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my love
you want my heart
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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Tuesday, June 29 @ 4:42:00 PM
You're who I'm thinking of.
I watched Dear John yesterday, but not done yet.
Left 20 minutes. -_-
Apparently it was already 11.10PM when it was ending in 20 minutes, but I don't want to be outside alone and I was kinda bored considering everyone was in their rooms already -_-
Heheheheh in school, Audi texted me, telling me that Mr Lim transferred to her school and is a PE teacher.
Yes, the Mr Lim who loves to say "Stayback." Hahaha, the balding one.
But really, he's kinda nice. He is kind of understanding SOMEHOW.
He always threatens to shut someone up with a pacifier and there was always this Show And Tell thing. Oh and I remember he always uses his son's name as an example for some things.
I'm going to run with Natasha later.
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Monday, June 28 @ 3:29:00 PM
You'll have to cry me out.
My no-smsing plan turned out to be a major failure, because people are occasionally sending me messages and yes, they are the kind that needs replies. -_-
But its okay, you could still SMS if you want to.
I don't want to go for tuition on Thursday.
I want to watch My Sister's Keeper now.
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Friday, June 25 @ 10:02:00 PM
I want your leather-studded kiss in the sand.
Hi I love my moose, ♥
So cute. HAHAHAHA.
Ridzuan can't stop saying that my moose is a doll.
No, Ridzuan, it's not a doll. It was never a doll.
Never. Ever. A doll. ^^v
Anyway, I was looking at someone's profile just now and that person came online :O
Scary right ?!
School is starting on Monday -_-
I wish you people all the best.
I rented two movies yesterday. The Lovely Bones and Planet 51.
THE LOVELY BONES IS SO WORTH THE 4 BUCKS. Planet 51 was just plain dumb and lame but it's okay lah.
The Lovely Bones is with Natasha now.
Its such a nice show. :-)
I've got a wedding tomorrow at Fort Canning.
Bye I'm going to watch Juno. (:
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Thursday, June 24 @ 12:39:00 PM
When your heart's under attack.
I'm talking to Nadiah on the phone.
Hahah. Well. I want to go out today. :(
I want to watch Letters To Juliet. Anybody please please T.T
And I want to go Ice-cream buffet. Probably going on Monday. ^^
I love Glee yesterday.
Bad Romance, glee cast version. Nice. (:
I love Quinn's dress and her long feathery eyelashes.
I want to have a movie marathon.
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Wednesday, June 23 @ 1:34:00 PM
I've only got one heart. Handle it with care.

For the past few days, I have been receiving these kind of Notifications.
Likes and wall posts. (:
That Mr Teo thing is true okay.
I was walking towards Paya Lebar MRT, and when I saw a dustpan I really really automatically did think of Mr Teo.
Hahaha, cool right.
I look forward to today's episode of Glee. (:
Alejandro was weird.
Super weird.
The music video, I mean.
Yesterday, I couldn't stop squealing for some reason.
I'm serious.
Hahah kay I need to go do stuff.
Like poke my pimple.
P.S, I'm not gonna poke my pimple. I don't even have one. Hehehe.
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Tuesday, June 22 @ 12:19:00 PM
Have you laughed yet ?
Hello. (:
I'm going to Parkway later.
To buy
- Croissants
- Cereal
- Body Shop soap
- Nail polish remover

Yeah. I think that should be all.
Or I don't know. My nail polish remover evaporated. Because my niece used permanent marker on her hands and the only way to remove it is with alcohol. And at that time, there was only nail polish remover. Oh and I remember after I removed it for her using nail polish remover, my brother came back home with a box of 100 alcohol swabs. -.-
I think I have turned into a personal (grocery) shopper.
Which is a good thing, though.
I get to go out. And buy stuff. ^^v
I gotta go get ready now.
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Monday, June 21 @ 9:28:00 AM
You'll be my American boy.
Its been a long time since I posted.
Yes, 2 days is long. (:
Hmm. I went to Orchard yesterday.
And I bought nothing.
Though, my sisters went on a jewellery shopping spree which involved a lot of walking from ION to Wisma to Taka then back to Wisma then to ION again.
At least they bought things. Four things.
So I didn't waste my energy. ^^v
Facebook is so slow now. ):
I don't know if I'm going out today.
See first.
I want to buy floral foam cos my mum has flowers (that are alive, duh.) and why leave it to die when I can use my "skills" to do something amazing right ? ^^v
Formspring is creepy.
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Thursday, June 17 @ 4:18:00 PM
Never say never.
I dont know why but I like the song "Never say never". The one Justin Bieber sang with Jaden Smith. The voices don't really match, but it's okay.
I'm going to watch Toy Story 3 with Aniq. (Yeah i know right -.-) and Alysha. And my sister. And brother. I'm not really looking forward to it but hey, second movie of the week, free popcorn, free tickets. Yes, how could I resist.
Going Vivo, GVmax.
I know it can't beat the awesome-ness of The Karate Kid.
That movie was just plain awesome.
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Wednesday, June 16 @ 3:09:00 PM
I used to be a damsel in distress.
Oh I found out that my kindergarten friend is in TKSS and is in Huda's class.
Small world, huh ?
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@ 11:18:00 AM
Jump in.
Seoul Garden was awesome ok.
All of us took so much chicken. ^^v
Anyway, after that, we headed to open plaza to take some pictures.
And 4 of them left. So the remaining five, (me, fardiana, clara, thanu, jolin) went to Tampines 1, to walk around. And we were hungry. So we went to J.Co. and bought frozen yoghurt. ^^v
So, after that, we were super bored and really, its only 4pm. -.-
We decided to watch a movie, because Clara said that she has 50 dollars and she "does not need the money anyway." *rolls eyes*
Went over to Tampines Mall. Again.
And there was The Karate Kid, perfect showtime. It was 4.06PM. And the show was at 4.10PM.
Fardiana left, she didn't watch movie with us.
Yes. So the remaining four of us watched the Karate Kid.
Its a really really really nice show ok.
Hahahah Jaden Smith is so cute, the way he does things.
Was supposed to go ice-cream buffet today, but I changed plans.
Because I know I was gonna be home late, so I decided to not go out today.
Sorry Nadiah.
Go out next week or something okayyy.
No, actually I feel like going out today, but I don't know where. ):
I need to return my library books.
Oh never mind.
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Tuesday, June 15 @ 9:37:00 AM
Kissing in the rain.
Fluck, my mum should stop telling me to go to the shop early in the morning.
It only makes me want to go back in my room and sleep.
I was literally half asleep when I went out of my room and all I heard from my mum was "Atin boleh pergi kedai beli (blah blah blah blah blah)." ):
And what's worse is that, when I went to the pasar side of the row of shops, there wasn't any of the groceries my mum told me to buy.
And now she's telling me to get ready because she wants to go pasar.
So much for a rainy morning.
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Monday, June 14 @ 6:26:00 PM
If you break your promise, you'll break my heart.
Hello there.
I like reading Dear John. Its such a nice book.
Yes, it IS possible to cry while reading.
Its so nice. (:
I got bored of the first part, but when I read on, it's actually quite interesting, considering I didn't watch the movie, and the movie is entirely different than the book.
Well, the book is much nicer.
Oh fluck its such a nice book.
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Sunday, June 13 @ 3:41:00 PM
Letters to Juliet.
I want to watch so many movies this/next month I want to know who want to go Movie Marathon with meeee.
I want to watch
- Letters to Juliet
- The Karate Kid
- The Last Airbender
- Toy Story 3 (Hahahah wtf.)
- Eclipse
- Despicable Me

Yes. So anyone up for it ? :D
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Saturday, June 12 @ 10:28:00 AM
My foot is itching.
Badly. ):
Anyway, I plan to finish all my homework today.
And I only left Math homework. There are 25 questions, and I've only done 2.
May be going Orchard later.
Maybe 313 @ Somerset. :D
There's a HUGEEE F21 and Cotton On there. \m/
Yes I'm in my shopping craze now. And its major.
This week flew by. Literally. Really, it did fly by.
I'm updating my Livejournal, Tumblr and this blog.
They say that multitasking makes you die earlier.
I say that that is quite a stupid theory but I don't want to die early. 0.0
Oh gosh. I love this Tumblr theme.
Its so cool. Black background and hotpink words. ♥
I'm gonna find it now.
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Friday, June 11 @ 3:12:00 PM
Shooting stars.
I'm addicted to Airplanes.
And Cotton On.
I went shopping at Cotton On. ^^v
I bought a white cardigan, a turqouise tee and a pistachio green tank top.
The clothes are so tempting. :/
Anyway, while waiting for the bus, I saw Fardiana and Clara.
Woohoo, I can't wait to go to Seoul Garden on Tuesday. ^^
It's been a long, long time.
Oh and for the past half an hour, I was reading the archives of my own blog.
from 2008. Omg how immature.
I had a good laugh.
It was so dumb.
And Christina read my archives too. -.-
Alysha is screaming into her fake Hello Kitty handphone.
*rolls eyes*
How interetsing, right ?
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Thursday, June 10 @ 6:43:00 PM
Tell me how you're supposed to breathe with no air.

Class bonding was....
AWESOME. Really.
Especially the amazing race. My station was awesome.
Me and Natalie ended up looking like ghosts, only Nat had much much much more flour on her.
My Nike bag was flour-ed.
I want to put a Post-It saying "I'M FLOUR-ED. (F.Y.I, that's flour on my hair, not dandruff)"
I didn't put. Hahahaha.
Oh the clothes at Cotton On are so tempting. ):
I want to go shopping tomorrow. :/
Should I ?
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Wednesday, June 9 @ 5:03:00 PM
Need a second to breathe.
Lin Yee's party was awesome. AWESOME.
Tomorrow, class bonding.
I dont know whether to be happy or to dread it.
I created Livejournal.
I wanna bring the SLR to bonding tomorrow.
But I want to bring the G11.
Or maybe my Sony. \o/
Oh shizzles, I've got too many cameras.
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Tuesday, June 8 @ 10:21:00 AM
I think you could save me life.
My thumb hurts.
There's the blood clot thing. -.-
I'm gonna meet Christina at Bedok. Going to find our things for class bonding. :D
Hahahah I'm gonna leave at 10.30AM and walk slowly to the MRT station. And I wanna take the bus.
By the way, anyone know where to buy blindfolds ?
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Monday, June 7 @ 12:01:00 PM
You and me could write a bad romance.
Boring day today.
Actually more of like study day today. :/
I wanna finish off all my homework by this week. Preferably today, or friday. ^^v
Tomorrow's preparation for class bonding is cancelled, Keziah has yet to tell me what to buy for my station. Well, I have decided to go to someone's house and invite them to go 'grocery' shopping for my station game at Parkway. Ohhhh and for my benefit, the whole class fund money is with me so i dont need to use my own money for the grocery shopping idea hehehehe. Yes this is why being (assistant) treasurer in class is fun. ^^v
But it means that we have a budget. Per station. Shit. -.-
Ah nevermind, I'll ask Keziah.
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Sunday, June 6 @ 9:35:00 PM
I ate Magnum Gold again just now.
And the ice cream bar fell on my shirt. -.-
Whoops. ):
I want to have a 6 Humility reunion. ):
Me and Si Nan are drawing on MSN. :/
Hahahah both of us have an obsession with Forever 21. (:
Tomorrow, boring.
Tuesday, class bonding preperations.
Thursday, class bonding.
Friday, home-stoning session.
Yes. I shall go continue my drawing session with Si Nan.
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Friday, June 4 @ 4:38:00 PM
They've got nothing on you.
Hello again.
Tampines with Christina was funnnn. (:
I bumped into like a gazillion people at Tampines Mall. And we saw Claudia with this guy. We were wonering who it was - boyfriend, maybe?
Hahahahah, was her brother.
They look so cute together.
So, epic conversation.
Christina : ......... so she said "I'm so upset you kno-"
Some dude : Would you like to improve your chinese ?
(both of us stares at him, stifling laughter)
Please, I laughed all the way to Coffee Bean.
I'm gonna buy Xperia X10 in September. ^^v
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@ 10:32:00 AM
Everytime I close my eyes.
Did i tell you I loveeee my camera so much?
Hah. Well. Anyway, going to go Tampines with Christina. (:
Meeting her at 12 later.
I want to buy rings. I dont know why. I suddenly feel like it.
Oh, yesterday I stayed awake till 1AM because I was reading "Perfect Shot", which is this very very very typical teenage book where this girl accidentally signed up for a modeling contest just because she has a crush on the photographer intern. So, she got selected for the next few weeks, blah blah blah.
Yeah. It's like America's Next Top Model. Or something like that. (:
But the book is so sweeeeeeet. Hahahaha.
Yesterday, I was bored so I went to the shop. Which led me to wonder how Magnum Gold tastes like. Then, I bought Magnum Gold. Its like, $3.90 but who cares, it's freaking awesome. (Y)
Its super super super super super super super niceeeee. I like it. No, I love it. ♥
Hahaha I feel like eating Frolick later. Or at least J.Co Frozen Yoghurt.
I'm a sucker for Frozen Yoghurt. (:
Facebook is getting more and more boring.
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Thursday, June 3 @ 10:39:00 AM
I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine.

I wanna go out lah. ): So boring ok at home.
Gonna go tampines tmr with Christina. (:
I want to buy rings. (: Idk why. I just want to.
Ah sheesh I need to eat.

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Wednesday, June 2 @ 4:38:00 PM
I'm no superman.
Just came back from Vivo with my cousin.
After TPC, went home. Changed, went to United Square for Swensens.
Then went to my brother's office for like, 15 minutes.
Went to Orchard after that.
Heh. I walked to Wisma alone. -.-
Forever 21. \m/
Haha, bought a wallet for my friend. My sister went to highlight her hair. Walked to the salon. Alone. -.-
I waited while eating pears. (:
I ate three times yesterday.
Once at Swensens, then Anatolia, then home. :D
Anyway, yesterday's TPC went well.
Nice, actually. My sister didnt scream at me or anything.
I'm addicted to Billionare (and Bruno Mars).
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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.