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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Friday, January 30 @ 12:53:00 PM
im backkkkkkk. :DDD

okay in fact i didnt go alone. i asked NADZIRAH to come along and she did. XD i reach at ard 10 plus ? nadzirah reached at 10.38AM or sth. haha. i went to bata first to buy extra school shoe. well, sportslink wasnt open so, yeah. so i went to th library, and i realised tht today was th second last day tht you cn borrow 8 books. so i did. LOLs. i found 8 books and nadzirah havent reach yet. =.= zzzzz.
so nadzirah reach and i help her find 8 books. so we went walking ard bedok interchange. and i wanted to buy a clip but it was considered ex. $ 1.90 for two ! like, wth. so we walked and i bought a hoodie. its white w musical notes. haha. i wanted to buy a hoodie which is white w stars [nearly striking colours] but it reminded me of audi's one but hers is not striking, which she wore to science centre tht time. and nadzirah said th colours were bleah so, okay i bought th notes one.
LOLs. thn went to mac. XS and we saw some TKGians there, and nadzirah saw one more and talked to her.? like, okay. nadzirah had to be home by 12 so we went off at 11.58AM. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. so i went back also. im eating right now, to fill my stomach. i think im going to read [omgggg i cant believe i said tht]

I'm Not Going To Lie, I've Been A Mess, Since You Left.
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@ 7:48:00 AM
yeah. im at home. :D

im at homeeeeeee. :DDDDDD haha. no sch today. later im going bedok library ALONE. sad right ? LOLs. thn i'll eat mac there. haha. hmmph. boring leh. ohyeah i have history homework to do, and its groupwork. jolin alrd found 10. :DDDD now need 6 or 7 more. actually th most we can do is 25. LOLs.
yeah. sorry for not updating for 5 days. i've got no time. you know i got selected for 3 ccas ? drama, interact [PSL], band. forget abt tennis. every year pay $100, and i havent even buy other stuff yet. imagine how much i'll spend ? hmmph. take th easy ones. teehees.
ytd had history. LOLs. okay, history is like, so much more FUN. ytd have Drama Ed also. haha. it was Mr Firdaus so, yeah. he made us do th leaning thing. i was th only one who didnt do. as in in my group, im th only one who didnt do. my parents are talking abt me. zzzzz. cos my cousin have bf and she turned 'evil' towards my uncle and aunt and stuff. so my father was like "kalau si fatin, ayah dah sepak." and i was like, hmmmm. in what way do you think you'll find out ? HAHA. forget abt it im in a girls school.
result to violence. *gasp*
im playing burger island 2, so.

Everytime I See You It Gets More And More Intense.
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Sunday, January 25 @ 9:38:00 AM
whoa. i changed blogskin. :DDDDDD

okay, i changed blogskin but i find th older one nicer. i dont know why. hmmph. its brighter i think. haha, omgggggggg. tmr no school. yay and boo. i want to give my angel and ardilla th letters. on friday also no school. now tht's a big YAY. :DDDDDDDDD my mum bought sth from th supermarket called "Chicken Cheese Balls". and when i laughed at th name my mum and maid was lost. LOLOLOLOL; weird right ?
zzzzzz. i wanna go popular today. cos tht time i go w jolin i didnt find th pencil case and th omni pen tht i wanted. i think th highlighter marker i buy in school. :D zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. sick. rachel said tht beef burger looks like flesh. SICKO. tht time it was red. and in th afternoon i bought was brownish and it was cold. ewwwwwwww.
lalalalalalalalalalalalalala. should i change blog URL ?! ive been thinking. hohoho. nevermind. lets see first. tmr is CNY. hmmmmm. i havent finish D&T hw. and tht is th only hw there is unless im willing to do th Lit hw which i think is due on thurs. and it so weird. i can drag th english hw which is due like next 2 weeks but i done it alrd. zzzzzz. im confused.
omg. im hungry. i should eat. eeeeeek.
nothing to eat.
oh well. opportunity to go to th shop.

It Stinks Like Hell,
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Thursday, January 22 @ 5:33:00 PM
im finally going back to tkps tmr.

just now i received TONS of letters by ardilla and my angel. idk who my angel is. its a tradition for TKGS sec 2s to write letters to sec 1s and then reply and stuff. and okay, it was FUNNNNNN. and ppl are thinking why i have so many letters. haha. im all alone at home.
im finally going back to tkps tmr. like ohmygosh phew finally. :DDDDDD i cant wait to see other ppl. and tmr i think im going to take 60 w audi to tkps. but idk how tht is possible cos im taking either 32 or 40. or walk all th way out take 33 and take w huda ? wait tht is impossible. i think. cos she finish later thn me.and her gate will open after th bell rings. as in aft a few mins thn i see th gate open. observant huh.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL. yay. im going to tkps tmr. finally aft 3 weeks of school im going back to tkps. ive been back at tkps once but no one was there. i was there to take EAGLES only what. and there was a weird sight okay. an empty canteen, except basketball players. it was weird. seriously. i think its because of P6s 2008 i think. LOLOLOLOLOL.
okayfine whatever.
im wasting time.
byes. :DDDD

omgggg, FINALLY.
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Wednesday, January 21 @ 6:28:00 PM
shitttt my spaggheti finish. it was so damn nice.

just now was like th day tht i went for th most auditions and interview. i had drama, where i was supposed to go for choir [luckily i didnt sign up], band and interact club. :DDDDD
drama i had no monologue but i had to talk to seniors and ms izrina. thn me and two other girls got together to do a monologue. th theme was "MEET THE PARENTS SESSION" lololololol.
thn i check interact club interview. mine's at 4.50PM. zzzzzz. so i went to band first. thn halfway i go interview thn come back again. interview was SCARY. nadiah was there and she was asking me th questions. i cant believe it ! nadiah didnt even hear me talk so much when she became th PSLL for my class. and now she hears me talk yadda yadda yadda. x3. it was scary.
thn band th teacher tell me to blow trumpet. if not she want me to play clarinet but thn she say if i play clarinet my finger will go in th whole. =.= thn she tell me to blow trumpet i cant blow ! it was superrrr diff okay dont misunderstand. you must not purse your lips and you must blow super hard, and no sound came out when i did tht. so th teacher say tht she will teach me to play cornered when i get into band. LOLOL.
thn like no xylophone and all leh. xylophone is a BEAUTY mannnn. i love th xylophone. its superrrr nice th combination. :DDDDDDDDDD tell me play viola leh. i wanna learn to play. but tht one string ensemble alrd. but string must have musical background. i only know how to play piano and recorder. piano i anyhow play some more. zzzzzzzzz. SYMPHONIC BAND.
ahhhhh. spaghetti finish leh. it was superb okay. i was super hungry.
omgg i desperately need to pee.
see i sacrifice so much just to update my blog.

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Tuesday, January 20 @ 4:14:00 PM

i wanted to go to th shop but cos just now got fumigation and just now when i was abt to take my slipper my mum opened th kitchen door and there were stupid cockroaches trying to hide. she took a broom and began sweeping all th oozy and high cockroaches. LOLs. when my mum sweeped one of th ceiling it fell to th floor and flew away. it was probably on th verge of death. hehe.
and there was one tht flew somewhere and i know i ran to th safety of th com. :DDDDD haha. and i heard one fall to th floor. i was watching it walk like a blind person walking without a walking stick. then when it was dangling on an edge, it fell to th floor and i heard a light piak. haha. it was quite far leh th cockroach. imagine how fat it is ? i heard a piak leh. and it was quite far. omgggg overweight.
shucks. haha. tmr have D&T. sucker.

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Sunday, January 18 @ 9:33:00 AM
i've done homework which i thought was not supposed to be done. :DDDDDDDDD

im apparently very very very tired. cos ive been going to th toilet like, 4 times in 1h. walk here and there. LOL. why is there only one stupid human online ? im eating mee goreng :DDDDD as in th one like at tkps not mee maggie. sorry humans for not going to TKPS th friday tht had just passed. i had tennis. but anyway, this friday does TKPS have CNY celebration ? cos i can come this friday and wont it be a waste if i come to school and see nobody around ?
30th jan have no school ! thanks to th 2008 sec 4s for doing GREATTTTTTTT for O level. :DDDDD YAY i can sleep more. today have jemputan -.- my cousin getting married. zzzzzzzzzzzzz. everyone will ask me "fatin dpt sekolah apa ?" and i'll be like "tanjong katong girls." "nak abik cca apa ?" then i'll be like "dah dpt tennis." "eh boleh main ke ?" haha. what a funny story. *monotone* -.-
i remember on friday mr tang thought tht jolin was sleeping cos her head was on th table but she was using her calculator. thn he told me to wake her up. i poked her armpit and she suddenly shot up. and th whole class was laughing. and me and charmaine explained tht she was using her calculator and he was like "you dont have to be so engrossed in your calculator." -.-

Yay, Welcome To The Lampost Gang.
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Friday, January 16 @ 6:44:00 PM
i passed second tennis selection ! which means im in th team, DUH.

yay ! i got into tennis. even th coach was surprised. he was like " i wonder how you two [me and nancy] did it, but both of you cleared my obstacles. and you are one of them who didnt make 45% for BPAT and got into tennis." and he said some more tht we crossed many hurdles and one hasnt fallen yet. i dont get what he meant but whatever, i passed th second round. thn have THIRD round. you must start from base line and run for th ball which is HIT W A RACKET by either coach.
and you have to run and shuffle and catch th ball. and he throw so damn high. its like cn fly out of court. i know there was one girl who knows how to play tennis and she hit th ball and it flew OUT OF TH COURT. and th court is like at th second storey, abv D&T workshops. haha. im so delirious.
SHITTT. gtg./

Im Not Going To Write A Phrase.
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Thursday, January 15 @ 3:44:00 PM

i said tht for no reason dont misunderstand. -.- I GOT SELECTED FOR TENNIS ! and i dont know how im going to react to it. happy ? sad ? lol. i have no idea. for two reasons, no three. wait. uhm. lets just see where it brings me to.
1. i got selected for sth. LOL. stupid reason, yes i know.
2. im playing th world's second most expensive sport. i need money to buy stuff. ESP racket cos i never played tennis before. and DUH i dont have one.
3. i'll be darker than how dark i am now. TSK.
4. i dont know if i can cope [with th practice not studies. well actually studies also i scared.]
more negative right ? but i want to play tennis. even though i dont know how to. everyone'll look stupid when they try to hit th ball. and need alot of power leh. racket not light some more. WALAO. hmmph. tmr must use alot of effort. to play recreational also can. HAHA. but like wasted leh. HEY IM IN A DILEMMA. im considering. but i seriously dont know. -.-
just now at th bus stop i was listening to two girls talking. yes i know im evil. anyway i HAD to. cos i was stuck in front of them. and trust me, th tone in th voice is worst thn someone who is in a girls school. BITCHINESS. and lol they're from TKSS. sorry huda im not saying tht girls from your school are bitches cos my sisters are from tht school too. and tey have this weird slang in them. and there is this girl in class which has her christian name then her middlename thn her chinese surname. thn everytime she write name, she will put there "xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx" her first name and second name. like as if its her ang moh name. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. LAME.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. eeee. merepek. nyahaha. im saying all this randomly.

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Monday, January 12 @ 3:42:00 PM
hey you. :DDDDDDD

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. i came back super early just now. i reached at 2.40pm. LOL. nyahaha. tmr i staying back till 5.30 for trials. -.- just now was okay. first period had history. zzzzz. when th ZZZZZZ monsters attack. thn had geog and th hw tht i was freaking out abt ytd was not handed in ?! omggggg. all th energy was such a waste LOL. thn had maths. have hw leh. LOL but i finsh th hw alrd. thn had recess. i didnt realise tht have a dustpan outside 1e2 thn i was laughing [not loud, at a normal tone] thn jolin covered my mouth cos i didnt know tht mr teo was in th class.
thn when reach th stairs thn i remember tht he day whenever he has his class he will put a dustpan or a chair outside and i didnt realise. LOL. thn luckily just now he never realise if not on wednesday i die liao. thn just now me, jolin and charmaine crazy alrd. during recess we were sitting at th porch eating. thn we laugh like hell. thn there was this point of time where charmaine was not there and i told jolin sth she laughed super loud. thn in class me, lingshi, charmaine, jolin and yi ling were in a group doing values poster. thn we were laughing like what at everything. except for yi ling. cos yi ling very reserved.
thn i keep on thinking tht charmaine looks like ben only bigger. and last time she was in track and field. jolin who is like as short as me [no im taller XD] says she join netball during CCA for primary school. htn i was LOL-ing.
it was super weird.haha.
and just now in th bus it was full of st pat students. -.- zzzzzz. DRASTIC.
SHITTTTT. i havent do D&T but its due on wednesday. i do tonight. LOL. i ask my brother lah easy. zzzzzzzzzzz. tmr have what subjects i also dunno but i knw tmr have maths. and english and lit. and LSS. i think art or sth. WALAO eh, tmr must buy black ring file for history. and tmr have trials. im excited. trials start at 3.30pm. zzzzzzz. what am i going to do from 1.50 to 3.30 ? charmaine and jolin both have SST. -.-

I Wanna Get Back.
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Sunday, January 11 @ 3:00:00 PM
hello again, im done w homework. lol YIPEE.

nyahaha, at last im done w my geog homework. i JUST finished it. SHITTTT, tmr must bring damn lots of books and tmr must bring two ring files. do you know how heavy it is ? VERY. show some sympathy leh. okay, even mondays are one of th worst days of the two weeks. LOL. okay lets get started on th campfire.
on friday i keep on like counting down to th campfire which was apparently at 6.30. nyahaha. and it was a good thing cos NO STUDIES. but time passed very slow like OMGGGGG much. and then th cheer we keep on changing and th class was not very enthusiastic. okay apparently first period all sec 1s were supposed to be in th hall all th way till recess. we had 3 talks. and we were all restless. me, charmaine, evelius and li hsuen were like so LOL, considering we were not really paying attention. charmaine keep on hitting me. like right. oh yeah, FYI, charmaine is a bigger version of ben and th girl version. LOL. as in seriously.
and then everytime th teachers say "i will only take a while." they take like forever to finish their speech and talk or whatever. its sometimes just so plain unfair. okay, SKIP. thn went to have recess. LOL. apparently i ate mee goreng cos got no mee siam. th mee goreng reminds me of th TKPS days. as in seriously, it taste almost th same but TKPS one is nicer. nyahaha. thn we went back to class thn prepare and two periods passed. like WHOOPS. it was super fast and some of th other girls were NOT cooperating. zzzzzz. and thn we just prepared. thn it was lunch.
me, charmaine, jingshi, nancy, jolin and fardiana sat at a table. claudia joined for awhile. charmaine keep on saying tht claudia is so emo. like WTH. evil, whatever. thn i ate spaghetti. jingshi look at my face then she say "not nice uh ?" like LOL she knows my facial expressions so well. haha. thn we ate, nancy went and but some pulut thing. thn she came back to th table and say "i ask th auntie for *idk what it is its in chinese* and she go and give me this. what's this ?" thn me and fardiana read its actually nasi pulut ayam. thn nancy was like, "huh what's tht." thn we translate thn fardiana say "nah, i change for you th name. nasi belut ayam."
thn tht time nancy was eating thn she ask "what's tht?" thn we say chicken rice w snake thn she stopped halfway and thn forget it. thn she cont eating. -.- thn i cant finish th spaghetti cos it doesnt taste nice. thn i put back th plate and nancy was still eating. thn there was once we were waiting for nancy thn fardiana say "so how does belut taste like ?" thn nancy was like "huh ? th chicken ah ?" and thn me and fardiana laughed. LOL.
thn we changed and thn go back to th hall, our class was th only one w bags. DD: thn we did cheers and campfire songs. i LIKE th father abraham song. LOL. thn we do th thousand legged worm. and some others. thn we played games. we had to melt th ice to tale th coin. thn my class must dp penalty cos we broke th ice. only count to twenty so fast also cn. thn go field. we played block chase and one game which involved me being th wettest person. :DDDD
all th other girls pity me sia. i dont understand why. i LOVE being wet. what's wrong w them. rebecca was beside me and she was having fun getting wet, like ME. ((((((((: its just so nice. li hsuen afraid of grass LOL. she dont want to lie down on it. like WTF. thn we go and play some game which is like scissors paper stone but in giants elves and wizards. so YEAH. thn we go th foyer and play some bang game. thn aft tht go back class and show nadiah and th other PSLs what we doing for concert. thn we just practice thn go dinner.
th dinner SUCKS. it is basically rice. with hotdog and a long thing which idk what it is but its edible. and have black pepper chicken. i dont understand why no one ate th black pepper chicken. at least its nicer thn th hot dog. and have no lauk which i think is such a waste. so i ate a little thn i threw away. SUCKER. thn i took th water bottle. LOL. thn go campfire. and thn og hall for concert. and th hall was dark except for side lights. see th fun in th hall at night in th dark.
thn we were like watching other classes performances thn when its 1e4's turn we all change th cheer to TK instead of 1/5. thn have campfire songs and thn halfway my class go backstage and prepare. thn we did th skit first. it was super funny. chi hwee keep on saying th wrong thing. thn when go backstage she laugh like hell sia. thn its th cheer. thn have one part everyone in th hall laughed. LOL. im not going to tell. thn we went back to our place and watch other performances.
and thn seniors also make performance for us. and jeslyn was SUPER ENERGETIC. nyahaha. thn we ended at 8.45 instead. ohyeah, MY CLASS WON SECOND AND GET BEST CHEER.!!!!!!! yipeeeeeeee. thn go back class everyone including th PSLs were screaming in th middle of th night in happiness. esp. nadiah. she was like so delirious. we just jumped at screamed till my voice also like going away. LOL. thn we went back home. i didnt bring my phone so i borrowed jolin's one which was so different from mine even though its sony ericsson its so confusing. i called home and ask my father fetch. while waiting i saw nadiah again. and some others. zzzzzzzzzz.
so YEAH. tht's basically th campfire on friday. woots. nyahaha. my sister from aist is on th phone now. so gtg. byes.

Hold Me Like You Mean It.
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@ 9:53:00 AM
i havent finish geog homework

hey you, i havent finish geog hw. OMG OMG. hey later i think i'll update abt th campfire. i wanna wait for my sis to wake up and ask her abt human environment. must find newpaper article abt physical and human environment. two articles each. zzzzzzzzzzzzz. physical is like super easy cos i just gave two articles abt th flood in malaysia and th earthquake in indonesia. LOL. hey its natural what, not humans do one. haha.
im actually typing his very very fast for what reason i also dunno. omgg im turning crazy i need to find an article abt human environment. GOSH. you know how difficult it is ? must find something humans do and now all newspapers talk abt is economic crisis blah blah. recession and stuff CRAP tht is not geography. so now im really freaking out even though its only sunday morning and its due 2nd period tmr. DARN why must it be second period. aiyoh tmr have history. LOL. i havent learn it yet but i see th book everybody say history make you sleep. zzzzz.
history first period summore, LOL. it will make you fall asleep in class i sit at th back summore MAN how am i going to survive this first year ? its weird tht ms ashikin didnt tell me to change place LOL she actually ask me if i wanna change or not thn i say i dont want. sitting at th back is super FUN if you get what i mean. omggg why am i typing this super fast i actually have nothing to say all this is crap. sorry for spelling errors if there are any. im freaking out for no apparent reason.
this should be a rather long post and sorry people for not talking abt th campfire. cos th campfire needs a longer post and SO MUCH MORE TIME, okay. and now i need to get geog hw done before 12 ! tht's my target. or whatever it is. oh man newspapers ! economy only. nothing abt cutting down of rainforests or whatsoever to build a new estate or homes or flats and stuff. like come on if not i need to raid my newpaper rack alrd. but thn th teacher say recent newpaper. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. like omg i cant stop my hands.
im typing this WAY TOO FAST okay. im turning crazy. sorry if i said tht alrd. i told you i have nothing to say. LOL. omggg tht was so random. i remember tht time during preps for campfire evelius was like "YO." to rachel. and apparently th ppl at th front heard it and it went a little loud. LOL and tht time it was at th void deck imagine th echoes. haha. nyahaha. hey long time i never say tht. omggg i cant stop typing im actually releasing my stress.
sorry people for making you read this. nyahaha. omggggg, why my sis wake up so late ? i know its only 10 but still ? omgggg there's a tv show i've been wanting to watch on now. BYES.

Once A TKGian, Always A TKGian.
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Wednesday, January 7 @ 3:59:00 PM
LOL im bored w school.

my geog teacher actually gave us homework on th first day and THANK GOODNESS its due next monday. and th D&T also have hw which NO ONE KNOWS what to do. even those from other classes dont knw. LOL. tmr have maths, GRRR must bring th big yellow file but YAY tmr assembly in classroom. but hmmph tmr must buy apron in th bookshop which is going to be filled with ALL SEC 1s. stupid.
just now i never go recess LOL. cos of mr teo cos he was my D&T teacher. and we must categorise some stuff at first he disagreed w me thn he agreed w me and THANK GOODNESS i didnt stand. he will be like "let me tell you two things. shut up and go to th other staircase to go down. i'm still having my class." to girls who are outside talking while walking past. omg. he likes to say shut up. LOL
he's like th fiercest teacher i've ever met LOL. had geog thn had homework. LOL. she actually began teaching us like 5 mins after she stepped in th class. she just write down what file she wants and what books to use and thn start studying. LOL. yipee, no geog tmr no need to hand in tmr. LOLOL. im actually lazy to do it but i have to.
jolin should be like, a little bit more optimistic and positive, LOL. and i have SST which now i lazy to go, even though it helps me w my CCA. its like everything clash together. drama must go audition and th auditions are th same dates as my class softball on 12 Jan and tennis for 14 Jan. and like LOL all same time. except for hours for SST are LONGGGGGG. next tuesday i have like 3 sports in a row, for every SST selected ones.
there's basketball, 2.30 - 3.30pm. [p.s. all th info is my class one] thn have badminton, 3.30 - 4.30PM and netball 4.30 - 5.30PM. omgg, im so going to tell my father to fetch me aft tht. thn aft that th next day have tennis. KAU, im playing so many sports consecutively. good thing tennis 4-5.30PM. but still. LOL. and SST [sports specific test] is compulsory for those top 45% for BPAT. and im one of them. attendance will be taken, LOL. badminton racket must bring my own, like so sabo leh.
hey i should go now and rant myself. no actually pack my bag. haha.

I Feel Like Dying, LOL.
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Monday, January 5 @ 4:58:00 PM
hey hey.

i shld type th day fast. just now i reached school at 6.55AM i think thn i cant find nadzirah so jolene found me. LOL. so we walked to class and when no one was thr except some other lost students, we went back to th foyer and thn had assembly. had to stand all th way. and i just sat for like a few minutes which was not even 5 mins. and thn stand, do anthem and stuff.
thn go back to class and arrange tables and i am sitting way at th back. as in seriously at th door there. but at least there are some more girls by th other window. LOL. at least i'm not last. and WTF my reg. number 33. LOL. and thn we did some stuff w ms ashikin and mr vincent. thn until recess thn aft tht had BPAT. was super EASY, okay.
and thn go back class had some whatever stuff i also dont know thn 1PM go hall for TK Cheers. learnt th TK philosophy and TK anthem, which were actually school cheers, dont get me wrong. thn they released us late, and im permanently in 1/5 ! yipee.
and thn i went back home and like was halfway sleeping, actually slept for 2 mins or so thn i went to eat. LOL. and now im blogging. ohyeah, my sch starting t study tmr. so must bring books. -.- so sian. lets see, we have on th timetable.
EL, Maths, Music, PE, LSS [lower sec science], and literature. hmmph, tht's what i have tmr. haha, i think.
i shld go.


You Dont Do It Like This, Doofus.
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Friday, January 2 @ 4:20:00 PM

you know just now when i go in the school i was a little lost. and thn a group of 3 girls went up to me and asked my name and stuff. LOL. and thn i realised tht one of th girls is adilla's sister. and she told me to check my group. what's with tht. thn i saw nadzirah and they made friends too. nyahaha. 5 minutes in th sch [or lesser] and new friends. seniors too. LOL.
and im in 1 Loyalty, aka Loyalties. 1/5. haha. and thn in th hall do all th stuff thn th school song was like so slow till i broke out in cold sweat and was relieved when i sat. LOL. thn end up sitting till like 10 plus. th principal's briefing was super long. and th principal is very fierce.
th recess. thn go class and do some stuff. thn go down to a block and th PSL will take you on a tour and my cousin's friend is my PSL. haha, omg. thn go tour i was like so tired. and thn go back class have some class bonding stuff.
thn we played whacko, untangle and a game i forgot th name. LOL thn go back and now im blogging. actually i went back at 2.30 like tht. haha.
i wanna eat.

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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.