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I rock and you know it

Hey apple.
I'm Fatin. (and addicted to The Annoying Orange.)
I pretty much look like Cleopatra. Seriously.
I'm still thirteen unlike some people out there who claim they are 21 when they are actually, uhm, 72.
I study. Yes, I study. Any violent objections ?
I go to TKGS and no, I AM NOT LESBIAN.
I'm so fat I look like a pole if I face west.
I'm so tall that I can't even touch the ceiling.
I have the ability to not fall asleep in class. Yes, I know I'm awesome.
Yes, I like fluorescent colours.
You. Better. Remember. December (20th).
I love cameras. Period.
I think Ironman is cool.
Well, okay.
Stop stalking me.


Tumblr Ain Audi Becky Charmaine Choo Charmaine Oh Elena Elysha Fardiana Faustina Guei Yean Huda Jaslyn Jasmine Jovina Lihsuen Nabilah Nabilah Nadiah[A] Nadiah Natasha Nurulain Ronnie Sonia Syadza Tiffany Choo Tiffany Ng Tilda Yan Ting 6 Humility 2e5'10
Sunday, February 22 @ 8:11:00 AM
huda do you know how badly i need to talk to you ?

okay huda this thought is like floating around in my mind from like, yesterday ? i badly need to tell you this lah. okay maybe not so badly but still. okay fine whatever. lets get on.
HELLO PEOPLE OF THE EARTH unless you're alien i welcome you too. ;D
haha, idk why im blogging such an early post this morning. apparently im bored. zzzzz. i cant possibly fall asleep again, and i dont know why. im an early morning person on SUNDAYS ONLY. if its like any other days, i'll tell you to shut up and go away if you wake me up. okay i dont do that.
hmmph. later im going library with my brother and niece. im soooo hoping that th 4 baby blues comics are still there.okay i can borrow 12 books, cos i have 3 cards ? my library card, my ezlink card and my sister's library card [she passed it to me and i dont do fines] haha. okay apparently i must bring a list of books ms karen gave us for reading tomorrow. yeah th books tht i mentioned. the one i havent get.
haha. any book will do lah. but it has to be interesting. i know ms chin has the kite runner but in what way will she pass it to me and i didnt even ask her. anyway it needs to be passed around. haha.
nyahahaha. sorry, sunday mornings are like, crazy what the hell mornings. okay maybe not this one. i didnt even on the tv cos apparently theres no show, wait i think theres japan hour. okay there is. yay house not so quiet. i hate silence. as in the kind of silence that you get when no one is talking in a hollow room. there is this deafening thing. not in PSLEs lah cos psle is like everyone is flipping papers clicking pens. tht is at least not silent. i remember that time i was at audi's house and idk what we were doing we suddenly stopped talking and OMG the silence was totally deafening.
okay whatever. hmmph. i am so bored cos nobody is online at this time. as in there is but like, wth. only have robots and one human being. ONEEEE. you see how irritated i am now ?
okay ytd i had a very sad dream lah. it was soooooo sad okay. you know its only 8 weeks in TKGS and you see how much i've known people alrd. okay maybe not so. this class party i bet its going to be like any other party. i'm not saying its fun or not. im saying its going to be just another ordinary party. im bringing roti kirai [dont say huh if you dont know whats that =.=] yeah, at least its edible for me to eat. whoever who translated roti kirai into net prata, you so dont know your languages lah. haha.
you know sooo much roti kirai is not even like prata in a single sense but still, you put prata. actually roti kirai is roti kirai in english or malay. again from my dictionary. LOL. depends on whether you trust me and the dictionary or not. its been ages since i ate it and i have to wait like 5 days till it comes to school, like OHHHH okay. so this week i obviously not going back to tkps. it finishes at 3.30 or sth. and im so going to be tired after tht. have anyone ever tried jagabee ? like ive never tasted it before, okay im going to th shop.

Saw Someone Looking Our Way.
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hey humanyeah i feel so tired. i played badminton ... i cant believe my history results, ;DDDDyou know i... hello person.hey you. im chatting w nadiah now so ... hello people,i have changed my blogskin and sadly ... hello people, ;Dyeah. i got my name badge alrd ! l... omggg aniq is soooo cute.aniq is soooo handsome ok... you know, some people are just too full of themsel... i got into INTERACT. happy happy.yipeee, i got int... idk my im wearing a hoodie.hellooooo, idk my im we... hello, again. ;Di came back like, 50 mins ago so i...