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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Sunday, January 11 @ 3:00:00 PM
hello again, im done w homework. lol YIPEE.

nyahaha, at last im done w my geog homework. i JUST finished it. SHITTTT, tmr must bring damn lots of books and tmr must bring two ring files. do you know how heavy it is ? VERY. show some sympathy leh. okay, even mondays are one of th worst days of the two weeks. LOL. okay lets get started on th campfire.
on friday i keep on like counting down to th campfire which was apparently at 6.30. nyahaha. and it was a good thing cos NO STUDIES. but time passed very slow like OMGGGGG much. and then th cheer we keep on changing and th class was not very enthusiastic. okay apparently first period all sec 1s were supposed to be in th hall all th way till recess. we had 3 talks. and we were all restless. me, charmaine, evelius and li hsuen were like so LOL, considering we were not really paying attention. charmaine keep on hitting me. like right. oh yeah, FYI, charmaine is a bigger version of ben and th girl version. LOL. as in seriously.
and then everytime th teachers say "i will only take a while." they take like forever to finish their speech and talk or whatever. its sometimes just so plain unfair. okay, SKIP. thn went to have recess. LOL. apparently i ate mee goreng cos got no mee siam. th mee goreng reminds me of th TKPS days. as in seriously, it taste almost th same but TKPS one is nicer. nyahaha. thn we went back to class thn prepare and two periods passed. like WHOOPS. it was super fast and some of th other girls were NOT cooperating. zzzzzz. and thn we just prepared. thn it was lunch.
me, charmaine, jingshi, nancy, jolin and fardiana sat at a table. claudia joined for awhile. charmaine keep on saying tht claudia is so emo. like WTH. evil, whatever. thn i ate spaghetti. jingshi look at my face then she say "not nice uh ?" like LOL she knows my facial expressions so well. haha. thn we ate, nancy went and but some pulut thing. thn she came back to th table and say "i ask th auntie for *idk what it is its in chinese* and she go and give me this. what's this ?" thn me and fardiana read its actually nasi pulut ayam. thn nancy was like, "huh what's tht." thn we translate thn fardiana say "nah, i change for you th name. nasi belut ayam."
thn tht time nancy was eating thn she ask "what's tht?" thn we say chicken rice w snake thn she stopped halfway and thn forget it. thn she cont eating. -.- thn i cant finish th spaghetti cos it doesnt taste nice. thn i put back th plate and nancy was still eating. thn there was once we were waiting for nancy thn fardiana say "so how does belut taste like ?" thn nancy was like "huh ? th chicken ah ?" and thn me and fardiana laughed. LOL.
thn we changed and thn go back to th hall, our class was th only one w bags. DD: thn we did cheers and campfire songs. i LIKE th father abraham song. LOL. thn we do th thousand legged worm. and some others. thn we played games. we had to melt th ice to tale th coin. thn my class must dp penalty cos we broke th ice. only count to twenty so fast also cn. thn go field. we played block chase and one game which involved me being th wettest person. :DDDD
all th other girls pity me sia. i dont understand why. i LOVE being wet. what's wrong w them. rebecca was beside me and she was having fun getting wet, like ME. ((((((((: its just so nice. li hsuen afraid of grass LOL. she dont want to lie down on it. like WTF. thn we go and play some game which is like scissors paper stone but in giants elves and wizards. so YEAH. thn we go th foyer and play some bang game. thn aft tht go back class and show nadiah and th other PSLs what we doing for concert. thn we just practice thn go dinner.
th dinner SUCKS. it is basically rice. with hotdog and a long thing which idk what it is but its edible. and have black pepper chicken. i dont understand why no one ate th black pepper chicken. at least its nicer thn th hot dog. and have no lauk which i think is such a waste. so i ate a little thn i threw away. SUCKER. thn i took th water bottle. LOL. thn go campfire. and thn og hall for concert. and th hall was dark except for side lights. see th fun in th hall at night in th dark.
thn we were like watching other classes performances thn when its 1e4's turn we all change th cheer to TK instead of 1/5. thn have campfire songs and thn halfway my class go backstage and prepare. thn we did th skit first. it was super funny. chi hwee keep on saying th wrong thing. thn when go backstage she laugh like hell sia. thn its th cheer. thn have one part everyone in th hall laughed. LOL. im not going to tell. thn we went back to our place and watch other performances.
and thn seniors also make performance for us. and jeslyn was SUPER ENERGETIC. nyahaha. thn we ended at 8.45 instead. ohyeah, MY CLASS WON SECOND AND GET BEST CHEER.!!!!!!! yipeeeeeeee. thn go back class everyone including th PSLs were screaming in th middle of th night in happiness. esp. nadiah. she was like so delirious. we just jumped at screamed till my voice also like going away. LOL. thn we went back home. i didnt bring my phone so i borrowed jolin's one which was so different from mine even though its sony ericsson its so confusing. i called home and ask my father fetch. while waiting i saw nadiah again. and some others. zzzzzzzzzz.
so YEAH. tht's basically th campfire on friday. woots. nyahaha. my sister from aist is on th phone now. so gtg. byes.

Hold Me Like You Mean It.
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