you want
my love
you want my heart
tag please or die

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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Tuesday, June 30 @ 2:33:00 PM
wheeeeee. its possibly the EARLIEST time i actually got home.
i will so totally go back to tkps this friday but i dont know if i could for sure. -.-
ice cream chefs looks nice. i wanna try.
my sister recommended me that [?]
pfft. mr yap gave us homework AGAIN. and its about vernier calipers. physics is so suckish. but he's a better teacher than mr tang.
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Sunday, June 28 @ 4:43:00 PM
i so super duper LOVEEEEE this skin.
only the affiliates is spelled wrongly. and i cant change it.
zomg. tomorrow is officially the day i MUST reveal my hair.
and sonia will be officially the first one to laugh her head off.
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Saturday, June 27 @ 6:32:00 PM
i wanted to change blogskin. (:
but nevermind.
i've got my photoshop.
and i didnt do the pic with it.
i've got my own ways.
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@ 10:44:00 AM

lets just say that its too early to start school.

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Friday, June 26 @ 10:08:00 AM
five things that shocked me first thing when i woke up.

1) My mum telling my maid LOUDLY that michael jackson died.
2) Craving for deluxe chocolate frappe instead of starbucks.
3) My sudden wanting to eat swensens again.
4) My wanting to eat nutella bread.
5) My mum asking me what an autopsy was.

pfft. okay, three of them are food. because i ate a stupid piece of nutella bread yesterday at 11pm. AND, i was thinking of going to the library to return books and then i remembered macs, then McCafe, then deluxe chocolate frappe. but it 4.95. NO WAYY MAN. me wanting to eat swensens again ? because i ate swensens on monday. and i didnt eat sourdough 49ers. lol. okay, 1 & 5 are related. at first when i woke up my mum was like "MICHAEL JACKSON MATI EH." loudly, but not shouting. and the door was open. and then when i went into my sister's room, she asked me what an autopsy is. and then, my niece rolled into the hole beside the bed and was stuck there. LOLOLOLOLOL !
fxck, i feel broke. but my aunt gave me 5 bucks yesterday. (:
okay, not much of a difference but its quite okay.
and i need to work out my fringe. -.-
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Thursday, June 25 @ 11:15:00 AM
cut my hair yesterday.
and zomg, i totally changed.
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Tuesday, June 23 @ 9:17:00 PM
Here's what you're supposed to do:
Be creative and dig deep within yourself for the answer. There is no limitation to how you answer a question.
If you already answered what the question asks of you, then skip it and type "NIL" instead.
Then here we go...

If I was an American...
ANS: I would go shopping everyday.

If I was a Japanese...
ANS: i will eat sushi most of the time.

If I was a member of a platinum selling group like N'Sync, Destiny's Child, etc...
ANS: i would be famous but horribly outdated.

If I was an only child...
ANS: i would have been free.

If I was a rock star...
ANS: i will own many guitars.

If I was Hannah Montana...
ANS: i will have a country singer for a dad.

If I was homeless...
ANS: i will walk to my cousin's house nearby. (:

If I was Perez Hilton...
ANS: i wouldnt know myself. [who's that ?]

If I was Barack Obama...
ANS: i will be the president of the USA [duhhhh.]

If my life was a hit musical...
ANS: i will be the lead role.

If I was fighting in Iraq...
ANS: i'd die.

If I was an animal..
ANS: i'd be in someone else's home.

If I was a lawyer...
ANS: i have to go against people and have lots of money.

If I was an actor...
ANS: i will be fugging famous and rich.

If I was Paris Hilton...
ANS: i would be bitchy as hell.

If I was an astronaut...
ANS: i'd visit the moon and other planets.

If I could rule the world...
ANS: i would make niceeeee rules.

If I worked in a school cafeteria...
ANS: everyone had to taste my cooking.

If I was home alone...
ANS: i'd be on the com.

If I wasn't home alone..
ANS: i wont blog as much.

If I were the opposite sex...
ANS: i will be attracted to girls ?

If I were a gadget...
ANS: i'd be one of a kind.

If I was a website...
ANS: i will be the most searched web on the net.

If I was a gangster...
ANS: i would be in the principal's office.

Well, this is reality... But let's have fun. Would you replace the life you have now for any one of the things you mentioned?
ANS: nope. except some of them.

10 people who should take the quiz.
- huda
- audi
- elena
- sonia
- charmaine choo
- tilda
- fardiana
- natasha
- tiffany ng
- tiffany choo
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@ 8:29:00 PM
whoa. im watching fighting spiders. because got no other show to watch.
okay, as promised [not really] i should blog about my second day in genting. (:

woke up at like, 6.45am ? fuggg right. then went to breakfast. totally no appetite and the food sucked anyway. so we went back to our rooms for rest then went out to the theme park. first ride : the viking (:
yes, its abit weird for you to take it first. but still.

it got a bit boring after that. yeahhh, so after that went to the kiddy rides. yes, stupid i know, but COME ON. my niece wants to. -.-
SO SUPER STUPID. and i took it with my mum and maid because they cant take THE THRILLS. so i just HAD to accompany them at the kiddy rides. yes, its stupid. so fugging stupid.

see, forced to. STUPID, stupid. then took another kiddy ride. AGAIN, was forced to. -.-

i had that OMG boring face. accidentally. haha. SEE HOW BORING IT IS TO GO TO GENTING AND NOT TAKE THE THRILLS ?! then went to buy ice cream. lols. so after that went to eat. i saw sth which i think is a prata and pizze hybrid. quite niceeee. but its tuna. then took this swinging thing. no picture. haha. and then, take CORKSCREW. goshhh,

haha. then went to eat kenny rogers. everyone was eating so again, no pictures. -.-bored mannnnnnn. then slept. so last day, woke up at like, 7 ? and bathed. my parents and maid went to breakfast. because all the siblings were too full to have breakfast. and we went to starbucks instead. i had this chocolate cream frappe. YAY weekly dose of starbucks taken for last week. and a tuna sandwich which was AWESOMEE. their donut was huge and there were no bagels. HOW CAN THEY NOT HAVE BAGELS ? pfft. so went to the coach after breakfast and after we took our stuff and did our last minute shopping. so we took the bus and zomg, we took a bigger bus. there were only two families. actually one family and one couple. so yeahhh, the whole bus was practically owned by us. (: and stupidly, when at singapore customs, this bunch of fugging people just barged in the bus and spoilt the FUN of owning the bus. they were practically some kiasu people talking about how first class they look when they were in the bus. fug them, i was in the bus for the past 6 hours. TAKE THAT SUCKERS. (: ohyeah, this funny incident happened at the customs.

this girl was holding on to her sister. so when they were walking they were like, superglued to each other. so this guy didnt see them since they were so tiny. so he wanted to look at something and they banged him in the you-know-what. and they still didnt let go. freaking hell ? instead of letting go, one sister walked to the other sister and walked away. no apologies. what did their parents teach them mannn. i didnt buy anything much thereeee. i only bought an original junk food tee. the brand that makes the little miss tees. the original ones. i bought a trix tee. me and my sister shared three junk food tees. cos she wear same size. one is astro, another one is popeye and the oher one is junk food. (: and my sister also has these elmo tees from australia which i can wear. and the same sister ordered two tees which i also can wear which says"i'm not short, im fun-sized" and another one which shows a ruler, eraser and pencil and says "take me to your ruler" the first one is WAYYYY CUTE. my another sister bought gladiator shoes. which i also can wear. i can wear practically everything. -.- im cutting my hair tmr. AHHH bye hair. and bye, you.

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Monday, June 22 @ 5:59:00 PM
okay. bored. should update about GENTING. in which i miss the weather so super duper much.

first day.

took coach at 6AM. yes, i know the time is ridiculous. so i eventually slept in the bus. its like, i will sleep for one hour then i wake up look around for like 5 mins then sleep back for one hour. AHAHA. reached genting at like, 12 plus plus. there were tons of people in the hotel lobby and the hotel room was TINY. me and my sister got adjoining rooms so my niece kept running in and out. -.- okay, first day. THE FOOD IS SO EX THERE. and i got no appetite. so we rest in the hotel and went out again. there is purely nothing to shop for. so that explains why i only bought two things. ;P

okay, i ate RAMEN for dinner. (: NICEEEE RAMEN. but hot soup. and i thought the tomyam wasnt THAT spicy.

went back to hotel and ate my niece's marrybrown. haha. then slept.

okay, tmr is about the second day. THE THEME PARK DAY. (;

im tired now.

cos i ate swensens just now and now im bloated.
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@ 5:53:00 PM

[x] You know how to make a pot of coffee (sort of)

[] You keep track of dates using a calendar

[] You own a credit card

[] You know how to change the oil in a car

[] You've done your own laundry

[] You can vote in an election

[x] You can cook for yourself (depends)

[] You think politics are interesting


[] You show up for school late a lot

[] You always carry a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket

[x] You've never gotten a detention

[] You have forgotten your own birthday

[] You like to take walks by yourself

[] You know what credibility means, without looking it up

[x] You drink caffeine at least once a week (its in soft drinks too!)(starbucks. ;D)


[x] You know how to do the dishes

[x] You can count to 10 in another language

[] When you say you're going to do something you do it

[] You can mow the lawn

[] You study even when you dont have to

[] You have hand washed a car before


[x] You can spell experience, without looking it up

[] The people at Starbucks know you by name (i dont wear a name tag when i go out)

[x] Your favorite kind of food is take out

[x] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need

[] You understand political jokes the first time they are said

[x] You can type pretty quick


[] Your only friends are from your place of employment

[] You have been to a Tupperware party (what is that ?)

[] You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job

[] You have more bills than you can pay

[x] You use the internet every day

[x] You have been outside of singapore 3 or more times

[] You make your bed in the morning (sometimes)


12 people who have to do this:

any 12 people who are willing to. (:

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Sunday, June 21 @ 9:30:00 PM
i'm back from genting.
update tmr.
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Wednesday, June 17 @ 3:18:00 PM
tick, tock

sheesh. that girl is adorable.
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@ 11:56:00 AM
tagged by tilda !

Name a person from A - Z.

A- audi
B- ?
C- chi hwee
D- dong xinru
E- evelias
F- fardiana
G- guei yean
H- huda
I - irna
J- jolin
K- khairul [ridzuan]
M- memta
N- natalie
O- ?
P- pavithra
Q- [alysha] qistina
R- rebecca
S- sonia
T- tilda
U- ?
V- vivian
X- ?
Y- yan ting
Z - ?

Can R and T be together ? [rebecca and tilda]
yeap. in a friends way.

What is F's favourite number ? [fardiana]
no idea.

Does H have a pet ? [huda]

Is A a male or a female ? [audi]

How is Y related to you ? [yan ting]
friends in tkps. (:

Do you have B's number ? [NIL]
nope. i dont even know who B is. lol.

Do you love anyone in the list of names ?
hmm, everybody ?

Does S know who you have a crush on ? [sonia]

What is Q's favourite drink ? [(alysha) qistina]
syrup. (((:

Does D have a handphone ? [dong xinru]

Is J a buddhist or a christian ? [jolin]

Does N know any secrets about you ? [natalie]
nope, dont think so.

What is E's hobby ? [evelias]
most probably playing basketball.

Where is Z now ? [NIL]
no idea.

What is X's school ?

Is C your future stead ?
LOL ? no wayyyyyyyy. im not les.

What is O's name ? [nil]

Does Y have any siblings ? [yan ting]

Does R study about mechanical stuff ? [rebecca]
dont think so.

When is F's birthday ? [fardiana]
somewhere in august. i think 17 august.

When is J's wedding anniversary ? [jolin]
she's not even married.

Is G considered your most beloved friend ? [guei yean]
in some way. (:

Do you owe anyone money in the list of names ?
i dont go to loansharks, you know.

Do you want T to be one of your family members ?
sort of. (:

If you were to marry P, will you ? [pavithra]
no wayyyyyyy.

Would you kiss anyone on their cheeks in the list of names ?

Does G have an umbrella ? [guei yean]

Is Y a beggar ? [yan ting]
no wayyyyyyyyyyy.

Would you kill anyone in the list of names ?

Where does P live ? [pavithra]
somewhere in changi.

Does M like gardening ? [memta]

Does I have msn ? [irna]

Where does H work at ? [huda]
she's a student.

How big is E's school ? [evelias]
same as mine.

Have you been to C's house before ? [chi hwee]

What is the agg score of T in PSLE ? [tilda]

What is the colour of M's school bag ? [memta]
errr. idk.

Does X have a blog ? [NIL]

Is red the favourite colour of F ? [fardiana]

Tag 10 people who should do this quiz.
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@ 11:12:00 AM
a girl cant answer so many questions the minute they wake up and step out of the room.
when i stepped out of the room, my mum bombarded me 7 questions consecutively, and i cant answer them all with my brain not yet active and eyes still half open and vision blurry. -.-
mum : did ain call ytd ? is she coming back ? who did she talk to ? what did she talk about ? where was she when she called ? does she have an exam coming up ? when is she coming back for real ?
damn that sure is alot of questions. lets see, i havent brushed my teeth and she wants me to talk.
it's just a wrong thing to do. so wrong. asking questions when you first wake up and then expect you to answer it. whoa. so,
me : *nod, shake, my father answered this part, shrug, shrug, nod, shrug*
YES. its like a silent movie.
okay, yesterday i SO TOTALLY CANNOT SLEEP.
because i keep on thinking of tkps. and for what reason was i thinking of it ? NO IDEA MANN.
but whatever it is, it is so fun. especially the AFTER PSLE PART. lols.
meanwhile, two people asked me what font i use. -.-
okay, i remember after psle there was one of the days when imran, farhan and idk-who-this-person-is-i-forgot was chasing after me and huda, actually stalking us, to tell us something. and till now i seriously forgot what it is. and i remember one point when i was like practically sitting on the floor of the parents waiting area laughing like shit but they were still walking towards us. -.-
and i remember when we were so sick of uno and stress since we play it like, EVERYDAY. yeah, we watched movies but its still boring. and i remember this particular day when me and edwin was playing stress and then this teacher didnt let us and some cards fell. so i bent down to pick it up and i was sort of under the table and she was like "dont think i cant see you." i was like, picking up cards, hello. and its not my cards. i have a life to live, i dont happily hide under tables to get away from people like you.
and i just remembered that the melodramatics split up into TOTALLY different schools. well, except khaliesah who is still in tkps. crème de la crème also split up. even t.e.n split up. -.-
lets see. im not so sure about the order but i so totally remember the names. (:
bellerie : dunman high
elena : damai sec
ridzuan : dunman sec
tiffany ng : anglican high
audi : east spring
fatin [me] : tanjong katong girls
khaliesah : still in TKPS.
whoopee. haha.
okay, crème de la crème is like,three of the people who are in the melodramatics. so yeah. no need for repetition.
T.E.N !
tiffany choo : chung cheng high (main)
and of course, one more person who is so totally my super duper best friend for like, forever
HUDA ! : tanjong katong sec. (:
and one more who is already in the groups list but well, there is always a need to feel important.
AUDI ! : ESSS [yeah, scroll up to find out]
i seriously dont know why im doing this.
should eat now.
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Tuesday, June 16 @ 3:35:00 PM
haven't you people ever heard of
just now, i encountered two disgusting things.
firstly, i saw a dead fish which i think is a puny goldfish. and maybe thrown down from the 2nd or whatever storey. sad.
secondly, a bird just shitted/pooed/emptied its bowels on the railing along the corridor of my house right in front of me.
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@ 12:38:00 PM
closing the god damn door, no
because she thought it was far enough.

i look different in this. -.-

pictures [!]

as promised, not really, in the previous, previous post. (:

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@ 12:31:00 PM
because its better to face these kinds of things
i've bathed which is a huge surprise because i dont normally bathe super early. actually i bathed at 10. (:
because my aunt came. and later my another aunt is coming.
what the fug is the occasion man, that they actually come to my house ?
charmaine [choo] told me that her mum told her to buy food instead of burning the whole house down by cooking kimchi noodles.
sonia is irritating me.
i feel like crashing her vampire head.
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@ 12:20:00 PM
with a sense of poise and rationality
bored bored bored.
my mum just told me three times consecutively to look after aniq while she is in the loo. -.-
anyway, i changed the music.
teardrops on my guitar is so emo.
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Monday, June 15 @ 12:22:00 PM
okay. overview of all the stuff last week. lol.

two saturdays ago :
went to see dora at the airport. we were late cos we ate swensens at for two hours and totally forgot about the show. i was sweetly enjoying my sour dough 49ers so yeah, it isnt my fault ? and OHGOSH, the earthquake was the best mannnnn. the other reason we were late. (:
my sister supposedly has a swensens voucher but she forgot to bring it. so my brother ended up treating us to the earthquake. LOL. when we got to t3, it was the end. and i suddenly realised how crazy dora looks. she has a crack on her head. -.-

last saturday :
went to the airport AGAIN. to see dora AGAIN, lol. my sister WANTS to eat at swensens AGAIN because she actually remembered to bring her voucher, but we ended up eating at breeks. OHHHH my cajun chicken chop was heavenly and everyone at the same thing they ate the last time we went there. my cousin bought peanut butter milkshake which is awfully salty. she ordered nutella milkshake last time. AND i ordered OCEAN. a very bland ocean. last time have some vanilla taste. that time dont have. -.-
so, we watched dora again, and its the whole show this time. i remember this conversation with my brother.
me : [looks out to the grey sky] have you ever taken the skytrain when its raining ?
brother : nope. why ? cannot take is it ? AHH we're going to die !
i only remember this part. LOL.
okay so then, we went shoe shopping. actually before going to the airport we went to queensway to find shoes. but it didnt hit me that i didnt have any shoes to wear to genting, till we were leaving the airport. LOL. so we went to simei since my sister cant find the shoe she wants. go simei, nobody bought shoes. -.-

sunday [yesterday] :
yesterday had tuition at 1.30 to 3.30.
then went back home and followed my sister go shoe shopping yet again. went to tampines. all three. went to tamp 1 first. it was so fugging cold in there. -.- went to sportslink first, saw this nike shoe but it was PINK. actually in the end i bought the same shoe but its a different colour and at another mall, another shop. hehe. my sister bought her shoe there, and then it was time to search for my shoe. we went all over, saw the same shoe over and over again, and went back to isetan at tm. and i wanted size 3 but then dont have. so i tried 4.5 [which made me feel like big foot] and it surprisingly fit. and my sister was like "your feet grew alot, but you didnt grow as much." -.-
and it was the same shoe at tamp 1, only its not pink. i oppose pink shoes.
lol. and then went to jco. bought donut, sister buy yoghurt. then my brother went to frolick and got peach yoghurt and it tastes the same as yami yoghurt. i miss that yoghurt. with the fruity pebbles topping. AHHHH makes me want to eat yoghurt now. pfft.
currently eating. later im going to post pictures, if got time. (:
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Sunday, June 14 @ 10:08:00 PM
forever is over.
just now i bought NIKE SHOES. ((:
lol. and i realised my foot grew alot.
big foot.
anyway, gtg.
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Saturday, June 13 @ 11:34:00 AM
Audi wants me to do the quiz.

1. What's your room colour?- creamy/beige/whiteish.
2. What's your actual height?- 146 cm.
3. If you're told to get married quick, what will you do?- Slap the person who told me to. [unless its my parents i will scream.]
4. If your boyfriend/sister said "Let's breakup.", what's your reaction?- YIPEEEEE. i've got freedom now.
5. If your brother was in jail, what will you do?- why would he be in jail ?
6. If your boyfriend/girlfriend ended up in hospital and in a coma, what will you do?- wait for him to wake up and scream at him about telling him to be more careful next time.
7. If you saw someone stripless, what's your first reaction?- ask the person "do you have dettol ?"
8. The last person you chatted with?- msn or talk ?
9. Who was the last person that texted you and what?- shaza : where ?
10. What's on your playlist now?- im not listening to music
11. The last thing you ever bought at a shop?- domokun pencil case.
12. What's the most silly/cute thing your boyfriend/girlfriend last did?- i dont have one.
13. Its white & sticky, what is it ?- cotton candy dah kena air.
14. A romantic dream you would like to happen to you?- depends.
15. Give 10 people that you wish to do this survey:- HUDA and nine other people who wants to.
16. Right now, what you wish would happen to you?- somebody giving me money and tell me to go to bank and deposit. LOL.
17. If you caught your boyfriend/girlfriend red handed having an affair, what will you do?- Slap both of them.
18. If your mum gave you a thousand dollars, what would you do?- Keep it. DUHHH.
19. Right now what are you thinking about?- badminton with them again.
20. What is the thing you want to burn so much right now?- bank receipt.
22. What would you wish to have now?- a laptop which is FASTER than this com.
23. Do you wish for someone to be by your side now?- like who ?
24. Which country would you want to go to?- EUROPE [most of them]
25. Would you ever wish to kiss someone else?- what do you mean by someone else ?
26. Your friends list; if you were to lose one friend, what would you do & who?- keep in contact ?27. If there was a young baby at your doorstep, what would you do?- HEY, whats that baby doing there ? anyway, HE/SHE IS SO CUTEEEE.
28. If your girlfriend/boyfriend got you pregnant, what would you do?- scream at him again.
29. What's the last sweet thing your loved ones ever did to you?- what sweet thing ?
30. What would you want to happen the next morning when you wake up?- grow taller and wait for my sister to say that there is no tuition that day.

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@ 11:19:00 AM
five things you couldn't believe
1. I can't believe this is the third time i'm changing my blogskin this week.
2. I can't believe ridzuan cried during grad night.
3. I can't believe that the day before malay PSLE paper 2, i was at mac with yanting, elena and tiffany ng studying chinese.
4. I can't believe i was ABOUT to flunk maths.
5. I can't believe i've run out of things to not believe in.
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Friday, June 12 @ 4:47:00 PM
what a dramatic change
currently chatting with charmaine and haziq.
me and charmaine are currently discussing some drastic, dramatic change in some things.
i cant wait to get back to school,
it makes me eat more. (:
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Thursday, June 11 @ 8:43:00 AM
later going to play badminton with audi, her sister and huda. (:
my sister is not working. i think she's going out to study, i hope not. if she is going out, well lets hope its not to tampines. cos im going there before baddy.
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Wednesday, June 10 @ 11:13:00 AM
this blogskin no title. ):
ANYWAY. i wanna buy lip smackers. its super niceeeeeeeeee.
why dont have dr pepper and A&W one. ): dr pepper is nice. currently, tired. no energy. and later got tuition. -.-
i hate tuition so much. and i finished reading the book. left 3 more books before i can go out to the library again. but eventually, no need to finish also can. cos i take all random books. doesnt even look interesting, cos that time got no books. so i randomly pick.
AUDI. so good, found over 20 plus nice books. there are people sending the virus thingies. how annoying.
damn her fish head.
she's not going.
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Tuesday, June 9 @ 3:21:00 PM
two hundred.
its my 200th post. and i dont give a damn about it. lol.
i changed my blogskin [as you can see] and i just realised i have like more than 30 skins in my favorites bar. XD
i cant wait till thursday cos its been ages since i played badminton and if i do play badminton i normally play with the wall and get weird injuries. right. so later my mum told me to bring my niece to the fugging playground to play. and i will play badminton with myself. that sounds kind of wrong in some sense. i wonder where my niece is. so peaceful. doesnt seem like home. sheeeeeet.
after a few million freaking lightyears i just realised that alysha is sound asleep beside aniq. and then again, i realised that everyone at home is asleep. except me, obviously. im being so oblivious of my surroundings nowadays. pfft.
a day of pure home.
i think im public-sick.
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@ 10:11:00 AM
one hundred and ninety-nine
199th post. currently eating and chatting with jolin. helping her with her d&t homework, so good. they have like, a whole month to finish. we only got a week. sad. anyway i got a B4 for d&t, who the fish head cares. i should get back to my food. and maybe change blogskin AGAIN. ohyeah, i finally sold something to someone in the blogshop. lol.
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Monday, June 8 @ 2:30:00 PM
pictures of you, pictures of me

whoa. pictures are RARE, maybe once a year ? XD i will only upload when i feel like it. huda, i've got pictures. happy ?

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@ 8:55:00 AM
crack my head
i finish tuition homework already. (:
today got nothing to do. but must book the court. must go there book. -.- what the fish. the passion card's with me. so i must go and book. pfft. i tell my mum im going to book the court but my brother is still at home and he will probably say why i cant tell my friends who live nearer to book. -.- i wanna get out of the house that's why.
i asked but no reply.
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Sunday, June 7 @ 10:23:00 PM
its in your head.
i havent book baddy court. cos passion card with my brother and its not even mine. today was such a boring day. seriously mannnn. but then tmr will be more boring so this should be nothing. this is the post where AUDI NURAINI would understand the most. (:
where the f is she mannnnnnnn. we NEED her and she vanished into thin air LIKE THAT. how annoying can these people be. and anyway, you cant play badminton with only three people, unless one person is darn good like fardiana. must play 5 against 1. and she will still win. -.-
anyway, i seriously dont get her mannnnn. where is she. sms no reply, 2 sms no reply. i wanna see her play badminton and i wonder how she looks like in FBTs, if she even is wearing them. and i am. cos its for exercise. lol. supposedly it is. but its for under uniforms. why am i telling you this mannn. anyway, i hope she brings her racket. like just now huda asked me "must bring your own racket ah ?" "obviously. what do you think?" lol. nice.
i wanna book the court tmr. i should just call. the web is useless. its having some TECHNICAL PROBS. -.- wahlao eh.
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Friday, June 5 @ 10:50:00 AM
so turn around.
AHH. bored. later going bedok with huda before her netball training. i need slippers mannn. seriously. lets rewind to harriet's party.
okay, me jolin and fardiana got abit lost. jolin and fardiana apparently switched lives. when we went to plaza sing fardiana was wearing pumps and a shirt with a sewed on vest while jolin was wearing a tee with billabong bermudas and flip-flops. on wednesday, fardiana wore an adidas tee with billabong bermudas [and fbts inside]. ;p
JOLIN WAS SUCH A SURPRISE. she was wearing a shirt with a sewed on vest [like fardiana's one the day before] with shorts and pumps. first time i actually saw her like that, i didnt know she was that kind of person. okay, we met at bedok inter. and took 30. i am truly not sure where the freaking hell the bus stop to harriet's house is. and when i saw the bus stop of mountbatten road i thought it was that. cos i remember mountbatten is sort of the last stop before heading to vivo. so i thought if we miss that stop we will be at vivo. when we were at that bus stop and jolin said 'mountbatten road' i was like "i think its this stop." so me jolin and fardiana ran down the bus like some fools. and then i realised we were at the wrong bus stop. cos its at the katong swimming complex. so we walked. i thought the other RIGHT bus stop is like, near. but we walked like, forever. and then we reached ! finally. nearly died. jolin scolded a traffic light because she was apparently very bored and it didnt turn green. so when we saw THE WATERSIDE, the three of us were like "now where's the entrance ?" so we walked again. and we found the entrance. okay, so we were lost again. in the condo. its like damn huge. then fardiana called harriet. and harriet was explaining to us when me and jolin didnt realise there was this steep slopey thing at the pavement so we both went 'whoa.' together. lol. so we found it. the bbq hut thingy. THEN, we decided to play with water. i changed into my FBTs. lol. then this fugging security guard came and scolded us. he was like "this pool is only meant for children. who let you all in ?[that would be you since you're the security guard ? idiot] who is the host ? if your host is not here, you are not allowed in this estate. the host can only bring in 4 guests and you people got more than 4. [we pass our maths lah bodoh and we know how to count, old dude.] i received complaints from people [you stupid fugging liar how can complaints come in by 2mins] i think you have to leave this estate [you're just jealous harriet didnt invite you to this party] because this is private property [who the hell cares. and we are not blind we know its private property]" then he wanted to take a picture of us for memories that he wasnt invited to this party and send a complaint letter to harriet's aunt's unit and she has to pay a fine or sth. that guard just wants to find fault, we did nothing wrong. okay fine whatever. so some of us went back to the hut and another security guard came, and he was talking some fish crap, and went he left we were all like "he is so freaky." cos he seems like he's talking to himself. arse, i hate the security guard there. ;p
[this is a rather long post.]
so we played stuff and the barbecue started at like, 6 ? meanwhile, some of us were playing with the flying fox which makes our butt hurt. so me, fardiana, jolin, christina and natalie walked out to the bus stop together and the five of us tried to squeeze into a horizontal line at the tiny pavement. so we took 30, and all of us except christina stopped at kembangan. and i said bye like, 5 or 6 times. lol. so i walked back home.
pfft. im done with my super duper long story which happened two days ago.
lol. i should bathe now,
byeeee. im going to stink you out.
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Wednesday, June 3 @ 8:41:00 PM
just now at harriet's party was all mixed emotions mannnnnn. sad that harriet was leaving, upset and pissed off with a fugging security guard and happy that the barbecue was a success. ;)
i said this when me, natalie, fardiana, jolin and christina was going back home together. "i wouldnt wanna meet the stupid security guard. im going to hit him with my slipper which is blunt. i know its not sharp but it still hits. never underestimate girl power." ;p
tell you about it tomorrow.
fuggggg starhub canceled most channels, damn you.
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@ 8:49:00 AM
yesterday once more
yesterday was fun. lol. seriously. fardiana and jolin got lost in city hall and dhoby ghaut. so we walked around plaza sing for 20 mins, as in complete all the shops in 20 mins. its quite boring. and anyway the place is a very confusing place. shouldnt go there anymore. ;P
so we were stuck, buying a breadou and the cream. so we went to burger king and tried to actually take the cream out. but it didnt work. so we asked the person, to help us. bk was just beside action city so yeah. and when we were eating bk we saw charmaine ! she said she will join us after she is done, cos she was with her friends. so while jolin and charmaine were waiting for the bread, me and fardiana went to carrefour. and fardiana started to look at FBTs with me. so fardiana went to the fitting room and tried. she accidentally brought it XL. lololololol. then she tell me to take M. then she tried and said it looks like a mini skirt. so i took L for her. and she tried again. -.- and it fit after all those tries. lol. i actually wanted black but then only got straight cut. then when i try i look like im wearing a skirt. that's how its supposed to be. but still. so i took a blue fbt which is curve cut and tried. and they all said can. so i bought it. jolin wanted to take the hotpink one and tell me to try. -.- LOL.
so after that we went to action city AGAIN and took our breadou. after that we went home. with breadou in our hands. it was seriously damn weird. lol.
later got harriet's party/barbecue.
i got no idea what to bring.
hahahhahahahah. i should bore myself to death.
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Monday, June 1 @ 9:31:00 PM
take it slow.
lol man, audi posted my two last sentences from my previous post on her blog. XDDDDDDDD
yes, its the fourth time im actually blogging today. how interesting is my day that i have to post all the time. actually nothing happen. lol. just cooped up at home. i got my bubble tea ! not from me, my sister. i tell her buy for me. XD
bored mannn. ive been bored the whole day, not surprising. restaurant city sucks to the coreeeee. workers can only survive for 3h before they meed rest or whatever. i should just let them die. RIP to my restaurant. pfft.
i remember one part of me audi's conversation.
"you saying softee makes it sound like they're ice-cream."
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@ 1:51:00 PM
damn you man.
im currently chatting with audi and very very bored. that explains this third post today. i keep seeing faustina nowadays. ;D idk why. anyway, im very very very very very very very very very very very very very very bored and sorry if you see any spelling errors in the many verys cos i dont bother to check all the verys that i typed. lol.
word of the day : lol.
seriously, ask audi how many lols there are in our conversation. i was about to type conservation when i was wondering what im conserving. lol. see another lol. anyway, i wonder why the world is against me so much. i plurked hoping that time will pass by fast and by now, its only the time where school ends 5 minutes ago. SLOW MANNNN SLOW. damnit. fugggggg im so bored. there is nothing else better to do now. ho ho ho. -.- i sound like a santa claus off duty for holidays in sunny singapore without a sled and reindeers with red noses and no gifts to give any kids. how upsetting.
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@ 9:00:00 AM
asshole, it only starts at 12.
what the fish man. the heymaths thing only start at 12 noon. idiot. -.-
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@ 8:52:00 AM
hungry mannn. i feel like eating durian but i dont have it at home, obviously. ahhhh. im waiting for the hot dog bread. fish. i found out what 1E1's class motto is about. as in the meaning. pfft. i should go ahead and blabber about useless stuff which i dont know whether it makes sense or not.
AHHH hungry hungry hungry. holidays are always boring and yet i know there is maths homework to do on heymath but i dont care, who cares about maths and mr tang, nobody does, unless they like him, that's a wayyyy different story. pfft, no way am i going to do the heymaths homework now, oh wait. maybe i will. AHHHHHHHHHH the hotdog bread is here. i know you're all "THANK GOODNESS ITS HERE I DONT HAVE TO HERE HER BLABBERS." yes i know you're thinking about that cos i can read your mind.
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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.