you want
my love
you want my heart
tag please or die

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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Wednesday, July 28 @ 3:48:00 PM
I'm walking through every alley.
It's been a long time since I last blogged.
Natasha is going to help me find for my niece's birthday present tomorrow. But her birthday is in Novemeber -_-
Apparently Poh Heng sells these really nice white gold/gold mickey mouse/winnie the pooh/baby mickey jewellery.
Alysha lost her white gold earring. -_- I'm thirteen and I still have my gold earring that I had since kindergarten.
How can she afford to lose a white gold earring, sheesh.
I still don't know whether to buy her an earring or a necklace. (It's ok I still have 3 months plus to think about it.)
I shall try to keep this blog alive.
Yes all my blogs are dead -_-
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Tuesday, July 20 @ 7:03:00 PM
The chances of finding someone like you.
As you can see, I haven't been using much blogger or Tumblr. -_-
I'm keeping this blog for memories.
I'll try to update it though.
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Wednesday, July 14 @ 7:42:00 PM
I CHANGED PHONE TO THE NOKIA E71 AND I'M CONFUSED. But I still think my phone is precious.
I'm trying to transfer things into my phone. :D
I shall be patient and kind to my new phone. It looks beautiful, duh.
But it's confusing. Looks can be deceiving. Most people who first see it thinks its a Blackberry. O.O
I shall get back to my transfer now k bye.
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Tuesday, July 13 @ 3:40:00 PM
Total eclipse of the heart.
I feel like floating away to some place so far away that nobody can hear me cry.
Two years ago, I was some plain old girl trying to stand up for myself and trying to cope with my own personal problems. I tried doing things other people did and got myself into trouble. My parents began to lose my trust in me and I tried to change my ways, after all, it WAS the PSLE year. I don't like who I was back then. I want to change my past.
Last year, I met new friends, and mixing around with all girls may seem weird to me. The people are different, definitely. The atmosphere is not the same. I didn't feel the same way I did in primary school. I began to get used to it and life returned to normal. I got to know more people. Weird timetables started flowing into place, a new routine. There were friends made on the first day of school who started sitting with me during recess and there were more people with me during recess. It only lasted a few months. Soon, people went their own separate ways, one by one. Finding for their trustworthy friends. Towards the end of the year, I didn't really feel the same way I did when I first entered the school. I changed throughout the year. To me, I changed for the better.
This year, sticking with the same class makes it easier to talk more and to get to know my classmates better. There is a significant difference in most of my classmates. How they act, how they carry themselves, their social circle of friends, etc. Seating arrangements were changed and I got along well with my new partner. I tried mixing around with a different group of friends.
After the June holidays, there were much more differences in people. There were far more changes than the Decemeber holiday period. People start hanging out with a different group of friends. They change their ways, they change their lifestyles.
People start hating others. They ask you out for lunch, but they talk about you when you're not there. Is asking someone out to lunch a new way to start a new topic of their gossip about them ?
They start wondering why you are always with them all the time but they simply forget that they are the one who invited you into this situation.
Now, I don't even know who my true friends are. As time is ticking by, people change.
I want to start searching for my true friends, someone whom I can really trust.
And the search starts now.
Today, I did the worst Math CT in my whole entire Sec 2 life.
I hope they take a retest and give us more time )':
Sorry for the long post I can't scream into a pillow. -_-
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Monday, July 12 @ 4:13:00 PM
I'd love to see LA.
Aniq just woke up and his hair is so cuteeeeee, :D
Oh and I realised that alot of people have hair like Justin Bieber. -_-
There's a Math Common Test tomorrow.
And I bought my Monologue notebook to use as a journal.
So niceeeeeeee. :D
I wanted to buy a Zara shirt that is hotpink yesterday but I thought twice.
I should do my Art homework if not I'm so dead.
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Saturday, July 10 @ 12:22:00 PM
I haven't eat breakfast. ):
I want to buy the Triple Crunch Cereal again. I want to eat cereal but there's no milk.
I don't want to go to the shop to buy milk (because I have a phobia of the shop now hehehe)
Actually I don't mind going but I'm afraid that what happened yesterday will happen again and I have to run all the way home again. Fug.
Hey, but running wasn't so bad. I was only away from home for 5 minutes.
I walked to the shop, rented a movie, and ran all the way home. In 5 minutes.
I could have seriously set a record for my 2.4km run.
It's a miracle my muscles don't ache because I ran thrice yesterday.
Once in school, then from the shop, and then again in the evening.
Ms Hazwani's slow jog was moderately fast. We took 1 min 57 seconds to run one round. That, times 5 and 3/4 rounds. That will be around, 12 minutes if you keep up at that pace.
Which is good. Because an A is 14 minutes.
I need to eat.
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Friday, July 9 @ 4:54:00 PM
Forever is over.
Today I ran back home so fast I swear I could have set a record for my 2.4KM run.
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Thursday, July 8 @ 3:16:00 PM
Fencing today was kinda cool.
The trainer's names were Edward and Jacob, though they teach 2e6. -_-
My class' trainers, I'm not really sure what their names are.
The guy reminds me of my sister's ex-boyfriend.
Fencing is cool, though.
I want to eat. I want to eat. I want to eat.
I got tuition later -_-
I need to wash my face now okay.
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Tuesday, July 6 @ 3:47:00 PM
My first kiss went a little like this.
Today wasn't THAT bad. Only the going back home part was the worse.
I have something against taking 32 home now.
I just wasted my money on two DVDs that Alysha wanted. -_-
I'm eating pulut because its the one closest to rice. My mum haven't cook. )':
Time is flying by so quickly.
Oh and I got pwned yesterday. By my own brother-in-law.
I bought my sister a charm bracelet for her birthday and he came back with a Tiffany and Co. charm bracelet which was 20 times more expensive than mine.
I want to eat and sing and dance and do whatever teenagers do when they come back home from school.
In my case, I stone.
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Monday, July 5 @ 9:16:00 AM
Then going for Limelight. ^^v
Going over to Natasha's house at 12.30 or 1, to see her vest and talk about her fashion crisis. -_-
She wants to wear a vest and I want to wear a vest but we can't both wear vests because we will look identical, because we both are wearing a plain white tee, an identical black skirt and a vest. We will look nearly like twins. Not that it's a bad thing, but come on. You get my point.
I don't know what happened to the long long long posts I made last time.
I used to have nothing to do. -_-
I hope not many people watch Eclipse Digital todayyyy.
So far, not much people.
I don't know what to bring.
I find the definition of Wikipedia so stupid.
"Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit."
Such a giveaway. *rolls eyes*
I'm gonna go bloghop now.
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Sunday, July 4 @ 7:49:00 PM
If I had you.
I'm a teenage girl. A fashion crisis is normal, isn't it ?
I'm doing this while eating Magnum Almond. And its Mini.
I went to Johor yesterday to go grocery shopping and eat at Nando's.
Oh and some dude proposed to a girl in the middle of an empty space in front of Baskin and Robbins, which was wear me and my sisters were sitting and innocently, coincidentally eating ice-cream. ^^v
So cute, right ?
I need to call Nadiah.
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Saturday, July 3 @ 10:16:00 AM
Where is the love.
ITS'S MY 601th POST. (:
I may be going to Johor today -_-
My sister said either Johor or IMM, wtf.
Alysha sprained her ankle. She's only 5.
I'm 13 and I have never sprained my ankle. ^^v
It feels good to wake up later than 6.15AM.
I want to eat.
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Friday, July 2 @ 6:12:00 PM
You can't make up your mind.
Anyway, I had lunch at Banquet with Natasha.
And we bought an umbrella. -_-
Because it was raining super heavily. We got wet and my shoes were wet and damp and moist its disgusting.
We got back to school and I went for CIP at Cherie Hearts, only it was cancelled. -_-
So I spent my time waiting for Natasha at videoworld eating donuts and drinking ice lemon tea.
We (by 'we' i mean Grace, LinYee, Christina and me) played this dumb game of blowing things which started off with an empty pack of JollyJelly! and we ended up using my empty box of donuts.
I got out of breath and ended up having a headache from blowing so much.
I have a pimple.
Yes, we're all human.
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Thursday, July 1 @ 3:30:00 PM
Man in the mirror.
I haven't been posting much since school started, mainly because yesterday, I spent half the day at Orchard. To find for our uniform shop. -_-
Not find, but we spent the time at the uniform shop. At Orchard. What sane person/company opens a uniform shop at Orchard ?
Yes. Well.
And I am officially richer. My allowance came in today.
Oh and I'm doing CIP every week (or fortnightly. I forgot O.O) at Orchard.
Don't run away when you see me, I swear I will chase after you.
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I'm walking through every alley. The chances of finding someone like you. Believe. Total eclipse of the heart. I'd love to see LA. Stars. Forever is over. Three. My first kiss went a little like this. Perfectly.