shop. i bought little miss scatterbrain and elena bought little miss chatterbox. then we met tiff ng with some other guys. she was wearing th little miss giggles. ((:
then th guys were like, "wah, all little miss little miss one." hhas. then they went to bugis street me and elena went to bugis junction. then we bought a chocolate mcflurry. its like, hotfudge sundae, only you buy a bigger one and add small choc chips in it. hhas. we ate at th fountain there. then we saw a girl running nervously at th side of th fountain. then me and elena looked at each other. th water wont even touch th girl.
then ard 4.30 like that i go mrt station and elena went to bugis street. then i go this fashion to see a necklace. then th necklace only $1. i wanted to buy but no time. i missed 42. its okay. tmr i buy. i wanted to buy a black trapeze dress too. $8 only eh. then my bag is like full ald.
hhas, so i reach home at ard 5.30PM. haiyo. only 2 plus.


I Don't Feel So Sure.
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Tuesday, November 11 @ 5:51:00 PM
i'm going to change my blog to private and change my tagbox.

hah, spammer. i know who you are okay. dont think i'm a stupid person uhhs, i know you okay. all you did was copy me and everything. you copied how i typed my texts. so dont think you are so smart okay.
i no mood to blog today.


I Know Who You Are.
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@ 6:32:00 AM
th most exciting day is here. whees.

hmm, i am so-so excited abt th LRD zoo thing. but i'm so much more excited abt th crème de la crème outing ! hees, to bugis. ((: me and elena have like $80+ altogether but if ridzuan is following, and he better should he was th one who wanted th outing, he HAS to go back home and get money. -.-''
heh, dont ask me why i blog so early. i am like awake at 6.15AM and i have to go at 6.45AM. but first i'm going to spend a long time at th shop. ((:
whoopsy. gtg. maybe after i come back i'll blog. ((:

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Sunday, November 9 @ 8:56:00 AM
I don't get what people see in him.

okay, this question has been flying around my mind since March. i still dont get it. when i ask elena what she sees in him, both of us had th same answer "he is just a GUY. oh come on, he is just irritating and freaky." hahas. GMTA okay.
then i asked ily, since that time she was online. i asked her "what do you see in ********?" she gave me th blush emote. then i told her "just tell, why so malu." then she was like "cos he is handsome, smart and well..." that time she offline. wtfwtfwtf.
then i was thinking, oh come on, she has a crush on him since P1. cannot be like that only what. hees, whatever. then there was once i waited for audi outside class. then suddenly that person came out and put his arms around my neck. ily walked in front of me and kept looking back.
she was obviously jealous. like DUH. i mean come on 6 years and he didnt even do that to her. then on th same day, a crowd gathered around him. then he tried to distract them by saying this in front of liy and pointing at me. "eh that's my girlfriend." just because he wants to go home. -.-''
then th crowd gathered around me. i think ily expected it was her cos she was giving this flirty look. and they were like "eh, he say you his girlfriend eh." and i was stuck there cos i was supposed to go to mac w elena who was behind me. hey, that wasnt th only situation okay. then a few days later, i was sitting w him, elena, yt and some others i forgot. then they went to class. left me and him opp each other. i hate this part.
then someone came. that someone was like "kalau aku tgk dia, dia mcm tk ckp oi." then he said "bisu lah kirakan. ni mata air aku jgn main-main." i felt like running away. cos ily was apparently looking at us and she heard what he said. obviously she felt like killing me there and then. -.-'' cekik darah punye org. no offence.
then it stopped. woots, freefreefree. then on friday he started again. apparently he HAD to sit beside me. so he said to his classmate. "eh this one my girlfriend you know." and he turned to me and said "ckp yes." then i just kept silent till th person tegur me.
the person said "eh, he said you his girlfriend eh." and he laughed. then he said "eh i go dating w my girlfriend ehh." then th other guy said "eh he say both of you go dating." -.-'' then he said "eh, this one from woodlands. this one tkps one you know." at that time i wanted to like, move away. cos nisa heard everything. and it was a great thing. (((((: in th heart, i was grinning madly cos nisa heard.


I've Been Talking About Boys.
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Saturday, November 8 @ 1:10:00 PM
sorry for not posting. )):

later i going to meet my sisters and cousin at bugis. then go orchard to eat at carousel. hees, i bought a heart chain necklace and a big heart necklace. hees. and now my collection of necklaces are OVERWHELMING.
hah, bored. ytd i updated MSN to Windows Live Messenger 8.0 Beta. and the Messenger Plus have to re-install cos they have another version. hahas, for th sake of colour codes. hees. later go bedok first. my sister want me to buy for her lip gloss. wtfwtfwtf.
hees, ytd we worked hard for th project okay. and ytd have japanese occupation. me, ronnie, swee kok, huda, nicholas and mustansir (extra >.<) walked around th P6 classes, other than harmony. ronnie made me carry th japanese flag at first. then i carried th fish thingy.
oh yeahs, there IS a mount fuji okay. if india has th taj mahal, we have th mount fuji. made all by ourselves. ((: and i'm so proud of it even though i really helped 1%. lololol. ytd miss chin made me staple th paper cranes onto th board where th map is. then nana followed me and she got all th credit. WTFWTFWTF.
oh yeahs, th map is so damn nice. 6 Humility's student talent okay. dont mess around with it. woots, gotta get ready.


Let's Get The Name Changed.
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Wednesday, November 5 @ 5:38:00 PM
61st Post. teehees,

i should make this short since my sis and bro are home. -.-'' just now supposed to have soccer. just now nana (ohh, huda you know who this is) was so damn BIASED she said that she wanna play soccer and don't wanna go out. and she said she is KINDA good in soccer. and i was like "yelah tu. nk dapat credit je. org lain like, ME pun nk main kn? dia ingatkan dia bagus kepe? cb." i was thinking, not saying.
then all th way she was perasan-ing. then i said i am not sporty. then she said "no offence but you're not really sporty." then i was like CB, YOU THINK YOU SPORTY UH ? MY FOOT UHS. nk score for basketball pun tk leh score, abeh kata sporty. memang sporty, tapi tk menjadi tahu tk. my foot luhhs, sporty like WTF. that is th last thing that i think of nana.
then she was like so darn BIASED cos khairul say i become reserve, then i was like, WTF. ni pun lagi satu, org nk main show favouritism. tk fair luhh oi. then gabriel say "eh fatin, dont cry uh later i cry also." then i was laughing. then nana say "she not crying on th outside but she's crying in th inside." that part i almost really cried. like WTF, just because she dont wanna be reserve. think what, i wanna be reserve uh ?
then she say that time during captain's ball she and ronnie plan who to kick out. she said "we actually wanted to kick you out. and jovina too." and that part i wanna smack her face sia. she think she good or what ? wanna aim also cannot aim say people cannot catch. she say if she put strength to th ball, i cant catch. COME ON LUH, YOU AIM AT WHERE I STAND AT WHERE.
like that simple rule also cannot. WTF.
ish, whatever it is, nana is like uh so step.

bubbyes, too pissed off.

nana is a good STEP POPULAR kind of person.
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Monday, November 3 @ 2:22:00 PM
whees; it was th InterClass Games . ((:

woots, it was th interclass games and my team was 5th to play. so scary, nervous and fun at th same time. then our turn, play w Hope team 3 (C3). then we playplayplay then ivan was suspended cos he said, "cher, i never kick th ball eh. WALAU EH!" then he slammed th ball and it went up high.
aiyoh, we lost anyway. hahs, then we had to versus harmony after recess. -.-'' then we played at th hall cos THANK GOODNESS it almost rained. and it did at th hall. so we just play uh. then we LOST. wtf, hahas. then irna or someone was telling miss chin, "eh. qing yi bully eh. she wanna take th ball then go and block block fatin eh. then she so big some more." hahs, no offence. )):
and i had to play w a bandage. hahs. ishh, then mr asraf announce th qualifiers. then he said, "th last qualifying team is 6 HUMILITY !!" then i was a little lost. he said 6Hu as in both mine and huda's qualify or what? cos he say class what. then we were like, uhh whatever.
then go back class. had only 10mins of play cos miss chin talked to us about th travel fair since she'll not be in school next week. she'll be back during grad night. huhs, she went because of miss nura. that is like SO SO SO not nice. it is going to be like th last week together and she never come. huhs. so we have to do th travel fair all by ourselves; 6 humility w/o teacher. th teacher i not sure.
eeyo, my niece tk pakai baju. HAHAHAHAHA. and she is like only in her panties. haha, its a funny sight but i cant take a picture of her cos its insulting and its rude. chey, baik seyh fatin. huh, ignore that last sentence of mine. ((:
ohh, i need to start research. yipee. should call irna since she like, doing language also. so huh, BYE.

bubbyes. ((:

Its A Thief In The Night To Come And Grab You.
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Saturday, November 1 @ 3:09:00 PM
my niece wanna use th com. -.-''
irritating. hees, this is a short post. ohh, i am so going to treasure th moments in 13days. uhh, grad night.
i am so pissed off, well, this is a short post cos i have nothing to say. oh well, should i say bye or its tooshort? neh, i should say longbyes so that it'll look long. ((:


The Pulse Of Fashion, The Rhythm Of Shopping.
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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.