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my love
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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Tuesday, March 31 @ 6:48:00 PM
my grades suck suck suck. seriously.
A1s for stuff that are new to me.
Bs and Cs for stuff that is basic.
now you know who i am.
something's wrong with junpyo.
jihu is still madly, okay not madly, in love with jandi.
boys over flowers.
its such a twisted story.
i cant stop wondering how long it takes to curl junpyo's hair.
rich people curls.
whatever im talking to myself.
so sad.
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@ 6:46:00 PM
pessimistic. pessimistic. pessimistic.
im so going to fail music. no wait, WE ARE SO GOING TO FAIL MUSIC.
high E, whatever.
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@ 5:22:00 PM
i saw it. yeah i saw it.
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Monday, March 23 @ 4:57:00 PM
harhar. me and kailin were back at the front. ;P

so sad lah. sit at the front i was damn quiet lah. even mrs tan was like, "fatin, you okay or not ? why so quiet?" wow, seriously. i didnt talk for like the whole science lesson. amazing. haha. and it was seriously not nice at the front, except the fact becky and pavi were behind us AGAIN, but pavi was absent so becky was behind me but she went off for a tennis match. so me and kai lin were left with two empty seats behind us. it was bad. the silence was deafening. to me. cos i wasnt talking. haha. hahahaha. zzzz. im bored. mr tang was nagging away at the last period, as per normal. he was talking about ratio, rate and percentage. ratio was short. rate wasnt over. bleah. i just hate maths. okay i like it a teeny weeeny bit. okay TEENY WEENY. seriously. only some parts of it. huff. im seriously on some money saving thing here. im bringing food to school so that i dont have to eat nasi briyani at home AGAIN, thanks to me and my sister who actually bring the nasi briyani to work and school. haha. there is still a pot of it in the freezer. oh. fine whatever. im sick of it. im sick of the people sending stupid links to me. okay really lah. tmr is tuesday, have PE. basketball, yeah kinda easy. to me lah. havent actually tried playing a match but i like to shoot. for sec sch standard height for the net i find it too high, okay not VERY but a little bit. cos when i look up to shoot i will literally be looking at the sky, yes i know im short. i find this post full of words and black. im too lazy to actually change anything, so bear with it.
wow. im bored.

Its Like I Need A Million Dollar Makeover For A Change.
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Thursday, March 19 @ 10:35:00 AM
i am so damn pissed, yeah im pissed nearly everyday.

holidays are NOT for me. you know my mum put my baby-g watch inside a cup without knowing that there's water inside ? i mean COME ON. its not like as if you can get a watch for a few bucks. WTH lah. and my maid still laughed at it. you know once she asked if i could give her my baby-g watch. like WTH. seriously, you ask me for everything. and she asked me if i could give her my other handphone, which is my last time phone which i keep for emergency purposes. when i told my sister about it she also disagreed to it and why the hell would i give it to her. -.-
she TOOK my adidas bag when i told her i still want it. cos i was finding a bag to bring to the library when i cant find my adidas bag. so i asked her and she said that she brought it back home cos "fatin kan kata boleh bawak balik." hmm and WHEN DID I SAY THAT ?! and my mum was like "alah, tak pe lah." but i was thinking "it wasnt even my parents money, it was a gift from my siblings, and it was my FIRST adidas bag on my own." like WTH LAH.
i would rather go to school. like what my mum and maid always says.
"kalau fatin kat sekolah kan lagi bagus."
oh you want me to NOT BE IN THIS HOUSE?
and if i run away you will cry like shit.
you once wanted to call the police cos i came back at 6.
yeah and you not want me to be in this house.
yeah right.
get your words right.
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Wednesday, March 18 @ 9:56:00 AM
hello people. im here to rant.

yep. im so fed up with my maid and my mum [yeah i cant believe it] you know when i woke up from sleep i just stepped out of the room and going to the loo she asked me to help her make kueh? that is not a good way to make people wake up. and when i stepped out of the loo she asked me to put a bag of tomatoes in the other fridge and when i got there it was full. so i went back to hte kithen and told her that the fridge was full. and she was like "oh it isnt full you just dont know where to put it." yeah so much for helping.
okay. and when my niece called my name, i was eating and i had to look down and eat unless you want to see me with noodles dangling out of my mouth and dropping onto the table. and my maid was like "WOI. people call dont want to look. buat bodoh aje." BUT THEN. in her case, two people called 5 times each but she still wont listen. so i have to go like 5 m into the kitchen and shout.
okay gtg.
sis alrd wake up.
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Monday, March 16 @ 3:00:00 PM
hello there, earthlings. greetings from a schoolgirl who was in a wet uniform just now. ;D

yeah seriously. i was wet everywhere. BECAUSE OF SOME PEOPLE. okay nobody had an umbrella so jolin decided to walk in the rain, wth. so me and fardiana shared an umbrella [mine] Jolin was shivering cos it was cold and she tried to get under the umbrella but i seriously dont know what fardiana was doing she was like getting lower and lower. then we all huddled up into an umbrella when the light was green. but we were running cos it was heavier and heavier and water splashed onto our pinafores and our shoes were soaked till the socks were wet. stinky feet. so we went to paya lebar mrt toilet. harhar. so we were looking at ourselves in the mirror and fardiana was trying to dry her skirt with the hand dryer. and i know she once tried to dry her socks. lol. jolin said there was a smell when she put it at the dryer. LOL. so we went to the mrt as slightly wet fools. i was not really that soaked. cos i was the one in the middle of the umbrella and once i had no idea what was infront of me since the umbrella pole and 3 hands were there. blocking my damn view only. and fardiana, this is your reminder to bring an umbrella everytime. or shit happens.

Shit Happens.
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Sunday, March 15 @ 9:12:00 AM
oh my i can smell the nasi briyani from downstairs.

my madrasah friend's cousin is getting married downstairs today. yeah she lives upstairs. zzzz.
you know seriously, this holidays i cant getaway. hmmph. so sad lah. its the holidays but what's a holiday with scienzation day ?! omg. i dont feel like holidaying. i feel like as if i want this week to fly past quickly to 1st April, April Fools. yeah. i know once irna tricked me into looking into a ring and sprayed water on me. during higher mother tongue, haha. and everyone was looking around get
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Saturday, March 14 @ 7:51:00 PM

nyahaha. i irritated you people alot yeah ytd. sorry lah. im so bored now and i was bored ytd. LOL. you know this post is going to be short agn and i think i should write in one colour only. only when i feel like using lots i'll use. HAHA. okay now im seriously bored. i came back from the airport at 7 ?
gtg man.
now im serious.
haha, byes.

Okay I'm Goneeeeee.
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Friday, March 13 @ 9:45:00 PM
night blogging. ;D

okay i should type a short post. you know i changed my blogskin and was so agitated cos when i wanted to preview th page i ended up clicking save template changes and had to remember all the links back again. so sorry if i missed your link. tag me and i'll link you. hehe. humph. okay now im very bored. tmr have madrasah, and i wonder who will come. LOL people never come last week.
you know, i should go.
yes i know its damn short.
and i know i hate short posts.
unless im forced to.
so here i am.
making this post long,
once again.
okay seriously, now bye.
im irritating you. i should go im wasting page space.
byes, and now im serious.
see if you trust me.

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Wednesday, March 11 @ 10:57:00 AM
i hate e-learning but i like the fact that we dont have to go to school,

you know i hate e-learning, seriously. it makes people confused and make you follow a stupid timetable which is not even correct. D&T is like, 1h30mins but the timetable put there 1h only. see how confusing it gets. it seriously gets on my nerves. and MATHS, omg maths. its so confusing that i dont know what to do. its like they ask you to go heymath and submit an online test, which i cant even find. wth man.
okay now i have a headache cos of being on the com for 3 damn hours and still have 3 more hours to go. pfft. D&T is super difficult. they tell you to name tools that was never learnt and OMG somebody just cut my file, alysha you are so going to compensate me. like 3 slits on top, obviously she still in her scissors madness. she put paper over and cut it without knowing. and now i have a great headache.
you know seriously i should go.

Headache, Go Away.
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Tuesday, March 10 @ 7:08:00 PM
helloooo people;

yay theres no school tmr and wahooo my mum allow me go library tmr after i do e-learning. okay the damn virus is freaking me out with the stupid photo url things, idiotic man. hohoho, there's no school tmr but then, whats the point lah you still have to wake up at 8 and do work till 2 which i think is such a waste of electricity, your com turned on for 6 damn freaking hours; why cant they just tell us to go to school ?
but on the bright side, there's no school tmr ! YAY. and cedar has totally NO SCHOOL TILL FRIDAY, so they are only starting school after march holidays, which i think is such a bore on one side and fun freedom on the bright road, LOL. so you see the difference ? i guess not. okay now i better type this post fast, i think. haha for no reason before people come back.
people, i say them like as if they're strangers, wth. okay sonia just started a conversation with me. YAY people are actually TALKING, omg.okay i should post our weird conversation. okay i shouldnt post it, i find it insulting, WTH. she just called me button nose girl, omg. yes i admit i have a button nose but at least its better than yours. HA. no lah just kidding. see how you trust me.
okay now i feel like going to the toilet. shucks.
okay i FREAKING need to go man.

I'm Crazy About You, And I'm Talking About Aniq.
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Monday, March 9 @ 5:37:00 PM
HAH i just paiseh-ed two people.

you know my mum was rummaging through my wallet she said she saw a $50 note in my wallet WTH. okay its actually a $10 note. emergency money. HAH. then she said that she saw it just now in the morning. and i said no its not a 50 its a 10 [isnt that a damn big difference?] and she was like paiseh-ed. yipeeeee. and another person was my maid. she also looked for it and saw a 10 HAHA TAKE THAT FOR BLAMING ME FOR EVERYTHING.
she said she's not going to give me money anymore if i bring alot to school, which i dont think makes any sense at all. she's not going to give me money if i bring it to school ? is that abit useless. hmmph. and she ask me why i bring so much i said its weekly allowance, $25 what. okay fine whatever. paiseh paiseh.
hmm i feel rather PISSED cos they said they saw it and demanded me to ask where it is but i told them its not there and all my $50 notes are in the bank, my dear women. -.- dont they believe me ? i guess not. you know my maid always rummage through my stuff, once my bag cos she thought i brought money in another purse [which i think is incredibly insane cos who would want to put money in another pouch for no reason ?] and she asked me where it is and i said in my tabung, of course. she saw and she was paiseh-ed AGAIN. wow.
so you see, now im getting rather protective over my stuff cos they're MY STUFF. and its all my money, dont think i take extra from your pouch okay. why would i anyway.
you know how pissed i am ? ASK HUDA.

Get The Truth Right;
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Sunday, March 8 @ 9:00:00 AM
hello, greetings from the person eating a peanut butter sandwich.

haha, okay. ytd me and my sisters were hungry like WHAT so we ordered pizza hut, XD. we bought the 2 for $19.90. HAHA it was NICEEEE okay. nevermind that the last time i ate pizza hut 2 weeks ago. there are still leftover drumlets [3 actually] and since nobody wants them, i heated them and am going to eat it AFTER i finish this post and my peanut butter sandwich.
ytd was the most boring day ever. ytd i had no madrasah so i kept on thinking it was sunday and today got school, teehees. wednesday no school [!] but then must do work at home. but i take that as an advantage cos we can discuss stuff on MSN, haha.
eeyo the water have sweet taste. EWWWW and its plain water. i should drink grape. wait. grape not in fridge. so i replaced my drink with a small teeny weeny bottle of yakult. actually i just put grape inside so i should wait awhile. okay why am i telling you what i did ? hmmph.
YAY there's school tmr. i cant believe im excited for school. haha. weird. okay.

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Friday, March 6 @ 3:27:00 PM
you know how much i hate legacy ?

okay ever since just now i am SO NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO A LEGACY LESSON. sicko, man. okay skip the school part cos it sucks. ;D after school ! we went to the hall for gymnastics routine but not for my group but jolin's group. after that, kai lin wanted us to follow her go sports shop buy track pants. she said it was a walking distance so yeah.
okay we walked practically quite far and me and jolin were like TIRED. it was SOOOOO not a walking distance okay. since i brought my bag along i went to the bus stop and i asked jolin whether she wants to follow me to tm. i WAITED FOR HER LIKE FOR 15 MINS AND SHE WASN'T THERE. i know i warned her to remember to come back to the bus stop PLEASEEEE. you know i bought bubble tea drank it and it was like 3/4 gone when they FINALLY came, thank goodness they didnt forget. fardiana followed too so three's a crowd.
fardiana thought 31 went to tamp from the opp side but SHE WAS WRONG AND YAY IT WAS A GOOD THING WE DIDNT ACTUALLY BOARD THE BUS. heehee. so 43 was behind so we took that instead. XD we took MRT to tm. HAHA. fardiana wanted to walk around but then i was too lazy and i told my mum i would be back by 3 so i went off. HAH. okay so now i am abit bored. i just finished eating porridge and YEAHHHH IT WAS NICEEEE SO NICE. with bawang goreng and kicap, WOW. heehee. i notice alot of caps lock in this post. but im not shouting at you. okay so dont be dishearted and stuff and dont misunderstand. LOLs, haha.
byes, im boring you.

I Was Like "blah blah" And He Was Like "blahblah" And I Was Like "NO!!"
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Monday, March 2 @ 9:48:00 AM
hello wello. ;D

haha im at school now, info lit. last lesson .ohhhh so sad leh. heehee. this new link is apparently very long i know that. ;D hahahahahah. now i have a book full of links that i can use when i change. heehee. ytd i had another long conversation w zahwah. XD
oh okay. in school during malay lesson just now FARDIANA became a newscaster. ;DDDDDDDDDD and YAY i didnt get to newscast anything with huda. haha. hehehehehehehehehehehe. im very bored right now. i feel like falling asleep. YIPEEE recess is after this.
recess is my favourite part of the whole damn day okay. 45 mins of pureeee teacher-less fun. ;D what's not to like man. haha. okay you know what. i'm killing you softly with my bores.

A White Wonder Of Dear Juliet's Hand.
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Sunday, March 1 @ 8:24:00 AM
hello you. ;D

haha okay. apparently ytd me and zahwah had a longgggggg conversation on MSN. like from 6 to 8. ard there. okay so we gossiped [mostly] and talked about other stuff too. haha. hahahaha. hmmph. im bored okay. very. huh. im playing super pets on facebook. but it still bores me. ;D im new what do you expect.
okay i was away for 5 mins. haha. okay you know, facebook is new for me. i still dont get it. im juggling facebook and friendster. hmmph. esp since you're schooling like at 7.25 till 1.50 on days and reach home at 3 and bathe whatever till 4 and study or hw till 5. how can i not not update my blog ? because of these daily routines of me. i realize a few days ago that i sneeze during maths alot, esp when mr tang is in there. conclusion : im allergic to mr tang, ohmygosh. ;DDDDDD
yahoooooooo if there was a cure for my allergy i wont take it. LOL. you see how much i hate him and the subject ?
okay fine whatever. im apparently biting on a very hard piece of milo, not th powder lah but some hard milo. haha LOL. you see how bored i am. yeah VERY. okay this wednesday got interact, YAY. apparently th previous session was FUNNNNNN. very. seriously very.
hmmph. i should go now.

My Heart's Crippled By The Vein That I Keep On Closing ;
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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.