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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Saturday, February 28 @ 7:54:00 AM

haha as you can see i am only able to post on like weekends or certain days so, sorry for the inconvenience caused. ;P you know for a second i forgot how my blogskin looked like, what the.. haha. this week for like two straight days we've been playing mad libs and yeah, it was GROSS leh. even th PSLs were like "so sick leh this class," haha.
nyahahaha. my milk is turning into cookies and cream with a bit of oreo in it. lol. later have madrasah and i cant go out later cos no one could. XD i'm going to be stuck at home with homework that i have alrd done. boring. DUH. who wants to have to read homework that alrd has been done ?! crap. zzzzzz. i woke up at 7.35 today. i dont know why i woke up so early. WTH. no more tuna at home ?! what am i supposed to eat ? bread like that only ? BORING. its tasteless, actually got taste but so little.
gahahaha. 8AM ! im so excited at it for no reason. lol. you know i've been explaining what rant is and he's begging me to tell him *what that person complains about him*. =.= oh did i say complain ? i said RANT is indirectly complaining. you blind ? you cant see INDIRECTLY ? stop that stupid begging lah it wont help. you know nowadays you are being crappy over someone that has been away from your life. you're in a mixed school. there are plenty of others there. IM IN A GIRLS SCHOOL WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO ? whatever help that you want from me will be un-updated help. you expect me to know everything when you are sooo much closer to your primary school friends. i only have 2 in my school and one close one from the school next door. and we are all busy. we are not like you, choosing over people.
you've been chasing after your primary school girls after school results are out and we all go separate ways. now you want somebody who you know is close to me. but you dont have to ask me those type of questions. its personal. yeah i said tht to you a million times and you're begging me to tell you. i wont. if you continue to act this way, who am i kidding. i am not going to trust an unreliable soul like you. i told you to shut up abt that secret and when i'm absent from school you practically told everyone about it. yeah and when i said i cant trust you, you got all fed up and angry. well is it wrong for me to tell you the truth? when i dont tell you something cos its negative you beg me. i tell you and you get fed up. im happy with myself for telling the damn truth. but you are angry that i actually told the truth.
see, you unreliable soul. i cant trust you now.
yeah, you're finding for your damn juliet but you can't be a decent romeo in the first place.
what a shame.
hmmph. byes.

For You And I Are Past Our Dancing Days.
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Sunday, February 22 @ 8:11:00 AM
huda do you know how badly i need to talk to you ?

okay huda this thought is like floating around in my mind from like, yesterday ? i badly need to tell you this lah. okay maybe not so badly but still. okay fine whatever. lets get on.
HELLO PEOPLE OF THE EARTH unless you're alien i welcome you too. ;D
haha, idk why im blogging such an early post this morning. apparently im bored. zzzzz. i cant possibly fall asleep again, and i dont know why. im an early morning person on SUNDAYS ONLY. if its like any other days, i'll tell you to shut up and go away if you wake me up. okay i dont do that.
hmmph. later im going library with my brother and niece. im soooo hoping that th 4 baby blues comics are still there.okay i can borrow 12 books, cos i have 3 cards ? my library card, my ezlink card and my sister's library card [she passed it to me and i dont do fines] haha. okay apparently i must bring a list of books ms karen gave us for reading tomorrow. yeah th books tht i mentioned. the one i havent get.
haha. any book will do lah. but it has to be interesting. i know ms chin has the kite runner but in what way will she pass it to me and i didnt even ask her. anyway it needs to be passed around. haha.
nyahahaha. sorry, sunday mornings are like, crazy what the hell mornings. okay maybe not this one. i didnt even on the tv cos apparently theres no show, wait i think theres japan hour. okay there is. yay house not so quiet. i hate silence. as in the kind of silence that you get when no one is talking in a hollow room. there is this deafening thing. not in PSLEs lah cos psle is like everyone is flipping papers clicking pens. tht is at least not silent. i remember that time i was at audi's house and idk what we were doing we suddenly stopped talking and OMG the silence was totally deafening.
okay whatever. hmmph. i am so bored cos nobody is online at this time. as in there is but like, wth. only have robots and one human being. ONEEEE. you see how irritated i am now ?
okay ytd i had a very sad dream lah. it was soooooo sad okay. you know its only 8 weeks in TKGS and you see how much i've known people alrd. okay maybe not so. this class party i bet its going to be like any other party. i'm not saying its fun or not. im saying its going to be just another ordinary party. im bringing roti kirai [dont say huh if you dont know whats that =.=] yeah, at least its edible for me to eat. whoever who translated roti kirai into net prata, you so dont know your languages lah. haha.
you know sooo much roti kirai is not even like prata in a single sense but still, you put prata. actually roti kirai is roti kirai in english or malay. again from my dictionary. LOL. depends on whether you trust me and the dictionary or not. its been ages since i ate it and i have to wait like 5 days till it comes to school, like OHHHH okay. so this week i obviously not going back to tkps. it finishes at 3.30 or sth. and im so going to be tired after tht. have anyone ever tried jagabee ? like ive never tasted it before, okay im going to th shop.

Saw Someone Looking Our Way.
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Friday, February 20 @ 5:36:00 PM
hey human

yeah i feel so tired. i played badminton and basketball just now. haha. i went back to tkps just now and as per normal, BORING. actually not really lah but sort of. LOL. there are damn kids screaming like as if some stupid crazy lizard is chasing after them. =.='' KIDS.
stop screaming lah dey. so irritating. yeah, i have an emo, hand-slitting girl as a friend, how amazing. she was like, so niceeee and friendly and whoopee, girl. she suddenly became emo, what the hell. for what reason may i know ?! ohmygosh you people dont have anything better to do ?
SHUT UP LAH STUPID KIDS SCREAMING AT THE PLAYGROUND. run and shut up. no need to run and scream. zzzz. today is like, supposedly the most boring day ever in the history of the boring week. that doesnt make sense lah but still. ohmy, i need a book for english, yeah i cant believe i havent got it yet lah DAMN IT. you know how irritating it is ? VERY. im not a bookworm person so books are a total no-no unless its my sister's one and im plainly out of my mind to read such amazingly horrific thick books. see, ms karen should see th previous long sentence that i made. YAHHHH. zzz.
okay apparently ms karen nearly screamed and told guei yean to stand cos she gave her a wrong answer. apparently this is how it went.
ms karen : you tell me what a sentence fragment [or sth i forgot] is.
guei yean : noun plus noun
ms karen : NO stand up that is the wrong answer.
then she asks fardiana. she kept quiet and she stood up too. =.= zzzz. and ms karen was like "this is what i want. [gives the formula or whatever]" okay that was plainly crappy.
oh, people what happened to you. apparently CCA starts next week. and yeah, class party is sort of biased. no offence but im an honest person. joking dont take it seriously. you know i heard someone went "HAAAAAAAA." when guei yean said it must be halal.
guei yean : remember it must be halal
someone : haaaaaaaaa. aiyoh.
whoever that damn crappy stupid idiotic unrespectful self-centered human being is omg you are sooooooooo HATED.
damn that person. yeah i rant on you people nowadays dont i. haha. sorry. i remember syadza said that her class party was worse since she was t only malay in her class. there was nothing edible for her to eat and she went down to the canteen and ate. AWWWW SO SADDD. okay seriously it is sad. okay put yourself in this situation.
biased bitch : lets eat!
you :what am i supposed to eat ?
biased bitch : haaa, i forgot about you leh. you eat canteen food can anot ?
cantik nye muka kau.
nyahahaha. you see, there are some plainly idiotic people in this world and no im not one of them. cos im in the right mind, apparently people like BIASED ones who are SELF-CENTERED are idiots. you see the definition now from Fatin's Amazingly Great Dictionary Of Different Meanings Not Found In Other Best Dictionaries In The World. yeah its a number one bestseller in LaLa Land, where my clones live.
hmmph. haha, biased human beings.
you know what,
i should go.
i think this post is sooo much longer than ytd's one.

Where Have You Been Living, Under A Rock ? - Rhetorical Question
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Thursday, February 19 @ 3:29:00 PM
i cant believe my history results, ;DDDD

you know i was so shocked by my history results for CA ?! 22/25 ! yeah i got none of them wrong but its just that have to add in more stuff. or sth like that. IM SO HAPPY, i thought i just passed. yahoooooo, A1. maths, the downside of it. 17.5/30 ! zzz. let me see how much i got over 100. WTH 58 ?! omgggggg. wait is tht a B3 or B4. let me check. WTH is a C5 ?! okay this is ridiculous.
im so afraid okay. my sister will be nagging and my brother will be like expecting full marks from me. HELLO, first CA, first exam in sec school. FULL MARKS ?! you are crazy. you know my science formative test i got 9.5/15 he was like "wow so surprising, obviously you never read. blablablablablabla." ITS A GOOD THING I ACTUALLY PASSED. and yeah, most of my family members dont really score in malay. i took HML in primary school and got a merit, wow. and my brother dont care abt what my HML marks were. they were like "HML is not important." yeah, so this is all crap that i've been taking from P5-P6 ?
i remember my family was paiseh-ed cos they thought tht i was lying tht i have night supplementary for HML. my sister nearly screamed at me saying "this is not your teacher, tht is not your teacher then who teach you, hantu ?" and i was like "you called cikgu ramlah of course she dont know cos cikgu liana is the one who conducts the lesson what." my mum called cikgu ramlah and she said about anoher thing. my sister was about to scream at me when i told her to call irna and ask for cikgu liana's phone number. in fact she gave it to my mum.
so they called, expecting they were right. when they called, unfortunately they were wrong. cikgu liana does conduct a lesson during night remedial. and they made a stupid bullshit lie they said tht i have tuition blablabla. yeah, cover up ?
some atrocious piece. they said they lost their trust in me. like WTH i didnt lie and they lost trust when they are the ones who were like, hmm lets see, BLAMING ME ? what kind of a stupid reason in that ? when i stayback after school, i tell them what im going to do. but apparently SOME people were like "you want to do project ? ask them come our house and do lah. you come back home now." yeah,
i get good results for PSLE, they were like yeah i was th cause tht you did good, they dont even support me lah. they were like "with these results you will go to telok kurau sec." like you know how offending it is ? its like you're doing cooking and suddenly i said "that is going to turn out disgusting, man." wont you feel exactly how i feel that time ? when i got PSLE results i was extremely happy. my parents were. but my brother was like not liking it. they were epecting something lower so that i will pay the price. yeah right. and my sister told me th previous night tht you will get between 230- 234 and i got 236. and she was like "see i told you so." yeah you are right all th time ? just cos i get higher than everyone in my family other than my sister who was one point above me for PSLE, you think you're so smart ?
like at times i dont understand people. are you doing this to make you feel good about yourselves ?
hmmph. whatever.

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Wednesday, February 18 @ 4:25:00 PM
hello person.

hey you. im chatting w nadiah now so im apparently going to make a slow but fast post. LOL. zzzz. interact is starting next week. yay and hmmph. i cant go to tkps anymore leh. as in i think this week would be last, and i hope not. =.=
apparently, i got 7 and a half for my geog test and im happy. cos i got an A1. just nice. and i thought im practically failing it. but havent get CA omg. you know how stressful it is.? walao eh aniq's mitten came off again. zzzzz.
anyway, im bored. i dont know whether i should go back to tkps or not, i finish school at 12.05 and that will be th only day [okay not exactly] that im going back at tht time. zzzzz. but hopefully i will. ;D and i'll be th only one there, HAHA. lols. zzzz. okay you know what im making you people bored to death here so before i kill you with boredom [no not with a knife] yeah w boredom. you know studying is fatal ? i read th newspaper ytd and there was this boy who collapsed during studies.
yeah i know you're going to die of boredom so,
arent you glad this post is over ?

Studying IS Fatal.
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Sunday, February 15 @ 8:59:00 AM
hello people,

i have changed my blogskin and sadly i have to increase my font size. D;
and yeah, its been days since i updated. cos my sister is going to be home for 2 months and all she wants to see me do is study, yeah so sad.
seriously, i should be studying now. yeah i know its like 9AM but please, tmr there's a CA. omgggg talking abt CA i must bring atlas. but i know i have another atlas under my table. ;D but dont care just bring. tsk.
okay my font in this blog post is super big to me, cos i normally use small. and this is normal ?! wth. yeah, hmmm. i need to find a valentine's gift for 2 people. one i ald settle, another one. hmmm. i need it by tmr. so hmmph. later im going bedok to cut my hair so see first th stuff there. i have lots of flowers at home but WTH no way am i going to bring a rose.
people carry heart balloons everywhere. so i dont think im going for heart balloons [no way man]. hmmmm. huda, im not celebrating it im just exchanging gifts like christmas. LOLs. i have no idea.! omgggggggggg. lets see,
okay, a rose is a bit too much considering i have only known these two people, one from day one since her 2 other friends ran up to me when i was just a few metres away from th gate. another from week 2 i think. hmmph. heart balloon, is a bit too much also. YARHHHH, im freaking out.
tsk. i seriously dont know. aiyohhhhhhh. zzzzz.
heh, i should think about.

Shut Up And Let Me Go.
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Friday, February 13 @ 6:13:00 PM
hello people, ;D

yeah. i got my name badge alrd ! like YAY finally other than wearing tht stupid badge. LOLs.just now i went back to TKPS. me and audi were totally freaked out by someone, like super different. what's wrong w her i also want to know. hmmph.
at first after elena and nuraishah left me and audi were th only girls there. th others were 6 Respect students w mr zad. zzzz =.= okay, and sharon came w an enormous pimple above her eyebrow. righttttttt. and apparently me and audi played basketball for awhile and i perspired like somebody who ran like 2.4km 20 times. LOL. ;D
hey you know what, i think im changing my blogskin. i think this sucks. XD

Fall Out Of Your Mind.
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Monday, February 9 @ 6:00:00 PM
omggg aniq is soooo cute.

aniq is soooo handsome okay. he is like super cuteeeeeeeee. ;DDDDD what a cutie. LOL. tht smile of his and his cute 'O' face. WAHHHHHHHHHHH im going crazy. haha.
okay dont get mistaken. its a baby not a guy. he's my new nephew. he was born like, 2 days ago and he has this cuteeee face OMG he's crying gtg.


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Saturday, February 7 @ 9:49:00 AM
you know, some people are just too full of themselves.

i was playing badminton downstairs while my niece was at th playground. my maid [who is at the 2nd storey] told me to catch two sweets. and as you all know, [esp huda] in between th playground and th block, there is a 2-3m wide grass patch right ? so i was barefooted and obviously, you must be crazy to tell me to get on th grass since dogs and cats do their business there. =.=
and i told my maid to throw th sweet as far as she can. so she threw and it hit th first cm of the grass patch, and i was at th other side of it. and she said "budak tk pandai lah tk tahu ambik gula-gula." and iwas like, FCUK. and i went closer, by th other way. to get nearer. i was standing directly under her and she threw it further away. and she said "eee, bodohnya budak ni. tk tahu ambik gula-gula, mcm mana nak main ni?" and iwas like, you cn catch is it ? i threw a shuttlecock at her once i told her to catch she ran away from it. =.=
apparently, human beings [esp th one playing th ruler LOL huda] are just plain idiotic. yeah, since when was tht an expensive sport ? you burning your own money away, i might as well join something more useful thn play sth super duper idiotic. tht stupid costume is just wayyyyyy for people like YOU only, so whatever. you're making a fool out of yourself.
and since when was it th most expensive ? HELLO, i bet its only $80 and you multiply it by 10. yeah right. you will look like such an idiot. and yeah, it matches your name.
sorry for my rantings now. i am in a bad mood right now. and all these i think huda knows except th sweet thing which happened 5 mins ago. =,=
never in my whole entire life would i think there would be a tournament out of your sport. it will sound weird DAMN weird. and i created a song out of it which huda thought of it in another way. ;D

That Guy Has No Taste Okay.
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Friday, February 6 @ 5:08:00 PM
i got into INTERACT. happy happy.

yipeee, i got into interact, ;D today was a fine day, w only 4 periods of studies. just now for english we went to th AV theatrette. LOL, it was niceeee. if there were lessons like this everyday i would like it. ;DDDDDDDDDDDD
just now jolin changed place to sit beside charmaine, DDDD; so sadddd.
apparently im having a headache cos i sat on th swing for a bit too long. ;P played basketball just now, i just shoot and played a LITTLE match. haha. jolin and evelias fell, D; both had abrasions here and there. haha. woahhhh, headache getting worse.

You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings.
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Tuesday, February 3 @ 4:40:00 PM
idk my im wearing a hoodie.

hellooooo, idk my im wearing a hoodie at home, like so LOL its not even cold but it is sorta. haha. just now NO CCA RESULTS, DD; aww so sad. tmr. they keep on saying tmr and th next day its not. woots, know who my angel is. LOLOLOL. fardiana, she told me to shut up so SORRY. but she sent you a letter telling you who she is right ?
on th way home i went to bedok, apparently for no reason. LOLs. im a very bored person, regardless of whether there is homework or not. haha. i got a little carried away. i was surfing th net. LOLOLOLOL.
omggg, gtg.

The Anxiety Is Burning Me Up.
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Monday, February 2 @ 4:05:00 PM
hello, again. ;D

i came back like, 50 mins ago so i havent done my homework yet. zzzz. its just science, so YEAHHHHH. its just a hypothesis thing. okay, im confused now. LOLs.
hmmph. im doing homework now so sorry if its too short, but i think it'll be longer than just now's one, ;D ohhh, DARN IT, hope my niece wont wake up. tmr must bring thermometer and YAY there's PE. tmr long jump i think. nyahaha. i just told Li Hsuen to do hw w me, LOLs. get it right, with me, not for me.
okay now im confused AGAIN. pfft. have to look through everything again. D: Li Hsuen just said she had short term memory loss, =.= XD HAH, look through paper again. YAY I UNDERSTAND IT LIKE FINALLY FINALLY. eeyo, tmr cca results. IM EXCITED/ANXIOUS. mixed emotions. and yes, ardilla, i AM semangat cos i had nth to do during th hols, so yeah. haha. omggg Li Hsuen noticed alot of spelling errors, okay. haha. How MUCK water flows through a faucet at different opening ? haha, another error.
okay shush. im doing homework. :DDDD
nope, i havent finished my hw, last question. !!! third controlled variable. !!! tht means i only have hypothesis, th last one. :DDD im not rushing, but my hands are. LOLOLOLOLOL. third hyposthesis.
DONEEEEEE. and now im going to GOOOO. byes.

When You're Gone.
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@ 10:08:00 AM
hello, :DD

im in school now, info lit. th teacher let us use, dont misunderstand. ;D LOLs. shittttt, im hungry. nyahahaha. =,=
headache ! hungerrrr. hmmph, i havent update th links part yet. lols. maybe awhile more. im chatting w nancy and fardiana, oh man, hungryyyyy. excuse me, i should go.
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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.