you want
my love
you want my heart
tag please or die

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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Friday, April 30 @ 3:08:00 PM
I just haven't met you yet.
hey again.
I'm extremely bored.
tuition later at 6. -.-
was supposed to go back to tkps for the day, but no, because of the upcoming CAs and tuition, never mind.
Nobody is on facebook.
Yeah, what happened to the world ?
Everyone left early today. As in the class is sort of empty (except for sonia and others) by 12.23PM. and school (officially) ended at 12.10PM. yes, well what happened to the rest of the world ?
I've got no clue. :/
My mum cooked macaroni.
Because we haven't had that in a long time. No relevance but still. :/
i like it.
now, when i type in a blog, it feels like I'm talking to myself.
yes well I AM talking to myself because apparently no one (particularly) ever replies your blog posts, right ?
See, everytime you read/come/whatever, tag.
If not I'll feel like I'm talking to a wall.
Like now.
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@ 1:45:00 PM
Stop calling.
hey apple.
my mum is talking to me mainly because I'm the only one at home with her.
she wants me to become a teacher.
No way, man. i am never gonna be a teacher.
ohhhh i hate today, even though its friday.
2e6 and 2e8 blamed 2e5 for leaking out literature paper answers. *rolls eyes*
please lah, we won't do such things okay.
we've got better things to do than leak out stupid literature paper answers.
see, because of this the WHOLE sec 2 cohort has to take the lit paper. again.
i know some people from 2e2 cheated. No offence but seriously, this is the second worst day of my life.
we were never so pissed in our lives ok.
after all this leaking scandal happened, whenever we walk past those in 2e2 they dont dare look at us in the eye.
even if its someone from 2e5, i'm sure i didnt do it.
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Thursday, April 29 @ 3:12:00 PM
You can save my life.
I'm addicted to Fmylife. :)
its funny.
anyway. yeah. i got back from school 13 minutes ago. took 32 home.
uhhh well.
my sister, alysha, aniq and my brother-in-law wont be home today. Till tomorrow. (No, there's no party happening.) MEANS : I CAN USE THE COMPUTER FOR AS LONG AS I WANT UNTIL I FEEL LIKE STUDYING. which is at 6.
umm well okay i shall go on Facebook (and stalk people.)
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Wednesday, April 28 @ 7:29:00 PM
I'm drowing without your love.
Today I witnessed some (rather traumatising) drama at MACS OF ALL PLACES.
This lady went in and went up to this KC girl, saying ;
W : where is Nicolette ? (daughter I guess)
G : idk. She’s in school.
W : shut your bullshit.
So that woman continued calling the girl a slut and claimed she is the “biggest bullshit-er ever”
Umm. Charming mum, huh.
You don’t go around calling other girls slut (when she is wearing singlets herself pfft)
Yeah well. -.-
Then she came back and said “I know your mum doesn’t care about you but I care about my daughter.” And I think that is by far the BIGGEST insult in the history of insults. Im serious.
And she went “stay away from Nicolette. You 13-year-old slut.”
Pfft that girl is.. strong.
Still can endure her insults.
She just went “yeah. Yeah.”
Uhhh well. What interesting drama at macs. -.-
Im typing all this in Microsoft word because apparently my sister thinks im doing my CmPS report.
Im helping Natasha do some lit poem presentation thingy.
Ah well. Gotta go.
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Monday, April 26 @ 4:10:00 PM
I wish our hearts can come together as one.
hey there.
im eating sour sweets because im feeling perky today.
no relevance, i know.
went to videoworld with nancy and christina after school just now.
we did fresh flower bouquets for art. cool eh.
the teacher gave us chocolates and a box of tissue. :/
don't ask about the box of tissue. i have no idea.
my theory (Fatin's Theorem :B) : the tissue box is for your mum. so when she sees the bouquet she cries and has that box of tissue to wipe her tears.
makes sense right. we studied Pythagoras' Theorem for math just now. i thought Pythagoras is some random Egyptian thing. its actually this famous (pfft self-proclaimed) Greek philosopher. His name is (something) Pythagoras. stupid name right. (:
yeah. i didnt know you can find the Hypoteurase (or something like that, i have no idea).
Well. let me speak proper english.
i screwed up my English Summary. :(
i found 18 points and only started writing my summary at 1.45PM. and its supposed to end at 1.53PM. was so dead. i only wrote down 12 points. :/
AHHH and its 50% of the overall CA2 score.
damn. i hope my points are valid.
i shall go sleep, though i dont go to sleep in the afternoon.
urgh. i shall go watch TV.
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Sunday, April 25 @ 9:24:00 PM
Is my love your drug.
hey im back. -.-
uhhh they only told us to LAUNCH the thing and it says "Dear Student, thank you for accessing this page and you may log out of your Ask N Learn portal now."
yes im bored.
pfft on facebook now.
and im feeling ultra sleepy.
Chihwee's phone is confiscated by her mum.
pssh nobody to talk to at night.
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@ 9:21:00 PM
You don't need a plane to fly.
i totally forgot to do the E-Learning thing they told us to do for some check.
and it has to bee done by today, 2359h. yes im early. \m/
ah well gotta do that crap now/
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Saturday, April 24 @ 8:23:00 AM
You just keep me hanging on.
well im going out soon.
but not yet.
supposed to meet chihwee at 8.40AM.
how long does it take to get to VJC ? -.-
at least im not taking bus. if i am i'll be damn late.
Ben posted a wall post on my facebook. sheesh.
im gonna eat breakfast.
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Friday, April 23 @ 5:32:00 PM
Find me somebody to love.
i went back to tkps just now.
my mum initially told me to go back home but when i was at bedok, she called me and said that she doesnt need me home so early *rolls eyes* PFFT. so i asked her whether i could go back to TKPS because apparently Elena forced me to. :P
well yeah quite fun though.
i think edwin had the most epic reaction upon seeing us.
(Edwin sees Elena, Tiffany Choo.)
(looks at me and points)
E : YOU. I REMEMBER YOU. WAH. BANGS AH. (finger points across his forehead)
pfft for someone who called me Shortie last time that was an unexpected reaction.
huh. Elena is diving into books now.
:/ im on facebook.
i feel so slack compared to Elena reading Geography.
Ah well.
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Thursday, April 22 @ 3:18:00 PM
My baby don't mess around,
hi im still in my school uniform because the wardrobe people are doing some things to the wardrobe and i cant take my clothes pfft. -.-
I GOTTA DO GOOD FOR LIT. Ms Low is biased. i may be looking for another poem but oh well. Number 37 tomorrow. We stopped at 19. :P
i would rather get it done and over with.
why is my heart beating so fast ?
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Wednesday, April 21 @ 4:12:00 PM
I need your love to bring me up.
hey ho.
i just came back from YLDG.
quite ok. Childcare CIP, am taking care of kids aged 6 and above.
yessss unlike the other group, 5 and below.
please i cant even take care of alysha without screaming at her. i cant scream at starnger's daughters/sons. their parents will kill me. :/
today i had the best laugh. EVER.
fardiana blurted out a secret. and then i started laughing. madly.
at a secret. what a secret. \o/
i studied 3 hours yesterday. i shall do that practically everyday.
not happening.
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Tuesday, April 20 @ 4:15:00 PM
But I'm losing you.
hey. :)
just came back from parkway.
was supposed to come over HERE but apparently no, we did not.
tomorrow, maybe. \m/ well.
ate at banquet after buying Natasha's specs. heh, Yong Tau Foo forever ok.
Nadiah didnt know what Yong Tau Foo is, she thought it was tofu.
pfft no tofu involved ok. unless you choose to put it in. :)
haha ok besides the point. we played TAP TAP with the song BABY multiple times. :P
ok yes. i have chocolate addiction. Facebook is so lively when i try to keep away from it. -.-
pssh stupid facebook.
there's GEOGRAPHY TA and HISTORY TA tomorrow. TOMORROW. yes and i have only studied geography. not much for History. ok shall go study humanities during my study period later. ^^v
i am attempting to make a very long post because i have not been posting long posts since... ever.
yes. Chloe's closet is a stupid show. its so horibbly stupid. about this blonde girl (i have something against blondes but not much ok.) who can go into her closet and she will do stuff, more of like jobs. I think she was inspired by Narnia. which explains why the title is Chloe's CLOSET.
well i'm talking cartoon now. \o/
OH FAG THERE'S THIS (waste of time, not included in CAs) SCIENCE TEST TOMORROW.
am i supposed to care, no ?
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Monday, April 19 @ 5:20:00 PM
Don't leave me out here dancing alone.
we made a bouquet for art (floral arrangement) today. when i showed it to my mum she got sort of suspicious and stuff ._.
it was embarassing ok to bring it to the bus/mrt and erm, PUBLIC PLACES MAINLY.
at the mrt platform i took out the ziploc and stuffed it inside no matter how squashed it looks. :P
yes ok bye. :P
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Sunday, April 18 @ 10:22:00 AM
What is love ?

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@ 9:36:00 AM
Because we belong together now.
im addicted to the Marks and Spencer cereal. :)
i've been eating it since yesterday.
EH LILLIPUTT ANYBODY ? (in case some people, like nadiah, doesnt know what lilliputt is, its minigolf, ok?)
go before 31st may. discount. :D
$15 per person.
tell me if you want to come ok.
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Saturday, April 17 @ 8:21:00 PM
Shawty is an eenie meenie miney mo luva.
im bored ok seriously.
nadiah i need to tell you something.
seriously. (by the time you read this i would have probably told you this ages ago but whatevs ok)
AHAHAH THERE'S THIS LADY WHO HAS 25 KIDS. (but she's poor and p.s. 8 of them died so...yeah)
i am having the most boring conversation. ever.
with someone whom i cant say here because nadiah will probably like kill me or stab me or throw me down a building or something but yes nadiah face the fact that im chatting with someone dead boring, capische ?
well. uh.
i shall get back to my boring conversation now, okay?
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@ 1:25:00 PM
You took me by the hand and you pick me up at 6.
hey ho.
temasek academy was. AWESOME.
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@ 8:06:00 AM
I can't wait to say, I love you, enough.
im going to TJ IP open house. in like. 7 minutes or so.
going with chihwee (and her mummy o.o) seriously. o.o
im eating chocolate.
will update when there are fun things happening.
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Friday, April 16 @ 3:38:00 PM
On the radio, stereo.
the guy i saw in the morning now is not.... yeah. its not him.
he stays at pasir ris. why the hell would i see him at kembangan. UNDER MY BLOCK SOME MORE. pssh.
yes. and i saw jojo just now. :P
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@ 3:26:00 PM
Hey soul sista.
hey (soul sister.)
haha today is awesome.
you know why?
i know you know why.
its FRIDAY. pfft a RAINY FRIDAY. :)
such fridays are forever nice. whoever who says fridays suck probably has nothing better to do on weekends and are geeks no offence :B
yes and whats more its a RAINY FRIDAY.
i love rainy fridays. the friday part is good enough. but rain is better.
the weather is so nice and the wind that comes from the window near my (and rachel's) seat is cool. it makes me want to fall asleep in math class though that is not possible. (:
ok everyone is practically away in school with CCA except for me because i rock too much. (:
yes i shall go spend my awesome cool friday now.
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Thursday, April 15 @ 4:10:00 PM
If we ever meet again.
nadiah and natasha are supposedly studying. :P
just now in science, Mr Yap was throwing markers around asking people to answer his critical angle question. i ducked from it but i still need to answer pfft.
well ok my hand is extremely painful now for some reason but yeah.
im a happy girl.
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Tuesday, April 13 @ 5:52:00 PM
You can't make up your mind.
well hi.
i'm doing literature presentation touch-ups.
ok bye."
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Monday, April 12 @ 4:55:00 PM
Does love come in packets ?

hi ho. :P
i have never realised my love for paperchase until TODAY where we spent 1(freaking) hour at paperchase looking for a notebook.
yes i know paperchase is hugeee with notebooks but no, they had to compare price, design, whatevs, right nadiah/natasha ?
i always buy paperchase items and never use them.
too nice to be used. ^^v
i want to buy a new photo album.
my current one is running out. ok i shall make it a point to go to paperchase. :P
i bought a notebook and took 1% of the time Nadiah and Natasha took to choose their notebook. *rolls eyes*
and its so retro ok. (audi screams hahaha)
it looks like wallpaper.
and the black parts are cloth/velvet-like.
so awesome. :)
is it me or do i smell McSpicy ? \o/
haha, yes my siblings approve of me buying another Baby-G.
the neon yellow/pink/blue/white one.
cool much. :) alysha is sleeping.
so rabak ok she sleep.
aniq also sleeping. good thing okkk.
i shall go bloghop till i've got no more blogs to hop to anymore.
P.S : Nadiah, jojo doesnt take 31 ok. hahaha.
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Sunday, April 11 @ 10:48:00 AM
Now, Romeo and Juliet, bet they never felt the way we felt.
i just came back from madrasah. :P
and and and, im watching the show about the wedding thing.
sheesh, that girl is such a spoilt brat and a dumb blonde (only she's not blonde).
she bought three designer dresses, three jewellery sets that costs US71,000. pfft, you could buy a car with that money, ok ?
so she went to the cake store and wants the cake holder to be a transparent glass holder.
Wife-to-be : I want the glass holder to be filled with water, with crystals floating in it.
Husband : Crystals dont float.
Wife-to-be : ):
told ya she is some spoilt, dumb person.
OH the name is My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding. :P
eee omg she's so ugly with all the make up. :S
ok im addicted to churros.
i shall go watch now.
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Saturday, April 10 @ 5:01:00 PM
Stuck in the moment with you.
why hi again. :)
my neighbour taught my mum to make churros.
i'm a happy daughter. :P
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@ 3:53:00 PM
I'll never let you go.
well hello. :)
im bored.
my sisters went out and im stuck at home, because im too lazy to go out. :D
My math textbook is with natasha now. so much for her not bringing back her textbook when she knows there's tuition today.
I watched Glee. recorded it at first. about the mattress thing.
season finale next week. :/
im going to enjoy the peace and freedom of being home alone (with my parents but they dont care.)
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@ 9:18:00 AM
im eating black forest chocolate (in the morning) haha.
hmm this skin is cute. (:
maybe going airport later, i dont know.
my mum's out, everyone else is sleeping.
and i'm watching MTV. \m/
addiction begins again.
ah well.
ok bye.
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Friday, April 9 @ 4:40:00 PM
and we will never ever ever be apart.

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@ 4:06:00 PM
well. hello again. :/
today is pretty much very slack-ish.
we had Malay. about some superhero crap. then we talked about Hang Tuah. Pfft.
guitar again. yes i know. haha. can tell that some people have fallen for the guitar teacher.
like yes its obvious. I won't tell you who. just pretend i didn't say anything, ok ?
next was PE. none of the teacher came. so we had free period. :)
Mr Chen came in to relief us, and it was fun. "Romeo and Juliet died in a puddle of water."
yes. the best relief lesson. EVER.
Literature. Animal Farm is pretty boring. but interesting.
I find the George Orwell offending. He changed Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin of the Russian Revolution to pigs. Yes, PIGS. How offensive.
Stalin has a moustache like Hitler. (but Hitler has the squarish moustache. HAH.)
pfft. I'm analysing dead people.
Oh well ok. that was pretty much my day.
Aniq is crawling all over the house.
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@ 2:53:00 PM
i just need somebody to love.
oh hi. :P
i got back from macs. supposedly to study but we ended up talking.
im searching for a (new) blogskin.
this one not so nice anymore. :D
i like my new link.
pepper spray, anyone?
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Thursday, April 8 @ 10:35:00 PM
well ok hi im bored.
its 10.35(PM)
ok im gonna sleep.
(pointless blog post :P)
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Tuesday, April 6 @ 8:52:00 PM
I'll take you away.
today was fun.
haha. went to parkway to lunch. at delifrance (again).
got back math paper.
for the first time EVER i felt so happy even though i didnt get highest and went off my target by one mark. *rolls eyes* ok at least its like, A2 for the paper. close to A1, but not there yet.
i still wonder how i got 39.5/40 for that math paper (that i love) last year for CA3.
i felt so awesome ok.
Im done with D&T, quite.
my sister got this phone call at work.
Some random Ahpek : HELLO I TRANSFER CHEQUE TO YOU $2000 AH.
Sister : Umm. May i know who this is?
Ahpek : ah i buy fish from you ah.
Sister : you've got the wrong number, we dont sell fish.
Ahpek : then what you sell?
Sister : We have aeroplanes.
pfft so much for being a pilot instructor. after that, she hung up and burst out laughing.
my sister is so awesome. she gets random phone calls from ahpeks who buy $2000 worth of fishes.
ah well.
for all i know, my sister does NOT sell fishes.
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Monday, April 5 @ 4:57:00 PM
baby baby baby oh.
im bored. im transferring songs to my phone. :P
ok yes i shall go over to natasha's house when she returns. i cant study.
ok bye.
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Sunday, April 4 @ 12:21:00 PM
when love takes over.
i got back from malacca yesterday.
malacca is like dead boring. -.-
oh pshhh did i tell you i rebonded my hair. :P
i need to register for VJ's open house.
ok yes bye.
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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.