you want
my love
you want my heart
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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Monday, May 31 @ 11:04:00 AM
You don't wanna let go.
Hello (:
My sister made tiramisu heh.
I haven't tried it yet. :/ Alysha is watching High School Musical 3. Hehehehehehe. I'm starting with that stupid annoying laughter. Hehehehehehehehehe. ^^v
I still dont like saying "Darling." Its so weird. "DARLING." What the fag.
I wanna go to parkway and buy that cornflakes cereal. BUT it looks like its gonna pour any moment.
Yet, I feel like going to Ice Cream Chefs. :/
Well. We'll see.
May be watching Shrek tomorrow. But alot of people said it sucked so I'm not sure.
Ehub. (: With my niece and sister and yeah.
In school uniform.
Stupid teacher-parent conference.
Stupid stupid teacher-parent conference.
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Sunday, May 30 @ 2:58:00 PM
The stars lean down to kiss you.
Hello baby. (:
I'm currently eating Fruity Pebbles.
I'm going to make tiramisu and Marshmallow cereal crunch later.
My sister went to Giant to buy the things. (: Yet, I'm still at home.
Lazy to go.
I feel like eating Kit Kat Chunky. Back to that addiction. :D
Woohoo, gonna go Vivo with Christina to buy my wallet and my sister's wallet (because I sort of broke hers *rolls eyes*) Maybe on Wednesday.
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Saturday, May 29 @ 1:41:00 PM
Your sweet moonbeam.
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Friday, May 28 @ 9:28:00 PM
Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow.
We still aren't sure about Sundown tmr. ):
Well, I'm at my brother's house.
Staying over todayyy.
Only siblings. Because my brother's in France. And my parents didnt wanna follow us so..
Oh what the shit.
I'm stuck in a dilemma. ):
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Thursday, May 27 @ 8:15:00 PM
You killed me with your words.
Last day of school todayyyy. (:
Teacher-Parent Conference on tuesday. ):
I can say that most of my classmates aren't born to be housewives. Seriously.
Chihwee didn't even touch a single piece of cloth. She sat down at the back of the class singing to herself while I was running around with the checklist, seeing whether things are done (or not.)
Yeah. Me, Fardiana and Claudia walked all the way to the toilet near the hall to find a mop, only to realise that there is a mop in the shower stall at the toilet nearest to our class.
Apparently we needed the mop because SOME people dipped their rugs in water, and squeezed it while walking to some random table to wipe it. So Keziah went "EHHHHH DON'T LIKE THAT." So, she took the broom and tried to sweep the water away.
Yes. I told ya some of them aren't born housewives.
Kai Lin was super cute during operation clean up.
I'm going to watch teevee now.
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Wednesday, May 26 @ 7:56:00 PM
I was lost without you.
Went to ACRES just now.
Quite cool. For some place which doesnt have enough money :/
Me and Christina sat in the bus together. Twice.
Then waited for Yi Ling at Donut Empire, since she finishes at 6. And it was, what, 5.30.
We ended up waiting for her at the bus stop. And we missed a trillion buses, and one 32. ):
But when she came, 32 arrived. ^^v
Printer died on me. Seriously.
I'm gonna type out now.
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Tuesday, May 25 @ 9:14:00 PM
Nothing on you.
Hey there.
I'm bored.
The school stank just now. Apparently there was an oil spill at East Coast beach there and our school is around there. EWWWWW. I kept spraying deodorant in class. It only lasted 3 seconds then the smell came back. Smelled like rubber burning.
I thought it was so hot that rubber caught fire. Since so many people say it smelled like rubber burning. Clara thought they were burning rubber trees. -.-
Whoa, they said the two ships collided at 6.10AM. and we smelled that pretty bad smell at around, 12 ?
Diffusion is real slow. ^^
Unlike light. My sister talked to me about subject combinations just now.
Decided on -
1. Triple science, geog elect.
2. Double science, geog core, history elect.
3. Double science, geog core, lit elect.
Yep. In order of ranking. ^^
I wanna get into Triple science. ):
Anyway. The house smells of chicken.
I'm going to stalk people now.
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Monday, May 24 @ 6:09:00 PM
Ever since you were born, the world got hotter.
I'm at Natasha's house.
I printed the home econs thing for my notebook cover.
I was only supposed to print it out but I ended.
Haha, anyway.
Reading some random facts on Natasha's phone.
Well. Ok bye.
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Sunday, May 23 @ 10:59:00 AM
I get a rush.
I'm making my second breakfast now.
Croissants with tuna and cheese. :D
Ok. I'm waiting for it to finish baking. :B
Nice nice.
Well, I may be bringing air katira to school tomorrow for the sake of the people out there (and Mr Low) who doesnt know what air katira is and wants to sell it for Carnival Day.
What the fag.
I'm still waiting for the cheese to melt with the tuna.
I'm only making myself hungrier. I shall go now.
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Friday, May 21 @ 7:57:00 PM
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
Now I can't smile.
Fag. ):
My brother changed the monitor. So bright.
I don't wanna talk about Installation. ):
To add to my depression, my cousin is going to SOTA. Well. Idk if that's a good thing or what but for all I know, I hate her. :/
She's irritating, stuck up, obnoxious. Yes, well.
That kind of person.
I'm watching Glee.
About Madonna.
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Thursday, May 20 @ 8:21:00 PM
I wish we were in love.
Hahahahaha, I'm watching some videos on Facebook.
Omfg so cute lahhh.
My com died. So did the printer. Sheesh.
So, anyway.
There's installation tomorrow. Went through the informal segment script. THE MICROPHONE IS SO STUPID. It keeps sliding off my hear.
Hahaha today I fond out that Christina can't say "Awwww."
She says "Oww." HAHAHAHAHA.
I wanna eat chicken rice.
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Sunday, May 16 @ 2:38:00 PM
Tell me how am I to win your heart.

Not going out today.
My sisters went to Harbourfront.
And I'm stuck at home. But never mind. :D
I watched Glee again. I recorded it and I felt bored. -.-
Well. Anyway. I remember on Thursday, me, Lihsuen and Evelias were talking about kid shows. Like Hi-5. And POWERPUFF GIRLS. Hahhah, fun. Because Rachel didn't come and Lihsuen sat beside me. ^^v
Hahaha. Okay.
Woohoo. There's mee siam. I'm going to eat mee siam.
No, I'm NOT going to get any for you.
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@ 9:18:00 AM
I could really use a wish right now.
I'm tired, hungry, and sleepy.
Woohoo. Went for ice-cream buffet yesterday. It was cooooool. :D
And there are a million people. -.-
It was so secluded. Really. I wanna go there again. ^^v
Anyway, I dont know if I'm going out today. I have tuition later but who cares, right?
I'm going to watch TV now.
The house is too silent, eeks.
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Saturday, May 15 @ 1:05:00 PM
I'll walk a thousand miles.
I'm food-hunting.
Going to go wedding later.
Then ice-cream buffet.
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Friday, May 14 @ 7:55:00 PM
Sprinkle some love.
Went to watch ironman with my brother, sister and niece at Cathay Cineleisure.
Ate popcorn, nachos. Well.
I like the movie.
I wanna watch it again.
Hahah, anyway.
Facebook now.
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Thursday, May 13 @ 6:39:00 PM
This ain't a love song, this is goodbye.
I came back from interact at around 6. I like the Sec 3s dance. so cooool.
Me, Lin Yee, Grace and Sabrina were late for Interact because I was trying to print out my emcee script then this sec one girl kept hogging the printer and wasted a million pieces of paper. And the printer kept printing the wrong thing. I could have took a bus back home to print it then come back to school. It would have been more efficient.
Today, me, Christina and Lin Yee had the best bus ride ever. Christina couldn't stop laughing for 6 bus stops and a traffic light. Woohoo. I think it was the donut she ate.
I mean, come on, who eats mango donuts with chocolate on top ? Tell me.
Yes well it was too sweeeeet.
Uhh I'm eating MY donut(s).
Which Aniq is stealing from me.
Whee. I took the MRT to school today because my dad didn't want to send me to school. I left home at 6.50AM. Yes, I know. And I reached school in 20 minutes. ^^v
Yes. Record, maybe.
Hahaha, I'm going to continue eating my chocolate-covered donut now okay bye.
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Wednesday, May 12 @ 10:56:00 AM
The sight of you in every single thing i see.
E-learning now.
It sucks. Very very very very very badly.
I finished everything except geog, malay and I'm doing math now.
Heymath sucks. ):
Geog. I dont know where is the fugging assignment. Same for Malay. OH yeah English. Also need to print. I may be printing out later or asking someone to print it out for me because I'm using my sister's laptop for E-learning. The normal com that I use hanged on me. And it was supposed to start at 8, my mum didn't wake me up so in the end I woke myself up. -.- at 8.30AM.
whoa. That's like halfway into Science. Oh and when I woke up and checked Asknlearn, they changed the freaking Sec 2 E-learning timetable. But really, we have alot of time. Cos two periods is Higher Chinese/Chinese. :B
HAHAHAHA sorry lah.
Aiyoh. Maths is quite okay. The kind where you just sit and stare at the computer screen. Practically because HeyMath! is the dumbest invention in history. And they think we're dumb. The narrator talks to us like we don't even know English.
Ooh. This laptop is nice to type. Hahaha but too bad, its only one of the days where my sister doesn't bring her laptop to work. Oh i wonder what happened to the VAIO she wanted to buy. Sheesh, if not this laptop is mine already.
Anyway. HeyMath! is trying to convince me that if you want to know how to find the volume of a prism, you have to slice the prism against its height/cross-section. Please lah, I know the formula is base area x height only. Make it so difficult for what right. -.-
Gosh. I'm losing my attention span.
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Tuesday, May 11 @ 5:04:00 PM
Pulling me in the wrong direction.
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@ 4:42:00 PM
Every night the stars will shine.
Hi. (:
Today, i had a plaster on each knee. HAD.
I took them off. I had two mosquito bites (that bled.)
The plaster was mainly to prevent myself from scratching it and to cover up the bloody mess.
Haha, apparently alot of people thought i fell down. Well, Eunice only realised i rebonded my hair just now when we were doing the rehearsal when I actually rebonded it 4 weeks ago. I think.
AND WE SAW EACH OTHER LAST WEEK HAHA. How can she not realise ? she said "I'm slowww."
Wheeee. I'm eating rendang now.
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Monday, May 10 @ 3:51:00 PM
You've got me begging you for mercy.
Hi. I can't stop laughing (again).
For my own reasons.
Nadiah is will be really happy now. Really really really really really happy now. :)
(because jojo is going to appear in TV commercials and his ronaldo-inspired poster is going to be at MRT stations and bus stops) -.-
Today, Yin Yu brought back THREE of my fugging diva headbands. fishcake, I'm so angry now, bloody hell.
No, actually it's my sister's. She is so dead.
Kau, suka-suka ambil orang nye barang seh.
Besok kau tak kasih balik, mati kau.
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Saturday, May 8 @ 6:57:00 PM
I don't want to miss a single thing you do tonight.

Today I went to Marina Square with Natasha. And I bought that headband. And other corsage headband that is creamy white, whee.
Oh I wanna go for Limelight 2010 : TKGS Symphonic Band performance at Esplanade Concert Hall on July 5th. (:
She bought the book Keeping Faith. :) She's currently an obsessed Jodi Picoult fan, well.
I like that corsage headband that I bought. It's awesome.
Whee. Ok I am so going for Limelight 2010. (:

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@ 10:29:00 AM
But me and you were meant to last forever.
Hey there.
Haha, I ate pizza at 10.30PM yesterday.
The crunchy cheesy bites. Whee. So happy.
I HAD to eat it. I contributed 10 bucks. \o/
Anyway. I'm hungry.
I'm going to go food-hunting.
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Friday, May 7 @ 6:57:00 PM
Bagai hari yang tiada mentari.
Hey im bored.
If the E-Learning student user test just tells me to click and log off, I am going to scream.
Oh, and only Inthujaa replied my relay system message.
Just great.
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@ 6:24:00 PM
I left my heart on the dancefloor.
ask me anything.
Today, I spent toooo much money.
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Thursday, May 6 @ 4:33:00 PM
We were never in love.
I can't stop laughing at Shafiqah's baby pictures.
I'm gonna go laugh some more.
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Wednesday, May 5 @ 5:18:00 PM
I'm walking on sunshine.
Hey There. (I like your hair.)
Anyway, History CA was easy. English was crappy. I wrote 391 words for a letter. :D
Hahah, today my phone survived a drastic fall.
I was running because we (as in Thanusiya, Natalie, Jolin, Claudia, Fardiana, Chihwee) were late for floral art make-up lesson. (We were eating at the bubble tea shop and SOME people had to eat instant noodles -.-) Yes anyway, i was running and my phone fell out of my pocket, bounced five times, skipped the drain, bounced on the concrete beside the drain twice, and fell into it. -.-
So Jolin took it out and it was in perfect working condition. \o/
Its left the way I left it before it dropped.
Wheee ~
shockproof phone.
Anyway, I'm hungry.
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Tuesday, May 4 @ 2:58:00 PM
Do you know what's worth fighting for.
hey there.
Math paper was simple. quite.
Geog was okay, but the amount of space Ms O'Donoghue gave us was freaky. She gave us one sentence, she gives us like, 8 lines.
Yeah. Well.
I'm eating Mutton Chop. (:
Tomorrow, slack exam subjects.
English - Formal Letter Writing. History. Yeah. I sorta memorised push and pull factors.
I'm eating. (I'm repeating.)
Well okay bye.
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Monday, May 3 @ 3:09:00 PM
And you'll be out of ideas pretty soon.
Hi I just came back from the library. :)
i only borrowed one book. -.-
anyway, I bought Adidas Deodorant because apparently I find that the class smells after PE.
So. Yeah. AND its the pink nice smelling one. (:
Alysha cried because she wanted that deodorant. But. She already has perfume that is $100+
Yes I guess my sister spoils her. *rolls eyes*
Mine only Adidas ok. Hers Elizabeth Arden.
Mainly because I don't even use perfume, thats why.
Mr Tang has 32 mutual friends with me.
Hahah, he appeared in the friends suggestion.
Ah well.
I'm going to go eat.
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@ 10:10:00 AM
Let's spend the afternoon in a cold hot air balloon.
everyone is online.
practically most people. (:
I wanna go library. I need to return books.
Though, I can't study in libraries. :/
Hmm. Well.
I'm hungry.
[ADDED] -.-
okay now I'm pissed.
Shit. I hate it when these kind of things happens, okay.
I wanna go out. ):
I need to be happy. ):
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Sunday, May 2 @ 4:03:00 PM
Either way I found out, I'm nothing without you.
Hi again. :)
Not going out. studying later.
wanted to buy kain for hari raya.
but then Aniq had to be sick. If not I wouldn't be here, blogging right now.
Facebook has been sort of dead recently, due to muggings and late night study, what nots.
Yes. I was watching "Willie Wonky's Chocolate Factory" on Discovery Travel and Living because its on repeat *rolls eyes*
At the second episode, I got so tempted and went to the shop.
Currently an impulse chocolate buyer. *facepalm*
I watched the Eenie Meenie music video 3 times on Friday. Or was it Thursday. :/
Yeah. It was awesome.
Sean Kingston came out of an Audi R8. 0.0
Okay well besides the point, Justin Bieber looked so kiddy.
I don't know why. He just looked different. More like a girl. 0.0
Hahah, everyone is attracted to the P3 class photo with Miss Zunairah in it. Everyone's commenting on it.
I saw Ms Della at Parkway yesterday.
Me : whoa. my art teacher. 0.0
Sister : where ?
*Ms Della smiles*
Sister : she looks familiar.
Darn. I think my sister knows everyone now.
AND I saw Mr Ng. The chinese teacher. He was practically stoning at the Parkway bus stop, because I took 15 from tuition to Parkway to meet my sisters and when I got off the bus, he was there.
Ms Della's daughter is cute.
Enough said.
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@ 9:51:00 AM
Just don't give in.
I'm eating peanut butter and chocolate bread. :)
haha, okay my sister bought a new camera yesterday because MY camera DIED. yes. and she gets the newer one. -.- and I'm getting her pink camera. (no difference, mine was pink also.) as in the one I always bring to sports day/excursions/places. yeah. that one.
AND my brother is getting Canon EOS 7D. \o/ means he's giving me his EOS 350D. \o/
I'm overjoyed. Obviously using the SLR more. :D apparently everyone is using Canon, except I have one Sony.
Nah, its okay.
Sister : I give you my pink camera lah.
Me : hmm. okay.
Alysha : I ALSO WANT !!! ):
I'm watching spongebob. (:
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Saturday, May 1 @ 3:13:00 PM
Fell in love when I saw you standing there.
i forgot to tell you that i beat Chi Hwee in Math. :)
5 more subjects to go
HAHAH tuition later :(
Well, I shall go eat.
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@ 9:03:00 AM
I'm going to break your heart anyway.
hey there.
I'm watching glee on replay.
i recorded it. :) (the power of HubStation pfft.)
Hhaha, second episode.
I'm hungry. ):
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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.