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my love
you want my heart
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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Thursday, December 31 @ 5:19:00 PM
go get your shovel.

(these are macro-ed faces, Nadiah.)

its the last day of the YEAR. omgz.
later gonna go eat at Java Kitchen, the shop opp school for dinner. idk whether its nice, my sister just wanna try. :B school is starting soooon. ):
i have decided to not look forward to seeing (obnoxious, stuck up, bimbotic, attitude) juniors.
and im the only one using sony ericsson now.
4 people in my family have iPhone, and my brother maybe gonna change to iPhone also. but currently have 4 iPhones, 2 Nokias, 1 samsung and 1 sony.
im gonna play tap tap revenge 3 now. :D
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@ 10:08:00 AM
had conference call yesterday. was pretty silent but it was fun.
1h 17 mins i think.
RIDZUAN YOU BROKE YOUR VOICE. omgz. you dont sound like you, you sound like someone else.
talked about random stuff. audi fell asleep after she hung up. -.-
okay yay goody news. DONT TELL YOU. its supposed to be a secret. \m/ its FANTASTIC NEWS. :D IM HAPPYYYYY.
gotta go eat and bathe.
i feel sleepy. 0.0
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Wednesday, December 30 @ 5:47:00 PM
shut up.
i came back 20 mins ago. :D
first, went to school. we saw 3 juniors there. and based on a little appearance survey, WE HAVE STUCK UP JUNIORS. theres this girl who was staring at us cos we were talking about Mr Teo going to kill me because i couldnt find my D&T book. so attitude k. we tried asking the auntie to order name tag, she said that you cant order until school reopens. which means Nadiah has to use the masking tape for 2 weeks, while waiting for the name tag.
took 30 to Joo Chiat, and find for the cloth. walked back to the bus stop and took 28 to kembangan.
i wanted to buy bubble tea, so we went to the bubble tea shop. this auntie mixed up our orders. Nadiah wanted oreo crush w/o pearl, i wanted oreo peppermint with pearl. she gave us oreo crush with pearl and oreo peppermint without pearl. we told her that its the wrong order and she claims that she's right. she has this stupid screechy voice, AND SHE WAS SHOUTING IN OUR EARS. she screamed like we were deaf or something. oh no wait, i think she's the deaf one.
walked to my house first to take the dye and show them my tie-dye. they played with aniq for awhile. walked to nat's house, and we did the tie-dye. i did htis tiny little hankerchief thing, haha. while waiting for the dye, played snap. and monopoly for 5 minutes, cos no one was up for it. -.- so in the end we spent most of our time using Nadiah's Aino, and trying to take macro pics. but the phone lags. SERIOUSLY.
at 5.15 went home.
and my sis bought me McSpicy, and i finished the whole burger. :D
k gonna use facebook, and bloghop.
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@ 9:49:00 AM
the chain reaction.
so later meeting nadiah at kembangan. then go school order name tag. :D i miss schooool. and joo chiat for nat's tie dye. and nat's house. :D
and gonna have the awesomest conference call later. \m/
going to bathe now, bye.
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Tuesday, December 29 @ 1:08:00 PM
so i guess we're gonna have the same phone again next year.
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@ 12:27:00 PM
if ten million fireflies.
i found the same japanese ice cream that they served on the plane when i was going back to singapore from Japan. Only i think the one that i bought is Cookies and Chocolate, and i liked the Vanilla on the plane. :D
and its freaking expensive (okay not as ex as Magnum) :B
yeah okay bye.
(when i typed 'okay', i wasnt looking and i spelled 'play' omgz cool much.)
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@ 10:37:00 AM
at two people.
i feel like going to the shop w nat later. :> I FEEL LIKE EATING HELLO PANDAAAA.
you know i left this post on for 30mins and i realised that after i bloghopped 5 blogs. :>
okay i cant wait till tmr.
I LOVE WEDNESDAYS OKAY. and tmr going to Nat's house. and soon gonna rearrange the room, but we need a new wardrobe. and my sister wants this wardrobe from this shop, the sliding door wardrobe is $2000 plus and you get a free bed. -.- OKAY. and she wants to throw my shelf away. ): so i have to squeeze everything onto three or four or five racks, then she buy the extension from ikea and put on top so got more space. :> YAY. new roooooom, and we bought new bedsheets yesterday after going to two different ikeas twice for two days. its satin and its BLUEEE. yesterday i cant sleep cos i was rearranging the room mentally 50 million timez. \m/
and i can see that my room will look bigger with all the new stuff. :> cos my mum wants the tv in her room and im throwing away my shelf, and its a sliding door wardrobe so we dont need much space. :> okay YAY I CANT WAIT.
permission to eat now k.
Somebody should feed her some originality medicine.
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Monday, December 28 @ 8:07:00 PM

k nvm. just now went out. AND I CANT WAIT TILL WEDNESDAYY. see nadiah's new hair. AND conference with tkps friends. :D it has been ages. \m/
facebook is boring now lah. LIKE VERY VERY. audi's not online, and nadiah is ignoring me. apparently she's watching the news now. :/ (can you imagine NADIAH and NEWS. they just dont match k.)
i change my mind on my future aino k. i will wait till newer phones come out. :D
i cant wait till school opens.
i cant wait to meet my friends.
i cant wait to see nadiah's reaction to my unexpected coloured bag.
i cant wait to see juniors.
i cant wait to do all these k.
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Saturday, December 26 @ 4:43:00 PM
pray it wont fade away.
WENDY'S IS CLOSING IN JAPAN. lucky got it before it closed. :> i liked the chicken burger. idk what its called. all the names are in japanese. :D but wendy's is opening in Singapore. meaning millions of people will attack that place. k whatever. I STILL LIKE THE BURGER. :D
later probably going ikea. we cleared the house today. and the store room is super extremely clean. theres practically nothing inside.
Natasha is out. ): im bored okay. EXTREMELY. actually yesterday went to play tennis again, and we actually lost ALL the balls except one. we found three, then we lost 2 more. -.-
its complicated, but in the end WE HAVE TWO (TENNIS) BALLS LEFT K. :/
im hungry. go eat bye. :D
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Thursday, December 24 @ 10:49:00 AM
i was supposed to go for breakfast today but its raining meows and woofs so i hope it stops and i can get to parkway lah. :/
and later going my brother's house to swim and play tennis. :D i hope the rain stops k. but its so heavy. ): okayyyy so in the end maybe going parkway on monday instead. or when the rain stops (in which i have to wait forever.) :/
oh okay i just realised that practically nobody from TKPS is going to TKGS. i not sure lah but like NOBODY. huda said TK got more than last year i think. and 26 SAC students got into TKG. -.-
i need to eat breakfast.
k bye.
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Wednesday, December 23 @ 12:39:00 PM
till we see the sunlight.
Brother : Eh look Lysha, its a CAT !

Alysha : you know you cant touch a cat because later it will bite you and then its pain and then there will be blood then you need a plaster so that it will not be pain anymore !
okay she said that in a single breath. haha. :D monday going over to Nat's house with Nadiah for some homework. and since i finished them ALL, im going to irritate Nat for some reason. :D
k im hungry im gonna eat bye.
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Tuesday, December 22 @ 9:47:00 PM
like you.
(i really dont know what i was staring at haha.)
went out with cousin, Natasha to buy stationery. (: went to parkway at around 11. headed to starbucks first to buy drink since i was very very extremely thirsty. k then went to Royal Sporting House to look at bags.
she fell in love with this (extremely) nice Jansport bag. then we walked around, and went to Animal. she wanted this bag that was $89 (and had this 'water cooler' thing that keeps your cold water, well, cold.) but changed her mind. -.- so we went all the way back to Royal Sporting House to buy the Jansport bag. then had lunch at Macs. ate McSpicy and she shared the meal w me.
so we headed to Popular. buy all the stuff. we spent like, 2hrs there fighting over which stationery to buy. her budget was, supposedly, 30 dollars but she went OVER it drastically. and my budget was $15, and it was just nice. i rock \m/ she bought millions of stuff lah. she saw this nice file and she instantly took it when we just went to the file section. so we just went around looking at random stuff. and i only bought 1 clear folder, 3 pens, one pencil, one pencil lead and one eraser thing. :D
oh and we had this super epic moment. it was raining HEAVILY. and super windy. so we had to go against the wind. i took out my umbrella and when we were walking there was this super strong wind and we started walking backwards, lol. so we just stood there and Natasha started screaming (silently) lol. and when ever i want to cover my face w the umbrella, she says "I CAN'T SEE LAH." -.-
went back to parkway after that. i wanted to go to cotton on, and i saw this SUPER NICE skirt. so we tried it and I LIKE IT. :D she didnt buy it because she 'went over her budget'. then she said 'try it with a shirt or something.' i tried it with a long shirt and she tried it with a formal shirt which makes her look like an office girl. nice but formal. i didnt buy the shirt, i only bought the skirt.
so we went back to starbucks again cos we were bored. :/ i had my bagel :D and we talked. went back home, i took 135 back to Paya Lebar and she took 31 straight to Tamp.

OVERALL TODAY WAS FUN SHITZ. we should do it again. haha. :D
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@ 9:38:00 AM
later going stationery shopping. :D will get ready soon. going out at 11. will post if anything is fun. or whatever happens.
okay bye. :B
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Monday, December 21 @ 10:15:00 AM
they say.
k forget i even posted about the japan trip thing k. i forgot what happened. haha.
so anyway, my facebook wall was flooded by a million birthday wishes. (: thanks k. yesterday went to buy a cake because my niece wanted to cut a cake. -.- then we went back home, but the cake, ate and did whatever we did for an hour or so before my sister ajak me go to the beach with her. she was just plain bored. haha. alysha played with sand, and it was high tide that time so i was surrounded by (immature) kids and they were (somehow) playing retarded games. weird. then went to parkway. my sister wanted to change yen to singapore dollar. :/ then went to NIKE. and i did not see my bag there which is a good thing, so there's a 0.1% chance that someone in school will have the same bag as me. \m/ k then bought food and stuff then we went home. my other sister's bf gave like 3 (huge) packets of chocolates haha.
currently on facebook. will post if got any updates.
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Sunday, December 20 @ 9:54:00 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. (okay stop the ego. :P)
Third day : Disneyland. self-explanatory, much ? go on facebook, im lazy to elaborate. :D
yesterday went to VIVO. bought my birthday presents (yeah i CHOOSE them). got converse (school) shoes and a ripcurl wallet, :D so buying my sis a ripcurl/billabong/roxy wallet for her birthday next month. okay THANK YOU FOR ALL THE WISHES. (L) probably staying home today. nothing much to do anyway. :/
the asterisk is there for a reason. :> HAHA.
k anyway i wanna watch tv now.
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Friday, December 18 @ 5:57:00 PM
okay. again, another japan post. :/
wanted to go to Asakusa. (: we dropped off at Ueno because my sister claimed that there was a flea market somewhere around there. -.- so in the end we were looking for food, and Asakusa. my sister told us to "turn at Edo-dori." but Edo-dori is so freaking long. :/ so we just turned somewhere and we saw this huge temple and a gazillion people so yes, that's the Asakusa temple thing. where i bought a million souvenirs. okay no lah i only bought 4 stuff. all keychains. of Japanese dolls that have the same hairstyle as me. :D my brother says im a burnt Japanese Doll. zzz. so we took lotsa pictures there. and bought stuff. tried stuff. haha. and then we went to Asakusa station to take the Tokyo Metro the hotel. yeah that day was kinda boring. but we got lost and spent the day at Asakusa so it was kinda fun and tiring.
okay now i need to rant.
OKAY I AM SO VERY PISSED OFF AT MY MUM. because she sort of ransacked (no, cleared) my wardrobe when i was away in japan and threw or kept my shorts. like ALL. AND YOU KNOW HOW BLOODY IRRITATING IT IS. because she threw/kept my black FBT and my TKPS shorts and stuff. OH AND SHE TOOK/THREW MY YONEX SHORTS. ): im upset. because i have never worn those yonex shorts and i can tell you that it was FREAKING EXPENSIVE. if i tell my mum that she will tell me that its "a good thing i threw/kept your shorts because its indecent to wear at home." which doesnt make sense at all. because THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN THIS OKAY. just because you dont want me to wear shorts at home you dont have to throw/keep it so that i wont wear them. and now i have not much to wear at home. oh and when i asked her whether she cleaned my wardrobe, she just said "no." when its in a totally different arrangement than how i remember it used to be when i left for japan. okay conclusion for this statement : Mums are unreasonable. And sometimes they are liars. she says that "shorts are revealing." when i dont wear super short shorts. my shorts are like a few inches above the knee ONLY okay. not super short what. and she claimed that my dad is the one who dont let me wear the shorts at home, when she's the one who always complain to me to wear seluar panjang.
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Thursday, December 17 @ 8:38:00 PM
i love the weather. i cant publish photos here, too many. see my facebook. got 216 photos, and those are specially chosen. (: some others not uploaded.
k whatever. im gonna post on the days. see if i can remember. maybe one per day.
reached airport at 4am. =.= sat at starbucks for awhile while waiting for check-in. k whatever skip till super short flight to KL for transit. 4 hours of transit. so we ate there. went to this shop which has a weird name, super expensive but nice food and a view of planes. pfft. ate prawn mee. nicey. wanted to finish up but my brother said that he wanted to trade his nasi goreng for his prawn mee. -.- so in the end ate nasi goreng. i slept on the seat (cos it was a sofa seat) and ate this drowsiness pill which made me sleep through the flight. okay not all the time but i woke up at like, 1h intervals. the food was surprisingly nice. but the stewardesses and stewards suck. SIA is so much nicer. okay reached tokyo at 5pm tokyo time. and it was dark. took a bus to shinjuku station. and took the Tokyo Metro to Shinjuku-gyoemmae. [: walked to the hotel. NICE. k then changed and watched tv. and ate food that we brought. and then i slept.
yeah first day not much. now my mum is talking to my sister in australia. my sister wanted a short 5 mins conversation but they were on the phone for an hour.
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Tuesday, December 8 @ 11:52:00 AM
one in a million.

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Sunday, December 6 @ 7:56:00 PM
love like this.
im searching on tie dye now, doing it with fardiana tmr.
like early morning. (:
hmm post some other time.
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Friday, December 4 @ 8:57:00 AM
(like yeah.)
I couldn't sleep properly yesterday because i was excited and i was mentally rearranging my room into some other nice layout.
oh yes, did i tell you that :

i miss having fun in class.
i miss mr yap's weird science talk.
i miss coming in class with my hair wet and sonia asking "you washed your hair ? 0.0"
i miss nearly falling asleep during legacy especially if that psychologist comes. zzz.
i miss recess.
i miss the malay food. (somehow)
i miss hearing mr low's weird life stories even though he had told us that story a million times before.
i miss 1E5.
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Thursday, December 3 @ 1:21:00 PM
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@ 10:52:00 AM
my dad cant take care of aniq for nuts. -.-
because when i'm in the room, my dad always calls me out to take care of aniq or something. :/
tsk. aniq crawl so fast.
tmr going to watch New Moon with natasha and fardiana. (Y)
im taking a very long time to blog this post apparently cos my mum makes me do like, everything. when i was sweeping breadcrumbs off the floor, she told me to fold my blanket properly when i already did. when i was folding it, she told me to take care of aniq when i aniq is clearly outside with her.
there was nothing said ANYWHERE that once your maid leaves, your youngest daughter shall be the new one. =.=
because if i am, then i should get PAID to do these stuff when my mum didnt even return me my money for the grocery.
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Wednesday, December 2 @ 8:57:00 PM
love ya.
i had this awesome convo w audi but i cant possibly put the whole convo in. so i'll put this. hehe.

Fatin \m/ says:
*idk why but i smell something sweet.
audinuraini. says:
*haha, you're near a ghost.
Fatin \m/ says:
*no its not chocolate.
audinuraini. says:
Fatin \m/ says:
*its popcorn sweet.
audinuraini. says:
Fatin \m/ says:
*not bunga sweet,
*dont scare me, audi nuraini bte alfian

audinuraini. says:
*you used my full name for the first time!
*haha, wth -.-

Fatin \m/ says:
*eh cool.
all my life i've known her from P3 i have never used her full name in anything. \m/
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@ 6:12:00 PM
for better or for worse.
somebody help me. ):
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@ 10:51:00 AM
OMG FARDIANA ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GOING TO CUT BANGS ?! (i cant imagine her in bangs, it actually looks wrong, no offence.) bangs are irritating and when they get long you MUST pin it up or cut it or do whatever you want with it so that a prefect wont catch you for anything with your fringe. ): but i currently have bangs on my head so....
(i wanted macs from yesterday.) :/
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Tuesday, December 1 @ 1:09:00 PM
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@ 10:23:00 AM
as we all know.
YAY PEOPLE ITS FINALLY DECEMBER AND ITS MY 400th POST ! (and im not even 13 yet, teehee.)
actually, its only morning so not much to blog about except this hell of a liar which i wont elaborate about because he/she will probably scream at me or something. (WIDE GRIN)
december means ;
- new stuff. (yipeeeeeeeeeeeee.)
- JAPAN ! (L)
- new bag which i hope is going to be nike and im gonna buy it in japan, nyahaha.
- if its birthday, it means BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, MUAHAHAH. (omgz, sounds wrong.)
and so on. wheee.
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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.